Fall '03 Iron DM Tournament -- Wulf Ratbane is Iron DM!

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Iron Fist of Pelor
All right, Mythago said we could go whenever, so I'm going to interpret that as right now. Given the 24-hour time limit, I think that's reasonable.

Mythago vs. Cool Hand Luke

Unstable Platform
Crippled Aboleth
Dragon Turtle
Magic Mouth
Forgotten Tongue

24 Hours, no editing, good luck, blah blah blah


Wow, good fight, both!

I agree on the judgement; while I thought Macbeth's adventure was intriguing, I really enjoyed Rune's and in fact could see me playing through that one soon :)

excited to the the semi-finals - so far, no contestant has really been a let-down

ETA: Obviously, in German, "the the" means "see the" :)
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Moderator Emeritus
Much like the previous match, I prefer the losing competitor's adventure idea - but the winner's was presented better and filled out the use of the actual ingredients better.

I hate when that happens.

I hope I go against Rune in the next round. :D I will so beat his ass. ;)
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First Post
Congrats, Rune. I new when writing my adventure that I might run into problems with not having actual eveidene for the tutor's evidence, but I didn't think I could include more in a short sysnopsis. Oh well, your entry was great rune, so go out and win, so i can at least say I lost to the champion.


Iron Fist of Pelor
nemmerle said:
Much like the prviosu match, I prefer the losing competitor's adventure idea - but the winner's was presented better and filled out the use of the actual ingredients better.
That's pretty close to how I felt; such matches are very difficult to judge, damn you guys. I'll just add that in addition to being presented better and filling out the ingredients better, the winner's adventure was developed better. All the good adventure seeds in the world won't help if they're not properly developed.


Dave Turner

First Post
nemmerle said:
Much like the previous match, I prefer the losing competitor's adventure idea - but the winner's was presented better and filled out the use of the actual ingredients better.
I'll also echo this sentiment. As a philosophy major, I immediately recognized Macbeth's adventure as an illustration of a classic moral dilemma, so I was suckered in right there. :)

It really is tough to make meaningful use of six ingredients in such a short timeframe. I don't think I've seen an entry yet that made great use of every ingredient. There always seems to be at least one that resists integration. I'm not complaining, mind you, since this is just the crucible that Iron DMs are forged in. ;)
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Iron Fist of Pelor
Dave Turner said:
It really is tough to make meaningful use of six ingredients in such a short timeframe.
Now that the ingredients for the first four matches have been chosen, I have a question. I've heard from one source that the ingredients are a little on the easy side; on the other hand, Dave suggests that they were plenty difficult. Shall I ratchet up the difficulty of ingredients for the next round? Require more ingredients? Or are things fine?

Everyone's input is welcome here.

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