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Excursion to Gronar's Tomb (Full)


Tym Human Bard

Tym happily converses over the malt beer with any who want to chat. He alludes to the fact that he had some experience behind the lines in the war, but despite talking well into the night he doesn't really say much. He plays another round of music before calling it a night late.

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Strahd_Von_Zarovich said:
He then turnes to the dwarf, you said your name is Durak right, where do you hail from? The howling peaks or maybe the Seawall Mts. in Zilargo.

"I hail from Gravenhold, in the Hoarfrost Mountains, well to the north of here, my friend."

His gaze follows Kamvul and the others to the bar. He licks his lips in anticipation of a free mug of ale. Snapping out of his revery, Durak turns to Grotz, smiling.

"What say we finish this conversation at the bar, since the manling was kind enough to offer us a drink?"


Sure, master dwarf, Let's share our love for ale and beer together.Grotzkoshter laugh loudly while tapping on Durak's shoulder

After a small talk, Grotzkoshter will retire to his warm bed in the coozy inn near the Morgrave University in Sharn.


Sar, 7 Olarune, Late Dawn, Cafe du Sylvan

The next morning, you arrive at the Cafe du Sylvan to meet with Neblin. The Cafe du Sylvan, located in the University District, is a happening locale. Trendy academic folks and aristocrats typically occupy this place. A combination of french vanilla and hazelnut fragrances fill the place. Over in one corner, sitting in the corner booth, is none other than Neblin d'Sivis, who smiles happily when he sees you.

As you approach he says, "Good morning. I am glad to see that you showed up. We have much to discuss today, and you should be excited about the opportunity that I am about to give you. But first, have something to drink, on me."


Tym Human Bard

Tym greatfully excepts some strong coffee. He his carefully groomed and his clothes freshly cared for, but a tiredness around the eyes atests to the late night at the Drunken Dragon. He is less colorfully dressed this morning and adopts a professional attitude. He nods pleasantly to his companions of the previous evening. "Thank you Neblin, I do appreciate the hospitality this morning."
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Durak, Dwarf Cleric

As Durak arrives at the Cafe, he stops to check in his Warmace at the door, gruffly telling the waiter that he will personally request that the Sovereign Host pay him back for any nicks in the weapon. The waiter carefully wraps the weapon in the priest's vestments, and places it behind the counter.

Glancing about, he sees Nebin and some of the others seated at a corner table. He gives a nod to Nebin, and joins them.

"Glorious morning, wouldn't you say, friends?"


Sipping the strong hot brew, Jem's eyes dance with anticipation, waiting to hear more about their prospective employment. She had a late night as well, a fact that is not so readily apparent (perhaps she masks it well).

As the gruff dwarf joins them, she looks up at him and murmurs a friendly greeting. "Mmmm, glorious indeed,," she agreed with a smile.


First Post
Kamvul ir'Vadaya

Kamvul, up at the crack of dawn, as usual, walks downstairs to the bar. Elros, already there and seeing Kamvul, pours them each a cup of Mrorian chickory. The fine dwarven chickory was a mutual favorite.

"Off to see your newfound friends I see.",
says Elros while sipping his brew.
"Yes, shortly.", Kamvul returns. "They seem like decent enough people."
"Are you sure you want to go of on some mission with a group of unknowns?" Elros puts in over his cup.
"You were unknown to me once upon a time, Elros."
"True enough"
"If I stay around here long enough Sadran is going to send me off on another suicide mission. I barely survived the last one, and then only because Hendra got worried and came looking for me. No it's time I left, Elros, for a little while at least."

With that Kamvul bade farewell to his elven friend. Shouldering his backpack and gear he walked through the door of the Drunken Dragon. Arriving at the Cafe du Sylvan an hour or so later, he notices the group of adventurers in the corner.

"Good morning master Neblin. Tym, Durak, Grotz, Lady Jem. Good to see each of you this morning."
Taking the offered cup of coffee from Neblin, he takes a seat between Tym and Durak and waits to hear what Neblin has to say.
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"Excellent. Everyone is here," says Neblin. "I am glad you have all decided to show up this morning. The task I have for you is most important to my House." He goes into his bag for something, and pulls out book. It is a curious old codex bound in leather. The cover has no title but is decorated with circular sigils. "This codex belonged to Balthazarin d'Sivis. He went missing a over two years ago and is assumed dead. This was one of the few belongings that was found. It was his personal journal."

Grotz ONLY (highlight to read): Balthazarin is an adventuring uncle of yours. You've only known him by name. By the way, you don't really know Neblin either, because he usually travels across Breland for House Sivis.

Neblin touches a sigil in the center of the front cover, and then mutters a word under his breath. The book opens, revealing its blank pages. "I thought it odd that uncle Balthazarin would have a magiically sealed codex with blank pages," Neblin says, "But then, three days ago, one of the pages glowed and revealed writing. I was able to take some notes down that day, but I did not get all the information down before the writing disappeared the next day! Quite strange this was. Here is what I discovered." Neblin pulls out another book. He opens up to a page, and starts reading:

" 'I have discovered a most interesting thing today down here in Under Sharn. I believe I have found the final resting place of Gronar the Great. This is most exciting if I am correct. The markings on this door are vaguely dwarven in nature, although this language does not resemble any dwarven dialect I have encountered. Perhaps with more time and a library, I could figure this out. I'll just have to copy down what I have found for now.' "

Neblin continues. "I was also able to copy a map from his notes, but I was not able to copy the enscription.

"What House Sivis would like you to do is to go to this location, and find out what is behind that door. If it is indeed the resting place of Gronar the Great, an ancestor of House Sivis, there is a disk with his insignia that would be in his tomb. House Sivis is willing to pay the sum of 5000 gp for Gronar's Disk. Any questions?"
Neblin smiles patiently.

Grotzkoshter the Magnificent (some sort of magic user)

Balthazarin, my lost uncle, here in Sharn? .. thinks Grotzkoshter to himself.

What was he thinking? he mumble to himself.
Can I investigate this book a little bit, I have tricks of my own to
reveal magic writing
He says in Gnomish to Nebin.

He then turns to his new friends
What say you? Balthazarin is a legendery adventurer, very known in Zilargo, we can success where he failed.

Does the name Gronar the great rings a bell to us ?

Voidrunner's Codex

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