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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


OOC: OK, so that didn't work. Ran out of space. Spoilers are written by typing:

(sblock=Spoiler Title) Spoiler Contents... ... (/sblock)

but you use brackets "[]" instead of parentheses.

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Son of Meepo

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The tavern doors swing open again. Eyes gradually slide down the open doorway until they square up with a halfling. His handsome face wears a confident smile. His weapons (a rapier on his left hip, a sling on his right, and a dagger in a boot sheath) and armor are either brand new or very well cared for. The supple leather bares no cracks and is nearly silent as he strides right up to the bar.

"Heya barkeep! Gimme a mug of your smoothest mead. None of that swill you'd serve to those too green or too drunk to know the difference," he says, eying the half-elf who looks like he might be a bit new to the area.

He seems to emanate an almost palpable aura of reassurance, a serene calm that actually sharpens your focus and takes a bit of the edge off your buzz.

OOC: Finnean Fairhand Halfling Ardent|Rogue (hybrid) has entered the tavern.
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First Post
A small rogue walks right up to the bar and gets comfortable, Jesse admired his confidence and started studying him.
*Hmm, a tiny little man! This is very interesting, I've seen pictures in books but this is my first time seeing one up close. He looks friendly enough...*

"Hmm, I wonder if he'll get mad if I call him 'little man'..." Jesse muttered, just loud enough for the halfling to hear "Oh no, did I say that out loud? I didn't mean to! Um-uh, I..uh, it's the first time I've met a halfling, that's all."

[sblock=OOC]Wow, thanks for the experience. And are there any campaigns around the corner?[/sblock]
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First Post
A small orb of light crashes through the tavern door and hovers for a moment before darting out again. Moments later a man of avarage stature and size steps through the door. He surveys the room with his indigo eyes, taking note of each denizen. He rubs he short kept beard with his hand, the black tattoos on his forearm visible beneath the rolled up sleeves of his mantled robe.

"Pleanty of nightmares here Gallindan, this will do just fine."

A feary like creature hovers from behind him, it's dark blue wings shimmiring as they fluttered. The tiny being landed on the larger's shoulder, dawning a similar robe except in the softest white with small blue scripture on the chest. On closer inspection the figure greatly resembles a miniture eladrin with long blond hair and some transparency to it's entire figure. After a few seconds of looking around Gallindan lets out a series of clicks and hisses at his carrier.

"I suppose you right." He says as he walks over to the bar. As he approaches a stool it slides it beneath him he waves the bar tender over. "Give me..." he pauses for a moment in deliberation of his order. After a moment finishes "anything really, cheapest thing here in fact."

The barkeep gives him a look that suggests the cheapest thing is not a common selection here. He promptly brings a mug full of cloudy brown liquid and sets in in front of the man, carefull not to hit the small eladrin.

"The name is Myrodis. Any work to be had around here for a mage?" he asks as he straightens out his dark violet robe.

"Sure nuff'." He replied as he wiped down the counter top and walked away.

"Well Gallindan" Myrodis says as he waves his hand over his drink, the dark liquid briefly glowing with arcane energy. "Seems we may be here a while. Might as well have a drink that doesn't taste as bad as it looks."

Hello All! This is Myrodis Epsion, my second character.
He is a lvl 1 Human Illusion Wizard. He is still unapproved.

For those who can read elvish and see Gallindan, the markings on his robe read as bellow.
[sblock=Gallindan's Marking]
The markings translate into a single word, "Remembered"
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First Post
"That looks...icky, are you sure you want to drink that? In fact, I think it's mud" Jesse said to the newcomer. Well one of them, anyway. His eyes flitted to the glowing small...thing. "You're a fine thing, aren't you? I really like your wings."

Turning back to the man and asked, "What does 'remembered' refer to? Care to elaborate? What was it that had to be 'remembered'?" Jesse looked at the man earnestly, awaiting an answer.


First Post
"That looks...icky, are you sure you want to drink that? In fact, I think it's mud" Jesse said to the newcomer. Well one of them, anyway. His eyes flitted to the glowing small...thing. "You're a fine thing, aren't you? I really like your wings."

Turning back to the man and asked, "What does 'remembered' refer to? Care to elaborate? What was it that had to be 'remembered'?" Jesse looked at the man earnestly, awaiting an answer.

Myrodis looks at the eladrin, then his drink, then Gallindan before staring back at the inquisitive stranger. He felt a confusing mix of offense and amusement at the sudden barrage of questions.

"Myrodis" he says before taking a short pause. "Where I'm from we start with names." lifting the mug off the counter with one hand he points at the miniture eladrin with the other. "This is Gallindan, and hes an eladrin...of sorts. He ummm, helps me remember people's fears." Gallindan nods his head and swivels his hand as he's mentioned.

Taking a swig of his drink he sets the mug back down and looks at the boggy liquid with content. "And this here is the finest mud there is too be had." he says through a smirk, impressed with his own prestidigitation spell.

If you can beat a 14 bluff check, you know that...
[sblock= Bluff] Although Gallindan does help Myrodis with remebering others fears, that is not why his robe reads remembered.[/sblock]
Aslo, Gallindan is no longer glowing. He was glowing when he first entered but stopped when he left to get Myrodis.


First Post
"I'm Jesse, I've never been out in the true world before. Tomes and books were my only friend. I lived in a tower," the tiefling said thickly.

"I really wish he was sparkly again. And if he helps people remember bad things, why does it say 'remembered' and not 'remember'. Using past tense is wrong, my books said so. And why not something more sinister like 'FEAR ME', that'd be much more fun too."

"My master said that the people in the outside world are baaaaad people. Now I wonder if she was just scaring me? Everyone I've met so far have been nice. Except for that meanie bartender." Jesse squints his eyes at the bartender.

Jesse's head starts to smoke and burst into flame. Despite that, no heat comes from it and the flames lick at him harmlessly. The fire continues to dance and the tiefling stares at the bartender relentlessly.

[sblock=OOC]Jesse has been re-written twice in rapid succession. He is now a wizard tiefling. (This is final xD)[/sblock]

[sblock=Bluff Check]This is my first roll ever :D IT FAILED T_T

By the way, I'm curious too. Not just Jesse. Can I get another shot or something?[/sblock]
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A tall, blue-scaled dragonborn ducks his head to clear the door frame as he steps slowly into the smoky, bustling common room, carrying a large chest on which he has scratched his name.[sblock=Chest]
[/sblock]He is unarmored and unarmed, wearing a white tunic with a hemprope belt around which is tied a small purse.

He is not young for a dragonborn, but his body has the muscular build of one who's worked on a blacksmith's forge. His talon claws are rough and chipped. His wrists and arms bear several burn scars and healed lacerations.

He looks at the sign 'encouraging' patrons to give their name as they enter and grimaces awkwardly. Turning back to the room, he addresses the crowd in a rolling bass, "My name's Ixenvalignat, but you can call me Firebyrne if that twists your tongue a little less." His voice is strong but humble, revealing a tinge of uncertainty.

He walks over to the bar and takes a stool, placing his chest under his feet, "Just an amber ale, thanks."

The bartender places a filled mug in front of Ixenvalignat, which the dragonborn receives gratefully. He turns and smiles to the others at the table, lifting his mug in a friendly toast, and swallows his drink down.

Turning around to face the room, he wipes the foam from his mouth and proceeds to take an inventory of the patrons. His eyes spy a seasoned dwarf sitting at a table with a motley crowd, causing the dragonborn's eyes to focus more intently, then he shakes his head as one who has, for a moment seen hope and lost it once more.
OOC: Ixenvalignat: Level 1 male dragonborn warlord


First Post
The doorway to the Hanged Man swings open, accompanied by the gust of wind as an ill-tempered dwarf enters. With one eye glaring – the other missing completely scarred socket uncovered – the dwarf appears to look over the tavern’s patrons, almost as if sizing them up, before heading to the bar.

With normal dwarven enthusiasm, he marches towards the bar and the nearest pint of ale. ”Ale, barkeep! An’ make it a TRUE dwarven brew, if’n you have it. None of that elfin, squished berry cider” The bartender has to look around before noticing the stout, but short dwarf whose head barely clears the top of the bar.

Drink in hand; he turns to stand before those gathering at the bar. With a harrumph, he clears his throat, politely covering his mouth with a closed fist, ”Alright, listen up. Me name’s Captain Rogar an’ I’m looking to hire some folk to sail with me a bit. I’ll not discuss the details here at the bar,” looking rather suspiciously at a couple of the unsavory-type patron’s at the bar, then glares at the barkeep. ”If yer wantin’ to hear moar, follow me to that table yonder and we’ll talk a spell. Make a decision quickly, I can only take on 5 or 6 of you, so its first come first serve”. He says, thrusting his mug towards the dimly lit corner HERE. And without another word stomps over and sits, back to the wall.

Finally got approval for this adventure!
1st level only
Head to the new thread and announce yourselves.

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