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Thanks for answering my previous questions.

I noticed how Divine Strike doing radiant damage got moved to the Life Domain's features instead of a feature all Cleric's get. Do certain domains have features other than Divine Strikes of different damage types?

How does Flurry of Blows and the Monk's multiple attacks work now?

Yes, some Domains have different damage types (none are the same as the other).

Flurry of Blows costs 1 ki and allows the monk two unarmed strikes as a bonus action.

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Nice. Thanks a lot guys.

What are the features of the Valor Bard? Is there still a feature that allows adding the Inspiration die to damage rolls? I ask because I wonder, whether that is even useful.

College of Valor: Bonus Proficiencies, Combat Inspiration (add Inspiration die to damage or AC), Extra Attack, Battle Magic.


I haven't seen this question so I'll ask. How is the BINDING of the book? Like 3e or 4e? Because 4e's binding was some of the worst bound books I have ever had.


Seems okay so far. Only time will tell.


The pact blade gains another invocation that lets you deal extra necrotic damage equal to your Cha mod, called Lifedrinker. You are now also able to bond a magic weapon as your pact weapon. In all regards this magic weapon will be treated as your pact weapon.

And I officially rescind my "I don't know if I can make my ideal character in 5e" statement. Also, woot!


Thank you for all this info guys!

What about summoning spells. In Alpha there weren't many and as i remember there weren't the classical summon monster and summon nature ally spell. Are they back? Have them substitute them with something else?

Summoning spells are conjure spells now (i.e. conjure animals, conjure elemental, etc.). There are 6 of them total. Unfortunately, they depend on the DMG or MM for creature statistics.


Major question for me: what does multiclassing say exactly about extra attacks and whether they stack or, well whatever multiclassing says about extra attacks

Answered this earlier, but Extra Attack does not stack. Extra Attack replaces the Attack action with two attacks instead of one, it does not "add" an attack.


Is the drow panthoen included in the appendix B? if so, are Eilistraee and Vhaeraun listed in it? If not, for comparison, are lesser deities of the elven pantheon included?
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