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Exalted Deeds Versus Vile Darkness, the Final Confrontation!


First Post
[ooc: No problem, I know this is a chaotic mess and very difficult to run, thank you for your excellent work so far.]

*Aekir freezes for a moment.*


*He hesitates and then moves.*

Realizing they can't take too much more of the magical pounding the wizard is delivering, Aekir moves across the wall to the doorway. Depending on how big the doorway is, he will attempt to keep moving and get close enough to the wizard to hold an action and attack (30ft move) to disrupt a spell or he will turn into a moth (as a free action) and move close as he can, preparing next round to attack. If the doorway is not large enough for him to move through with people standing in front of it. He is still full moving silently

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Ralam Human Rogue 5 / Assassin 7

Hm, these god-lickers are more potent than anticipated. Perhaps it is time to execute our backup plan.

Here's a nice buffer to make the do-gooders wonder what I'm up to. No change in Ralam's intent.
lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala :]

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Isida Kep'Tukari said:
As Gwyn finds himself floating in gray blankness, he hears a harsh, vile whisper. "Do you choose to rise again and fight mine enemies and yours? Do you with the power for revenge?"

"Die and disappear, or rise and taste the heart's blood of my enemies? A choice too easy for comfort, but an irresistable one nonetheless. Give me revenge, and I will repay my debt.


First Post
The shadow of a smile can be seen for a moment on Saint Norin's face. Back at the monastery he learned many things from tigers. It is now time to see if he learned well. With fluid and quick movements, he tries to catch the beast off guard and to stun it with a kick behind its ear.

Stats as above, stunning attack on the tiger.
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First Post
Torr snarls in annoyance and frustration...and a lot of pain.


Torr decides that further attacks on the (Norin) chap will likely be futile and he desperately wants to remove someone from the fight. He changes his focus to Sebastian and performs a full attack sequence on him (claw, claw, bite, rake, rake). With his haste action, he will then withdraw in a single move (no AOO, if I recall) toward the right side of the room as it appears on the map.



Sylinda of the forest

Sylinda glances around trying to find whatever it is that assails her companion.

OOC: If Sylinda is able to see who is attacking Lyssia she will attempt to assist. If not she will cast Summon Natures Ally VI - taking the option of 1d3 level 5 creatures. Not exactly sure whats available, but the first preference would be air elementals, the second dire animals. Ideally, she would like the first to appear in the south east corner, the second about 25 feet to the northwest and the third about 25 feet back to the southwest making a rough triangle (if she gets three) she gets.


First Post
Well, if Darren can only see the tiger, he'll
Move to hopefully flank the tiger with one of the paladins and deliver a sneak attack. Simple, but it's his schtick.

Isida Kep'Tukari

OOC - I edited in Darren's sneak attack against Torr last round. Torr is now at 24 hit points.

makes a gesture and warps her appearance into that of the Baroness, making another simple gesture for Ghost to come to her

*Lyssia move away from her invisible source of pain. Seeing the Baroness behind the screen, Lyssia can see she's clutching her hands to her bosom and screaming to wake the dead. "Hold on my lady!" Lyssia cries, and lashes out with more rays of light at Torr.*

*Nessa lets loose with a spell of magic missile at the huge tiger, the five bolts of light slamming into him.*

Gwyn finds vision returning to him, the scent of his own charred flesh stinking in his nostrils as a semblance of life returns to his body. He finds he can move, no longer feeling the need to breathe, no longer hearing his blood pound in his ears. The Phoenix Knight's back is to you, but you're also right next to another of the do-gooders

[Action paused to allow people to react to new circumstances]


[OOC -
Ssessarina - 26
Lyssia - 25 [L]
Nessa - 24 [N]
Gwyn - 23 [G] (shaken, and currently deceased at -17hp)
[Action Paused]
Torr - 22 [T] (shaken)
Sebastion - 21[Se]
Staeven - 20
Ralam - 18 [R]
Darren - 15 [D]
Aekir - 12 [A]
Ghost - 11 [Gh]
Norin - 10 [No]
Sylinda - 9 [Sy]

s - screen
d - doorway
---- - wall
~ - 5'

Italics mean that someone is invisible, hidden, or otherwise concealed. Please do not make use of this information if you don't know it otherwise. :)

Ssessarina screams, casts a spell, and continues observations for a death attack on Staeven. Lyssia moves towards Torr and hits a ranged touch attack of 25 (including the penalties for negative levels) for 26 points of damage, staggering Torr. Nessa hits Torr with magic missiles for 14 points of damage.]
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Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Gwyn prepares to bolt out the door, if attention is turned to him; if all of the do-gooders leave the room in pursuit of his erstwhile companions, he will instead assume the form of Lydia and slip out of the castle.


Sylinda of the Forest

ooc: From the map it appears that Aekir would have passed pretty close to Sylinda to get through the door. He might be hard to see, but was there a chance of hearing him pass by - a bootfall, a clink of armour? Can't help hoping for the chance at a crack at him, give the amount of hurt the wretch has been laying on us. Just thought I would ask.

Sylinda spins around at the cry from Nessa. The blossoming telltale wounds and Nessa's paniked retreat are enough to tell Sylinda that her quarry has moved.

Yes. Sylinda calls down a column of flame centered on the spot that Nessa stood just moments before.

ooc: Cast Flame Strike.

Voidrunner's Codex

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