Eternals (Spoilers)


Because . . . genre.
My counter to your counter is that the MCU is no longer set up as a series of self contained movies. Each movie sets up a piece and continues the grander "MCU".

When a film noir movie occurs, it operates under the rules of film noir....which is fine. But all of these movies operate in the same scope, with a "quasi realistic earth". Aka some measure of logic is meant to be applied.

In one film we establish that a group of super heroes will unite to face a large threat. Then in the next movie, against a threat that is equal or even greater than the previous one, no one makes a phone call. In a series of individual movies that are intended to be completely stand alone, I can respect that.... but not in an MCU where other characters are literally referenced by name. These people know the other people exist, heck are often colleagues with them. So the idea that these relatively smart people wouldn't make the very logical and smart call to bring in some big players when the world is about to blow up.... that just really strains credibility.

The same thing with the celestials. Its established that the celestials have a plan that can be comprehended, at the end of the day its a pretty simple plot.... grow a new celestial by absorbing all the people on a planet. So the celestial seems to act in a reasonably logical way. So again this makes the extremely illogical decisions just that much more obvious. If they had gone with "the celestials are just inscrutible in their logic and ways"....ok, that works for me, I can respect that ungodly powerful and utterly alien beings wouldn't have any thought process like my own.

Now again I can strain my disbelief, but the movie keeps hammering it in. For example, I could think "okay they are machines, but they kind of grow in their own unique and special ways which is why they are all different, like a baller fractal pattern". Except then the movie tells me "we built the eternals to have no deviation and be just exactly what we want"... which tosses my rationalizations out the window. The movie on the one hand tells me Eternals are cookie cutter....but then gives me a diverse and unique cast because......because?

Now the Eternals is certainly not the only MCU movie that has this problem, and plenty of nonMCU movies have this issue as well. But ultimately for me in part its the enjoyment factor. When I am super engrossed in a movie, I ignore the nitpicks. When I'm sitting in my chair kind of bored....nitpicks is all I can think about. For example the new Spiderman has plenty of actual issues when you dig into it....but I don't care, it was fun, thoughtful, emotional, and a great I ignored those things and moved on. Eternals for me just moved a bit too slowly.

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My counter to your counter is that the MCU is no longer set up as a series of self contained movies. Each movie sets up a piece and continues the grander "MCU".

When a film noir movie occurs, it operates under the rules of film noir....which is fine. But all of these movies operate in the same scope, with a "quasi realistic earth". Aka some measure of logic is meant to be applied.

In one film we establish that a group of super heroes will unite to face a large threat. Then in the next movie, against a threat that is equal or even greater than the previous one, no one makes a phone call. In a series of individual movies that are intended to be completely stand alone, I can respect that.... but not in an MCU where other characters are literally referenced by name. These people know the other people exist, heck are often colleagues with them. So the idea that these relatively smart people wouldn't make the very logical and smart call to bring in some big players when the world is about to blow up.... that just really strains credibility.

The same thing with the celestials. Its established that the celestials have a plan that can be comprehended, at the end of the day its a pretty simple plot.... grow a new celestial by absorbing all the people on a planet. So the celestial seems to act in a reasonably logical way. So again this makes the extremely illogical decisions just that much more obvious. If they had gone with "the celestials are just inscrutible in their logic and ways"....ok, that works for me, I can respect that ungodly powerful and utterly alien beings wouldn't have any thought process like my own.

Now again I can strain my disbelief, but the movie keeps hammering it in. For example, I could think "okay they are machines, but they kind of grow in their own unique and special ways which is why they are all different, like a baller fractal pattern". Except then the movie tells me "we built the eternals to have no deviation and be just exactly what we want"... which tosses my rationalizations out the window. The movie on the one hand tells me Eternals are cookie cutter....but then gives me a diverse and unique cast because......because?

Now the Eternals is certainly not the only MCU movie that has this problem, and plenty of nonMCU movies have this issue as well. But ultimately for me in part its the enjoyment factor. When I am super engrossed in a movie, I ignore the nitpicks. When I'm sitting in my chair kind of bored....nitpicks is all I can think about. For example the new Spiderman has plenty of actual issues when you dig into it....but I don't care, it was fun, thoughtful, emotional, and a great I ignored those things and moved on. Eternals for me just moved a bit too slowly.
If the origin of the Eternals as forcefully evolved and empowered early humans had been kept intact, instead of this change for.... reasons?, then the differing powers of the individual characters would have been far less of an issue, I suspect.


My main problem was that basically Arishem and Tiamut came across as discount Galactus, with the Eternals filling in for both the Silver Surfer and the Fantastic Four. And it seems really weird for Marvel to be doing a discount Galactus story.


Well, some of my thoughts.

Does this mean that Thanos...was the good guy?

If we take it that his "brother" we see at the end of the movie credits is an eternal...would that mean Thanos was ALSO an "eternal"

If Thanos was an eternal and discovered this plot to destroy entire civilizations by having celestials destroy them in their births, than it would be logical if he could reduce the population sizes...he could at least delay, if not deny, the birth of the celestials and the destruction of civilizations.

Of course, it wasn't that brilliant (as many pointed out, it just delays the inevitable)...BUT, he figures this out and figures that in order to REALLY succeed he actually has to wipe everything out and start anew (endgame)...with that in mind (though it is in theory worse than what the Celestials do) he might be able to break the pattern by destroying the Celestials outright and creating a universe with intelligent life where no Celestial pattern is around.

Thus, if we view it in that odd could mean that Thanos was a little bit of a way???

Thanos was the good guy???

PS: On the movie itself...I found it kind of boring. I'm not sure why, I just found my mind constantly wandering and me wanting to do other things than watch the movie.
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For me, it's that the main character doesn't make a choice at the end that she couldn't make at the beginning.

In their intro movies, Iron Man, Thor, Spidey, Doctor Strange, and Black Panther each get humbled, which gives them perspective. Captain Marvel realizes she's been gas-lit and doesn't have to prove anything to the people she once was subservient to. The Guardians of the Galaxy realize their petty selfishness is going to get a lot of innocent people hurt, and they decide to give a naughty word for a change.

(Captain America is basically the perfect human in his first movie, but in his second movie he gets disillusioned about working for the powers that be.)

But about the only thing about Sersi that changes in Eternals is her knowledge of the situation, and her ability to use her powers. She doesn't undergo that much of a change, right? Her morals stay the same.

I think to fix that, you could maybe have Sersi be the one interacting with the smart deviant?
You're right, but.

It turns out not all stories have to have that. (somebody elsewhen asked and I looked it up). Captain Kirk of nuTrek being used as an example. He thought he was right and it turns out he was right. Everybody else had to change, to accept his rightness.

Just an example.

It's also possible you've misdiagnosed her arc. She went from not being the leader, powerful, or significant (literally the example she gave of her powers made it sound so lame). Even when anointed by Ajak as the NewBoss, she didn't accept it and others questioned it. For an enlightened bunch, I puzzled over why Kingo and Sprite clung to Might makes Right doctrine to support Icaris as leader. Granted, they were biased. :)


My main problem was that basically Arishem and Tiamut came across as discount Galactus, with the Eternals filling in for both the Silver Surfer and the Fantastic Four. And it seems really weird for Marvel to be doing a discount Galactus story.
I was gonna say this felt like a Galactus thing, especially when Arishem showed up at the end....

Overall, the move was OK. I liked the diverse cast. I wish Kingo hadn't not just quit and left, but came back (somebody said he returned, I didn't see it). I liked him the best, so this heel turn sucked.

The valet was awesome, and I would hope his footage would be released, and thus explain the whole thing to Earth.

I am not keen on massive defacements of the planet. Like Chairface carving his name on the moon, it just looks silly.

I assume Dane is going to become Captain Brittain or something? Guessing that's excalibur and he's a descendant of Arthur.

The whole Eros, brother of Thanos just sounded stupid. I'm sure it's from the comics, but stupid sounding stuff sounds stupid. An aborted character intro and a stupid one is not what we need in these clip scenes. Give us bits that hint at the next actual problem. Like Thanos grumbling in his chair or Yelena finding out who killed her sister.


Mod Squad
Staff member
For an enlightened bunch, I puzzled over why Kingo and Sprite clung to Might makes Right doctrine to support Icaris as leader.

Thousands of years where their highest priority was fighting might have had something to do with it. We can add to that how he seems to have been Ajak's right hand for most of that time, such that the assumption would have been that he'd take command. Choosing Sersi was a surprise, and there was no explanation, making it harder to accept.

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