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Excursion to Gronar's Tomb (Full)


Tym Therendale Human Bard

Tym notices the Gnome's activity with some interest. After finishing his set he wanders past the notices on his way to the bar for a fresh ale. He scans the Gnome's posting quickly. House Sivis...I knew some of those guys back in my scribe days before the war. Pretty stuffy beurocratic lot for Gnomes. He looks at the bored patrons in the Drunken Dragon and thinks wistfully of the meager contents of his pouch. How much more of this place can I stand? There has to be something more. They want experienced adventurers that would suggest action... As he drinks his ale he thinks about which of his past exploits, suitably embelished of course, will make the best tale if the Gnome wants to know about his past. He banters with the barkeep a bit as he gets his thoughts in order. Wouldn't do to appear over eager. With a final swallow of ale he makes his way to the Gnome's table. Once he catches the Gnomes eye he bows slightly and in his most confident voice says, "Tym Therendale, adventurer extrodinare at your service sir."

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While listening to Tym as he plucks at his mandolin, Jem sits at her corner table and quietly sips her wine. As she surveys the room, she senses something in the air. Something's different tonight... but what... Trying to pinpoint her feeling of ... what exactly ... unease? ... excitement? ... anticipation? ..., she almost doesn't notice that Tym finished playing moments ago and has stopped to read a notice. Hmmm... something has come between Tym and his ale? Intriguing... she wonders wryly.

After watching him then drink his ale in a distracted manner, her eyes narrow, observing him then head across the room to speak to a ... gnome? Definitely intriguing ... looks a bit like ... intrigue even! Eyes glowing, she jumps up from her chair and deftly makes her way over to the gnome's table, in time to hear the last part of Tym's sentence. With her friendliest smile, she quips, "and his faithful sidekick, Jem."


Hmmm, that ale is preety good, although not as good as the malt beer in Korranberg but finally a good ale. think Grotzkoshter to himself while watching a human playing a mandolin. he takes out a scroll from his bag, something about "how to craft items and insert magic into them" that he loaned from the local library.

Attention Adventurers,
Adventurers sought for expedition sponsored by house Sivis. See the gnome who posted this message for arrangements. Inexperienced adventurers need not apply.

Grotzkoshter raise his eyes, House Sivis? hmmm... he jumps from his chair and throw a coin to the maid and smiles. he walks to the gnome, tumbling through the human that played the Mandolin moment ago. Hello fellow gnome, my name is Grotzkoshter the Magnificent, I'm hailing from House Sivis that sits in Korranberg, Zilargo. Tell me, what buisness do you seek and I'll see if i can help.

OOC: you can call me Grotz


Having been in Sharn for two weeks now, Durak was ready for a drink after his tour of the Pavillion of the Host. Not exactly what he was expecting, but a worthy house of worship. However, the old fool leading the tour kept prattering on about the "sin" of drink and consumption of decadence, and Durak, being himself, vowed to get drunk this evening.

The place is quiet; too quiet, perhaps. He notices a few customers, but none that seem to stand out.

Once the gnome walks in, and posts his notice, Durak sees the others scanning the note, then walk over to where the gnome has stationed himself. His curiousity getting the better of him, Durak meanders over to read the post.

Expedition, eh? he says to himself. This might be a good distraction for a bit.

He makes his way over to the others, introducing himself.

"Evening, all. The name's Durak." He turns to the gnome who posted the sign. "Tell me more about this 'Expedition', my friend. My services are at your disposal."


Tym Human Bard

Tym is uncharacteristically surprised by the sudden arrival of Jem and the tumbling Gnome. He recovers quickly, "Indeed Jem and I have experienced some most harrowing adventures together during the war." He is comforted by Jem's arrival, he doesn't complete trust her, as no human completely trusts one of her sort, but better to have a familiar--face isn't really the right term for a changeling--comrad, along for a journey into the unknown. He thinks better of making a negative comment about the Gnome's rudeness. These little buggers are think as thieves. It wouldn't do to blow my chance over a minor slight.


First Post
Kamvul ir'Vadaya

Kamvul, sitting on his customary stool at the bar, drains the last of the Aundairian cider ale from his mug.

"Not bad Elros", burps the Cyran warrior. "Not bad at all".
"Better than the Talentia cider?", replies a melodical voice across the bar.
"I'd say", says Kamvul, "Those halflings need to stick to their Glidewings and leave the ale making to the rest of the continent."
The bartender, a tall and slender figure, laughs amused. "Well, my friend, you would know."

Looking around the bar that was basically his second home, his eyes come to rest on the figure up on the stage.
"Who's the bard, Elros?"
Elros looks up from polishing a shot glass, his elven gaze joining Kamvul's.
"Some gent named 'Therendale'. He started last night. Crowd seems to like him ok. He sang a ballad about Cyre last night, it brought a tear to my eye. Too bad you missed it."
"I was busy", came Kamvul's shorter than average retort. "Was he that good?"
"He's a little better than the average entertainment that comes here." states Elros
"That's worth a drink then."

Kamvul looks around the room and notices a couple new faces. Faces that had never been here before. A dwarven priest, a gnome wizard or something, and a comely human woman. Kamvul starts to ask Elros about them when a gnome walks in and posts a note on the public announcement board.
What is this? he thinks to himself. Something must be in the air tonight.
"I have no idea who they are.", Elros said when Kamvul finally posed the question. "They all seem to be intersted in that note the gnome posted."
"Well I guess I had better go over there and see what this is about", Kamvul says as he slides off of his stool.

With the grace of an elven woodsman, Kamvul walks over to join the cluster of activity around the gnomish note-poster. Seeing that the note was still on the board he read it softly to himself:

Attention Adventurers,
Adventurers sought for expedition sponsored by house Sivis. See the gnome who posted this message for arrangements. Inexperienced adventurers need not apply.

Well that sounds better than a dull sword in the eye , he mused. This could be my ticket out of here and away from Sadran and his crew.
"Good evening everyone. Master Gnome I'm Kamvul ir'Vadaya, formerly of Cyre. I would like a little more information on this...expedition of yours."
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Far, 6 Olarune 998 YK, Night

OOC: This is how I am tracking time: Dawn (6-9 am), Morning (9 am-12 pm), Midday (12 pm-3pm), Afternoon (3 pm-6 pm), Evening (6 pm-9 pm), Night (9 pm-12 am), Midnight (12 am-3 am) , Last Watch (3 am-6 am)

Far, 6 Olarune 998 YK, Night

The gnome looks at all of you, in order, and says, "Ah, yes, welcome all, and thank you for your interest. My name is Neblinwilberfotham d'Sivis, but you can simply refer to me as Neblin. If you are all interested, I cannot discuss details here, but rather in a more private setting. Here is what you need to do." He hands you a pamphlet which says:

House Sivis Expedition Interview, 7 Olarune, Late Dawn, Cafe du Sylvan.

"I will be there are the corner booth. Please be timely. Any questions?", Neblin says as he twiddles his stubby thumbs.


First Post
"None for now Master Neblin, however I shall meet with you tomorrow morning." Looking to the everyone in the group: "There's a mug of ale with your names on it at the bar if you're so inclined." With a nod of his head he turns and walks back to his stool.


Tym Human Bard

Tym nods, "Thank you Master Neblin, I am content to wait until you can talk more freely." He glances at Jem, "Unless my sidekick has something..."


I'll see you tomorrow then, friend to house Sivis
He smiles to everyone else.
Sure I'll be happy for a drink, the malt beer is quite good he replies to the big human.
He then turnes to the dwarf, you said your name is Durak right, where do you hail from? The howling peaks or maybe the Seawall Mts. in Zilargo.
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