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Expertise justification?

You're misunderstanding my point. A Charisma-based Paladin can take 0 powers that key off of Strength, and still wind up with a mix of Weapon and Implement powers (in fact, I'm not sure he can avoid such a mix, since the at-will attacks are Weapon and the majority of his daily powers are Implement). The cost of needing to maintain two attack items is at least partially balanced by the ability to have more item powers. There is no such balance with the Expertise feats; such a Paladin simply has to choose between having half of his attacks be less effective, or spending an extra feat.[/quote}]

I understand your point. I am just saying that "baby sitting" an Implement and a Weapon as a Paladin, Cleric or the like isn't made any worse by Expertise. I wold argue that it is indeed made less obnoxious. I now have the option to worry less about the Item I'm using.

But if you're arguing that the hit chances are balanced without Expertise then I don't see how Expertise makes the hit chances worse. If you think that feats are "extras" added to your character then Expertise allows you to focus your character more.

It seems to me that a hybrid class has too choose between half of his attacks with or without Expertise. This is one of the reasons I'm not a huge fan of playing hybrid classes myself. But it's one of the only ways I can rationalize balancing the hybrid classes.

They are just as effective as they were before, yes. Other attacks are now better than they were before, because of Expertise. That makes them relatively worse, because other attacks have been strengthened while they have not.

The same argument can be made for any feat bonuses what-so-ever.

So rather then remove feats that make one attack better then another. Add a feat that can bring those other attacks up to par. The purpose of feats, in my opinion, is to further differentiate your character from characters of your Race/Class combo. It can also help develop a niche for such Race/Class combos.

It is the very nature of feats that your character has to choose whether he's going to better at this, that or the other.

Allow Weapon Expertise: Natural Attacks. Now your claws, unarmed, breath weapon or whatever also get a bump.

Again I don't see how giving a Paladin a free Weapon/Implement Expertise is in fact penalizing him. It is my opinion that the hit chance in a void is too low. Looking at my relatively min-maxed spread sheet the chance to hit is rather low. And that's looking at your better case scenario. If you're then looking at a less effective secondary attack (implement or stat wise) then those chances are even less.

I'm not arguing the balance of hybrid classes. I'd be using completely different evidence to argue that on a class by class basis. I also will totally admit that I am not completely familiar with classes that my players or I have yet to play or build.

I am wanting to focus my discussion on the negative trend in the success rate of ALL attacks as a PC levels up. That's weapon, natural, implement and otherwise based attacks all receive a cumulative penalty as you increase in power.

I understand that what I consider a relative "fix" for this - Weapon/Implement Expertise - to be mostly effective does not benefit all powers and all attacks. So if you have a suggestion that would do so please put it forth. But banning expertise because it doesn't effect all attacks that a character makes while at the same time arguing that it is overpowered is talking out of two sides of your face (and thus an ineffective argument).

So for those of you with UIL (or other) backgrounds. I am taking the affirmative - Weapon/Implement Expertise is a positive addition to the game.

As such your arguments that it makes some attacks better then others agrees with my statement. Just as Action Surge makes Action Point attacks better and Combat Reflexes makes opportunity attacks better then your normal basic attacks. Does this mean that they should be banned as well?

Because not all attacks that a Paladin makes are going to be basic attacks. And in fact if your Cha Paly makes basic attacks they're going to be very ineffective, unless he takes Melee Training to change his basic attack ability to Charisma. So your paladin example would have to take two feats to make Combat Reflexes fully effective as well. So should I ban Melee Training cause it's not a useful to the Paladin as it is to a Rogue or Ranger?

In addition, your hybrid example is better used as evidence that Weapon/Implement Expertise is not overpowered.

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Oh, it affects all swordmages. The warding class feature that gives you +1 or +3 to ac. You lose it if you go unconscious and it stays lost till short or long rest. Swordmage kisses ground EVEN ONCE and they are suddenly a wizard without a staff.


Wow. I...probably read that when FRPG first came out but I certainly didn't remember it. I'm sure the Swordmage player isn't remembering that either. He's gone down in the last couple big battles and this certainly could have made it much more unlikely that he would've been able to get back up at all or stay up as long after being healed.

I'll have to let him know about this. Thanks! :cool:

SOme more warlord fun facts (the leader I know best if you hadn''t figured it out)

Here are the first half of the game of warlord attack bonuses…
1st level
Daily Concentrated attack effect: grant basic att with Int mod + to att and dam
Daily Lead the att hit: 1+int mod to hit, miss: +1 to hit all alies
Encounter Warlords favor Hit: one ally +2 next att (Int mod +1 if tac lord)
At will Furious smash Hit: cha mod to att and dam (Special this targets fort not AC as a wepon attack)

7th level
Encounter War of attrition Hit: +1 to basic and at will attacks (+cha if insprlord)
Encounter Surprise attack Hit grant basic att (If tac lord +Int mod to hit)

13th level
Encounter pincer Effect: toe allies shift 3 and basic att (Bravura lord bonus to hit cha)
Encounter Ventured Gains Hit: grant basic att (Bravura bonus + cha mod)

15th Level
Daily War masters assault: Effect all alies in burst 3 charge and att with bonus cha mod att and dam

I see 2 daily’s with effect (read hit or miss don’t matter) bonus to attacks
1 Daily with a less mod to hit on a miss
4 encounter powers that only give bonuses on hit
1 encounter power that has effect bonus to hit
1 at will that only gives bonus on a hit (But it goes against a NAD with a weapon attack)

I also see the feat lend might that grants a +1 to all attacks you grant…and there are bracers that let you use (encounter not even costing a daily activation) to use an at will attack instead of a basic when given an attack, and there is a head thing that allows the warlord to (Daily) grant a standard action instead of a basic…

Again if your party wants to hit…leaders are a great way to shore up the problems…

I didn’t count powers that grant Combat advantage, since there are easier ways to get it, and multi CAs don’t stack…


I understand that what I consider a relative "fix" for this - Weapon/Implement Expertise - to be mostly effective does not benefit all powers and all attacks. So if you have a suggestion that would do so please put it forth. But banning expertise because it doesn't effect all attacks that a character makes while at the same time arguing that it is overpowered is talking out of two sides of your face (and thus an ineffective argument).

So for those of you with UIL (or other) backgrounds. I am taking the affirmative - Weapon/Implement Expertise is a positive addition to the game.

First, thank you for message. Second, thanks for adding to the discussion with specific points and positions.

That said, your corrected spreadsheet just seems to drive home one of my concerns:

If Expertise is stealth errata to try and patch Bad Math (tm), then making it a series of feats that only corrects the math error for those PCs that take the feat and then for only some of their attacks (unless they take it multiple times to a varying degree based on race & class) is not my preferred way of solving the Bad Math problem, since it really doesn't in a fair way to all involved. ;)

And thanks very much for the spreadsheet! I was going to put something like it together to take a better look at the math. I think most everyone that commented at all much earlier in this thread on what percentage of PCs attacks should hit given the base underlying math thought ~60% was a good goal since that's what happens in Heroic Tier pre-Expertise and the math there after a year of playtesting by the masses seems pretty solid.

With that in mind I also believe that PCs chance to hit must fall some at higher tiers of play to allow design space for combat advantage, feats, powers, paragon paths & all the other things that grant bonuses to attacks to...shine and have a definite impact on the game most of the time they're used. As you say, what we're discussing here is how much of a reduction is likely to be considered fair and fun for most everyone.

Entering in a couple extra columns on your spreadsheet shows that per PHB1 math (ie. without Expertise) the average To Hit % by tier is:
  • Heroic 58.5%
  • Paragon 51.0%
  • Epic 44.0%
which I'm interpreting as Bad Math (tm). ;)

So, at this point I'm a lot more comfortable going with what many here have already proposed as an Expertise house rule:

All Expertise feats are banned; instead all PCs receive a flat +1 unnamed bonus to attacks at 11th level which increases to +2 at 21st level.

This changes the average To Hit % by tier to:
  • Heroic 58.5%
  • Paragon 56.0%
  • Epic 54.0%
which is a lot tighter and still allows all the attack bonuses to be meaningful!

Now I just have to sort through the NADs feats and issues. :erm:

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GMforPowergamers said:
Ok I have to stop you there...Warlord hands out att bonus like candy... with utlity powers (no hit needed) extra attacks as effects (more rolls more chance to hit), and there biggest buff has a miss rider for said buff... two of the builds also give bonuses to hit with action points...Bard is shaping up to look the same... Clerics have atleast two diffrent utlity bonus to hit powers...

and that is just off the top of my head...if your group wants to hit stack up on bonuses isn't trival, but it isn't impossble eaither...

Like candy? That is a major over exaggeration.

To point out the flaw in the added synergies logic:

Warlod heroic levels...
Tactical Supervision (+int mod to basic att)

One attack. Total in an encounter. And it is a power bonus that does not stack with other power bonuses. Your earlier Dragon encounter would easily have 80 or more PC attacks in it. This is not handing out to hits like candy.

Unintended Feint (reroll att roll)

A Daily power to give one additional attack total. Adds +2 which does not stack with Combat Advantage (which the attacker might already have).

Instant Planning (way too much summerize)

Affects one round out of an entire day. And it is a power bonus that does not stack with other power bonuses.

Side by side (+2 att, AC, and Ref)

This one is quasi-legitimate. It can last for an entire encounter (very conditional due to slides, shifts, flanking, etc.), but it is a Daily, so once per day. It is only a +2 power bonus and it only affects 2 PCs out of a party. The other 3 PCs are SOL.

Warlords banner (spend hs to heal and gain +2 att)

One round per encounter +2 power bonus.

Avenge me (You must drop, allies spend hs to heal and get +2 att and dam)

This one is quasi-legitimate once per day, but the Warlord has to go to zero hit points and of course, this does not stack with his other to hit boost powers. So, this would tend to be used late in an encounter if at all. Otherwise, it's a wasted power most days.

Blood thirsty (+2 power bonus to attack rolls against bloodied enemies.)

The bonus does not apply to non-bloodied foes, so it’s fairly useless for half of an encounter. And, it’s once per day. And, it grants Combat Advantage to all enemies against the Warlord. A major CON amongst the PROs. Also, same level as Avenge Me.

The point is, the Warlord cannot affect most rounds in an encounter. He cannot affect every PC. His bonuses are power bonuses which do not stack with other spells like Bless or even with his own powers. Sure, he can spike a given PC for a given attack a tiny bit, but the bonuses are few and far between. He is lucky if he can affect 10% of the attack rolls per day. This is a very small overall set of bonuses.

And what if the group does not have a Warlord? Clerics do not have as many ways to boost. Course, PHB Warlords do not have as many either, most of your examples here come from Martial Power.

But the most important thing is that the Warlord at heroic level (pre-math bug) has many of these same powers. In exchange for the math bug, he gets a few more such powers at Paragon and Epic level, many of them Dailies which last for a very short time. That’s not balance.


As of today's update to Character Builder, "Focused Expertise" is now an option for all characters. If you use a longsword as both a weapon and an implement, you now need just one feat to get that +1 for both.

Like candy? That is a major over exaggeration.
ok it is an exaggeration, but not a major one...I have played 2 tac lords, and one ispire lord through close to epic (27, 21, and 18) so I have some experaince here, these are just the utlitly powers...and tac lord (battle captian) thing was not a joke, i mean that is every round someone is getting something...or atleast close to it...
To point out the flaw in the added synergies logic:
what synergies logic??? these are diffrent powers that give bonuses...not some nova build, having some or all of these lets you effect multi attacks per day without needing to worry about useing an attack... maybe you misunderstood the point of this excersise...it was me disproving the 'you have to hit first for the buff to work' line of thought...

Warlod heroic levels...
Tactical Supervision (+int mod to basic att)

One attack. Total in an encounter. And it is a power bonus that does not stack with other power bonuses. Your earlier Dragon encounter would easily have 80 or more PC attacks in it. This is not handing out to hits like candy.
you are correct, if it was your only power in those 20 rounds...but of cource you know it wont be...

Unintended Feint (reroll att roll)

A Daily power to give one additional attack total. Adds +2 which does not stack with Combat Advantage (which the attacker might already have).
yes a daily power that gives you the main stick of the avenger...once...seams good to me...

Instant Planning (way too much summerize)

Affects one round out of an entire day. And it is a power bonus that does not stack with other power bonuses.
who cares about stacking, you use this...then something else next round, not one nova buff

Side by side (+2 att, AC, and Ref)

This one is quasi-legitimate. It can last for an entire encounter (very conditional due to slides, shifts, flanking, etc.), but it is a Daily, so once per day. It is only a +2 power bonus and it only affects 2 PCs out of a party. The other 3 PCs are SOL.
again we are looking at these in a vacume..

Warlords banner (spend hs to heal and gain +2 att)

One round per encounter +2 power bonus.
no attack roll needed

Avenge me (You must drop, allies spend hs to heal and get +2 att and dam)

This one is quasi-legitimate once per day, but the Warlord has to go to zero hit points and of course, this does not stack with his other to hit boost powers. So, this would tend to be used late in an encounter if at all. Otherwise, it's a wasted power most days.
I'll be honnest I never used it, i just got it fromt he compandium, but it seams like a great party farwell...now at the darkest moment, healer down, my last words inspire the troops to push on...

Blood thirsty (+2 power bonus to attack rolls against bloodied enemies.)

The bonus does not apply to non-bloodied foes, so it’s fairly useless for half of an encounter. And, it’s once per day. And, it grants Combat Advantage to all enemies against the Warlord. A major CON amongst the PROs. Also, same level as Avenge Me.
yes it is for half the combat, you now the same combat that you might have used other bonuses for...again I am not trying to stack +20 to hit here...I am showing you have options

The point is, the Warlord cannot affect most rounds in an encounter. He cannot affect every PC. His bonuses are power bonuses which do not stack with other spells like Bless or even with his own powers.
have you seen a warlord in play??? becuse all we just went through are the utlities...look at the attack powers too, and you will see they lean alot to a group...heck check out the early char op boards they use to say tac lords were so broken becuse they effected so much...

Sure, he can spike a given PC for a given attack a tiny bit, but the bonuses are few and far between. He is lucky if he can affect 10% of the attack rolls per day. This is a very small overall set of bonuses.
yea, and a party that knows and has grown to work togather will use these to land important shots...I do think 10% is way low...

And what if the group does not have a Warlord?
then they find another way to buff...

Clerics do not have as many ways to boost.
I will admit that, but they are better healers, and they are not without bonus giving powers (I AM NOT going to spend another hour at work going through another class after I was asked to support this once) it is suppose to balance out..if you feel the leaders are unbalanced, start a new thread...I know that Bards (have not played one yet but have been told) have simalar bonus...but i belive they debuff enemis (-2 ac instead of +2 att)

Course, PHB Warlords do not have as many either, most of your examples here come from Martial Power.
so what??? is there some special secert to useing all the books?? or am I suppose to argue against a book that cam out 9 months after PHBI withouut takeing anythign from those 9 months???
this seams silly...

But the most important thing is that the Warlord at heroic level (pre-math bug) has many of these same powers. In exchange for the math bug, he gets a few more such powers at Paragon and Epic level, many of them Dailies which last for a very short time.
wow really so they do the same stick from day one...like was promised...

That’s not balance.
yes it is...it means a party with no leader can still win any fair fight...but one with a leader is better off and has an easier time.

again if the math is broken show me an encounter that doesn't work...but show me a legal (lev+4-Lev-4) fight...


again if the math is broken show me an encounter that doesn't work...but show me a legal (lev+4-Lev-4) fight...

I did already. The n+4 Red Dragon at Paragon that was YOUR example.

Do the n+4 Red Dragon at Epic level. It will be a LOT worse.

PS. You appear to be missing the entire point of the Warlord discussion. The Warlord cannot even average +1 to every PC for every single round. The math bug does -4 to every PC for every single round. Math 101. Too much on a D20 is lost. Compared to the math bug, the Warlord bonuses are white noise. A mathematical hiccup. Not worth discussing.

I did already. The n+4 Red Dragon at Paragon that was YOUR example.
It was my example of it working as intended...so fine I win, my example showed it could still be done...

Do the n+4 Red Dragon at Epic level. It will be a LOT worse.
really i still see it s doable... infact as you said a 1,000+ year old dragon should be a killer...and it is, but it is still beatable (althoug hard)

PS. You appear to be missing the entire point of the Warlord discussion. The Warlord cannot even average +1 to every PC for every single round.
you appear to be missing that he does not have to...

The math bug does -4 to every PC for every single round. Math 101. Too much on a D20 is lost.
except not every power in the book needs to hit, some have miss lines, others have effect lines, some have both, and you get more and mor eof those options as yu level... so well your math says it is harder to hit...I say it is not impposble to win, infact it is still easy enough to win that we have an op board making 1 man parties....

Compared to the math bug, the Warlord bonuses are white noise. A mathematical hiccup.
what it is, is a chance to rally behind the moments to land telling blows...to set eachother up for big attacks...to be able to be the big shots, well others are missing or hitting...

Not worth discussing.
it is alway not worth discussing things that disprove your problems...becuse if we discuse the whole system togather, instead of peiceing out just the d20 att Vs Def part...the n your argument falls apart...

As you level you gain inpower...very quickly...you gain more encounter and daily power, you swap out the ones you do have for bigger ones, your at will scale to be more deadly (Heck even your basic att does)... Over the cource of 1-30 you tripple your daily magic item usage (ok maybe not exaclty with mile stones adding +1 but close enough) You heal more, you have better defences, you have better attacks, you have powers that can do damage just for the enemy doing somehting (Starting adj, entering a zone, to name a few) you go from having one or two magic items each (low heroic say 1-3 level were most PCS have 1 maybe 2 good items, and 1 maybe two ok ones) to being a walking magic christmas tree (Yea cause they got rid of that right...) with atleast a good portion of your body slots filled, and powerful efffects... You get (inless you paragon multi) a new use for action points, and a few new class abilities, heck at 24+ most PCs self res in one way shape or form...

and yet the monsters are not that much better, they hit harder and more often, but still most do not heal, and look at thew dragon example, howmany options does he have at level 30 compaired to level 7??? very samml jump...

and lets not also forget that you are basing this on playing from lv 1-lv 30 that lv 30 is harder, but in real life you are better with your characters becuse you have 30 levels of real world experaince in it...

the warlord example was a responce to people saying Buffs could not count becuse you had to hit, I showed they could be given without hittting, now the problem is it isn't lasting long engough...what was the phrase, moveing goal posts???

again and again you claim math show the whole story, but you do not take anything but Att Vs Def inbto ecount...show me tthe math that takes scaleing damge,, and scaling options, and non attack rool damge into account...then I will listen to your math...

I did already. The n+4 Red Dragon at Paragon that was YOUR example.

lets set a bar shall we...how hard is too hard..

now remember this is soppost to be the HARDEST fight the PCs could every expect to face... please remember this is well above the avrage fight (Lev - lev+1) and is not an every day accorance, in fact if the h1-e3 mods are to be belived as the standard then about once ever 3 or 4 levels the PCs MIGHT face this big of a threat...

should the threat of party memebers dieing be there?
should it be possible to end in a TPK if things go wrong (tactics or luck)?
Should the PCs be expected to be able to win every fight without threat of death or major drawback???
When Pcs can be raised, or even self res does that change the answer to teh above??

If a fight is very hard, but is able to be won is it a fair fight?
If a fight can not be won no matter how wellt eh PCs do is it a fair fight?

[sblock=my take on this] should the threat of party memebers dieing be there? Yes, with out a doubt infact if in an slightly above avrage encounter there should always be some small threat of PC death...only in encounters of levl -1 or lower should it be no real chance of death outside of a fluke...
should it be possible to end in a TPK if things go wrong (tactics or luck)? Yes if the PCs mess up the BEG fight I see no problem with a TPK...but I also hope that iss toped by retrates when it is going that bad...
Should the PCs be expected to be able to win every fight without threat of death or major drawback??? NO..in fact I can not say this strongly enough...PCs should be in for the fight of there lives... When Pcs can be raised, or even self res does that change the answer to teh above?? Yes...at epic, especialy once the self res stuff comes in there should be PC deaths (well near misses becuse of the self res) at least once per level...what is the pont of having cool toys you never use...

If a fight is very hard, but is able to be won is it a fair fight? yes...
If a fight can not be won no matter how wellt eh PCs do is it a fair fight?
no, if you all only hit on 20's and even then some of you don't crit, and he only misses on 3+ with all attacks...that is not a fair fight...lucky for me you need Lev+7 or more to see such things

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