Eternals (Spoilers)

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you have a god (maybe on the same power level as Kurt Russell's character in Guardians)

Yes, his character, Ego the Living Planet, is/was also a Celestial, and as powerful as Arishem. And Arishem is not the most powerful of the Celestials, from the lists I have looked at, so even he may have a boss, and orders from that boss on what he can and cannot do. I am sure we will find out more in Eternals 2. Assuming these events do not connect into GotG 3 or maybe The Marvels, instead of a direct sequel.


Biological Disaster
I'm conflicted, because I know it's only because of the MCU that Eternals ever got made, but I think Eternals would have been a lot better if it didn't have to be an MCU movie.

Even though it made no sense given what he'd survived just going through, Druig knocking Sprite out with a rock was unexpectedly hilarious.


I'm conflicted, because I know it's only because of the MCU that Eternals ever got made, but I think Eternals would have been a lot better if it didn't have to be an MCU movie.

Even though it made no sense given what he'd survived just going through, Druig knocking Sprite out with a rock was unexpectedly hilarious.
< Insert "I'm so keeping that rock" scene from JourneyQuest . GIF >


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Icarus. I think they even hinted at it earlier in the movie.
Simpsons Thats The Joke GIF


shes a robot and can become human? The power explanations are really poor here. The fight under water she turns one of the monsters into a tree sculpture? If she can turn sprite into a human she cant fix jolies character or bring back the dead characters
They're not robots, they're living beings. They were just constructed instead of born. So it's not turning a robot into a human, it's making tweaks to the biology of a creature that's already close to human.

Sersi specifically says that she has just enough energy left from the power-combo that occurred during the Emergence to make those changes. They're beyond the normal range of her powers.

I'm conflicted, because I know it's only because of the MCU that Eternals ever got made, but I think Eternals would have been a lot better if it didn't have to be an MCU movie.

Even though it made no sense given what he'd survived just going through, Druig knocking Sprite out with a rock was unexpectedly hilarious.
Agreed-ish. I'm ok with it being in the MCU. But it would have been better as a show than as a movie. Deviants are the excuse you use for them being on Earth, but better stories would have come out of what they did while they were here.

You can still have all the plot twists it took them hours to develop in the movie, but by then it's paying things off a setup rather than just trying to make a reason, any reason, for these characters to do anything interesting.


Biological Disaster
Agreed-ish. I'm ok with it being in the MCU. But it would have been better as a show than as a movie. Deviants are the excuse you use for them being on Earth, but better stories would have come out of what they did while they were here.

You can still have all the plot twists it took them hours to develop in the movie, but by then it's paying things off a setup rather than just trying to make a reason, any reason, for these characters to do anything interesting.
Yeah, I also had the feeling that the plot as presented would have worked a lot better as a mini-series. Druig's village and his philosophy could have easily been an entire episode. Phastos's disillusionment with humanity changing after meeting his husband and adopting their son. With more time we could have formed a greater connection with Gilgamesh before he was killed. Hell, Ikaris's conflict between his loyalty to the mission and his love of Sersi. Because yeah, in a mini-series format, his conflict should be clear to the audience a lot earlier so it doesn't feel like an out of left field motivation. Hell, I'd have that reveal (to the audience) in the first or second episode.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
shes a robot and can become human? The power explanations are really poor here. The fight under water she turns one of the monsters into a tree sculpture? If she can turn sprite into a human she cant fix jolies character or bring back the dead characters
You mentioned you were half awake while watching, and the recurring theme through your complaints is that things don't make sense to you while multiple other posters here seemed to have no problem getting these details from the same movie.

Will you consider that the common denominator is you, that all of these points were accessible in the movie and for whatever reason you just didn't pick up on them?

You mentioned you were half awake while watching, and the recurring theme through your complaints is that things don't make sense to you while multiple other posters here seemed to have no problem getting these details from the same movie.

Will you consider that the common denominator is you, that all of these points were accessible in the movie and for whatever reason you just didn't pick up on them?
point taken

like i said i didnt find it that interesting compared to similiar movies. i went into the movie totally blind to their lore . There still no standout performance for the cast, the villians are basic, certain characters really have no role in the movie, you are given no real reason to care for any of them. it seems to be a trend in recent Disney produced marvel movies (spiderman is not a disney movie?). Is there even a wow moment to the movie?

Voidrunner's Codex

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