Eternals (Spoilers)


barely awake as it wasnt that good of a movie Sirsi as a transmuter was just silly . Why didnt she just turn her into an adult
Because she wants Sprite to grow up, not just be an adult. There's a whole process thing.

you have a god (maybe on the same power level as Kurt russells character in Guardians) and yet the god being allows one of it own kind to die. this god being creates these super robots and cant control at 1 point animal deviants

The plot actually reminds me of the cosmic side of World of Warcraft lore.

In the Warcraft universe, there are a number of cosmic forces: Light, Disorder, Death, Void, Order, and Life. Titans are planetary-scale cosmic beings of Order, and are born from planetary world souls (only a very small number of planets have these). Azeroth, the planet on which most of the game takes place, is host to one of these world souls, one that has the potential to be much more powerful than the rest of the Titan pantheon. However, when the Titans first discovered Azeroth, the planet had been infested with creatures of Void, called Old Gods, which were in the process of corrupting the nascent world soul, which would be Bad.

So the Titans' first reaction was of course "Nope", and one of them reached down to destroy one of the Old Gods. This succeeded (sort of – there were still remnants around that caused problems), but in the process the planet was gravely damaged which of course was not good for the world soul. So the Titans instead moved to plan B, which was to build a whole bunch of smaller constructs imbued with some of their power, who then went on to actually defeat the Old Gods and their minions and imprison them. These constructs were not simple automatons, but had wills and minds of their own (it wouldn't do to have the titans micro-manage them, after all).

The parallels to Eternals should be obvious. Arishem can't realistically deal with the problems of nascent Celestials himself, both because he has other things to do, and because it is hard for him to act on that level. So he builds Eternals to deal with the problem, and he makes them autonomous and sapient because they are more useful without him micromanaging them – he's got stellar nurseries to run, after all. This means they have wills and personalities of their own, which normally isn't a problem, and since he resets them after each run it usually works fine.

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Because she wants Sprite to grow up, not just be an adult. There's a whole process thing.

The plot actually reminds me of the cosmic side of World of Warcraft lore.

In the Warcraft universe, there are a number of cosmic forces: Light, Disorder, Death, Void, Order, and Life. Titans are planetary-scale cosmic beings of Order, and are born from planetary world souls (only a very small number of planets have these). Azeroth, the planet on which most of the game takes place, is host to one of these world souls, one that has the potential to be much more powerful than the rest of the Titan pantheon. However, when the Titans first discovered Azeroth, the planet had been infested with creatures of Void, called Old Gods, which were in the process of corrupting the nascent world soul, which would be Bad.

So the Titans' first reaction was of course "Nope", and one of them reached down to destroy one of the Old Gods. This succeeded (sort of – there were still remnants around that caused problems), but in the process the planet was gravely damaged which of course was not good for the world soul. So the Titans instead moved to plan B, which was to build a whole bunch of smaller constructs imbued with some of their power, who then went on to actually defeat the Old Gods and their minions and imprison them. These constructs were not simple automatons, but had wills and minds of their own (it wouldn't do to have the titans micro-manage them, after all).

The parallels to Eternals should be obvious. Arishem can't realistically deal with the problems of nascent Celestials himself, both because he has other things to do, and because it is hard for him to act on that level. So he builds Eternals to deal with the problem, and he makes them autonomous and sapient because they are more useful without him micromanaging them – he's got stellar nurseries to run, after all. This means they have wills and personalities of their own, which normally isn't a problem, and since he resets them after each run it usually works fine.
It makes you wonder..what is Arishem doing with all that time on his hands? Like what is a celestial workday? We know what Ego's day looked like, and it sure doesn't seem like something the universe could do without.

Maybe Arishem is more productive. Like when he isn't mind wiping Eternals, he's filling out TPS reports or something.


A suffusion of yellow
It makes you wonder..what is Arishem doing with all that time on his hands? Like what is a celestial workday? We know what Ego's day looked like, and it sure doesn't seem like something the universe could do without.

Maybe Arishem is more productive. Like when he isn't mind wiping Eternals, he's filling out TPS reports or something.

the Celestials have something to do with directing the branching of multiverses and experimenting to see how things develop once changes are made. The universe is a petri dish and they are the participant-observer

they also have quite a few wars to deal with from their rebelious experimental subjects


the Celestials have something to do with directing the branching of multiverses and experimenting to see how things develop once changes are made. The universe is a petri dish and they are the participant-observer
I'm guessing they weren't fans of the TVA either then ... ;)


It makes you wonder..what is Arishem doing with all that time on his hands? Like what is a celestial workday? We know what Ego's day looked like, and it sure doesn't seem like something the universe could do without.

Maybe Arishem is more productive. Like when he isn't mind wiping Eternals, he's filling out TPS reports or something.
Building new stars and developing new Eternals and Deviants are long-term projects, but they probably still provide plenty to do each day.

Building new stars and developing new Eternals and Deviants are long-term projects, but they probably still provide plenty to do each day.
I guess it must if you can't put it down long enough to prevent billions of years of work being flushed down the toilet.

Or maybe Arishem just missed a memo. Either way, I think its a safe bet their boss is gonna need them to come in on Saturdays for a while.


Building new stars and developing new Eternals and Deviants are long-term projects, but they probably still provide plenty to do each day.
I had a vague memory, so did a quick search. In the comics there are a total of 35 known Celestials. That's 35 beings to shepherd all of the inhabited worlds that they monitor. Even being near omnipotent and near omniscient, that's a lot to keep straight. They might only deal with a particular world every few million years.

How do they matchup vs Thanos? Does the infinity gauntlet not work on them? Yes i heard them mention that they didnt interfere but could it have worked on them? they didnt seem concerned

Was the Domo one of the weakest starships seen on tv? in the comics does their ship have defenses?


I had a vague memory, so did a quick search. In the comics there are a total of 35 known Celestials. That's 35 beings to shepherd all of the inhabited worlds that they monitor. Even being near omnipotent and near omniscient, that's a lot to keep straight. They might only deal with a particular world every few million years.
Given that Ego's whole mass-worlds-conversion scheme (which would presumably have absorbed any embryonic Celestials within those worlds, including Earth) passed them by, and he's a Celestial too, they're certainly rather short of omniscient.


Given that Ego's whole mass-worlds-conversion scheme (which would presumably have absorbed any embryonic Celestials within those worlds, including Earth) passed them by, and he's a Celestial too, they're certainly rather short of omniscient.
Near omniscience.

Unless Ego didn't care and/or Celestials are capable of hiding things from each other. Ego's name isn't ironic.

Voidrunner's Codex

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