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February: What are you reading?


Bard 7/Mod (ret) 10/Mgr 3
Someone on tor.com (Jo Walton, maybe?) did a re-read on Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey/Maturin novels, and that reminded me that I've wanted to read them but never have. I took MASTER AND COMMANDER with me on my train ride to Manhattan for work yesterday, and I see why it's so loved. I'm looking forward to finishing it.

Last month, I started to read LORD OF THE RINGS aloud to my 9-year-old daughter. We read THE HOBBIT during the autumn, and when we finished, she was eager to keep going when I told her here was a sequel. :) I love being able to spend time together with her like that, and Tolkien is soooo wonderful to read aloud.

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Finished Lord of the Rings and Moved on to the Landover series by Terry Brooks. Just what I need a light hearted series after the sludge fest of difficulty reading the lord, Tolkien.


I started reading House of Leaves by Danielewski, and feel totally lost in the maze that he calls plot.
I see what you did there. ;)

Seriously though, House of Leaves is an AWESOME book. I own two copies - one autographed hardback that is my precious, and one paperback that I loan out to the unwashed masses.

Keith Robinson

Richard Matheson's Hell House :devil:

Although it still largely relies on the same psychological tension that you'll find in I am Legend and The Shrinking Man, the horror aspect is a lot more obvious. Unlike those other two books, which are far most focused on a solitary individual, Hell House is, as you might expect from the title, more about the house. So far, anyway, as I'm only a third of way through!

Last book I read was David Mitchell's number9dream and a pretty damn fine read it was too!


I'm reading John Birmingham's Weapons of Choice, which is as interesting as I it sounded, as well as Terry Goodkind's Wizard's First Rule, which is very good, but I'm coming to understand that Legend of the Seeker was only very loosely based upon it. :)


I have yet to read the most recent two books in the Wheel of Time series, so I'm rereading from the start to get refreshed. Currently I'm on the second one, The Great Hunt.


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Like many of you I am reading the Walking Dead graphic novels. I have stayed away from the television series until I can get at least halfway through the series.

I finished the first book of the Dresden Files series. I liked it okay, but I'm not sure if I like the protagonist, Henry Dresden, just yet.

I am still reading the Steven Burst House of Jhereg. I also recently purchased the Songs of the Dying Earth, but I haven't read much of it, yet.

My quest for unusual fantasy fiction continues.


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Over at Appendix N I'm blathering about The Religion by Tim Willocks, a historical action adventure piece set during the siege of Malta. I'm also reading the Monks of War and various Ospery books that tend to be in the time zone/period of the material I'm reading.

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