Fort Knocks - knight otu judging

Kahuna Burger

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Borther E steps out and swings at one of the skeletons but unfortunately misses with both fists. Nodis's construct apears and its flanking helps Rurik smash the skeleton in front of him into a satisfyign pile of bones. The construct turns its attck on the pick weilding skeleton beside itand brings it down as well.

Rainca spins around at the end of her "flight" and swings her battleaxe at the lead skeleton. She strikes, but for less damagethan she had hoped. Atrax on the other hand, swings at the nearest skeleton with the special daggar he had been entrusted with and is gratified to see it practicly explode with the magic blade's power.

The skeletons had been moving too quickly to adjust tot he sudden attack and cannot strike back right away, though the two closest to raica do charge into her, one missing, but the other landing a hit with the pick (6 hp).


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Nodis cheers as the construct´s oversized fists smash a pile of bones, and mentally directs it to attack again, disintegrating another skeleton with a powerful blow.

ooc: The construct makes his second and last attack, disspearing just after that. Maenouver into position to get a flanking bonus, even if that means to draw attacks of opportunity (a 5 foot step to i7 would be enough if the skeleton at h7 is still alive, if not it´s going to make it´s way to i9)

Attack (counting flanking): 17+5=22, damage 5+3=8.

Nodis concentrates again to get the psionic focus back, and manages to succeed.
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Brother Eusebius nods grimly as his first attacks fail and steps out onto the road to get a better swing at his opponent. Calmly uttering a prayer to Hyrag - "Bright One, guide my blows!" - he strikes again, kicking out at the skeleton's chest and then following up with a blow to its skull.

5 foot step from K6 to K7, followed by flurry of blows.

flurry of blows #1 = 4
flurry of blows #2 = 4

Hyrag wasn't listening! :mad: Rolls are here

AC (including dodge bonus) = 16

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Kahuna Burger

First Post
As brother E begins to rethink this whole Hyrag thing, Rurik swings again, this time missing the boney object of his wrath. The construct moves into a flanking position with rainca and smashes another skeleton, then disapears. Atrax moves to where he can explode another undead with his trusty dagger, and rainca swings her axe at the remaining skeleton in range, again dealing damage but not bringing it down. the skeleton swipes back at her with its claws but misses. Brother E is not so lucky, as the pick weilding skeleton lands a solid blow on him (6 hp)


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Feeling that he has done his part, Nodis just stays where he is. The others should wipe the floor with the remaining skeletons in the following seconds, and he doesn´want to spend more energy needlessly.


Rurik barely has time to consider that there is neither an enemy nor Artax's construct in front of him, when he sees Br'er E. take a hit. Carefully avoiding Rainca's opponent, Rurik moves to a position where he can assist his comrade, and attempts to distract the pick-wielder by, well, giving it something else to worry about.

[Move 2 squares north (H6, I6), then swing at pick-wielding skeleton]

Attack: Skell battle, round 3 (1d20+8=15, 1d10 +3=8)


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KB, I mentioned in my last post that E was going to take a five foot step onto the road (K6 to K7) but I see that you haven't changed his position on the map. Is there a game reason for that or is it just an oversight? It has a bearing on whether or not Rurik can move to flank the skeleton. If E is at K7, then he'll take a five-foot step to K8 when he sees Rurik move into position at I6. He needs all the help he can get! :(

Eusebius gasps with pain as the monster's rusty pick bites deep into his shoulder. It hasn't pierced his lung, but it was a near thing. Swallowing against the acrid taste of vomit in his mouth, he calls upon his training to ignore the pain and jockeys for position as Rurik moves up behind the skeleton. Calling on Hyrag again - "Bright One, aid your son" - he again launches a double combination of blows against chest and head, aiming to crush bone and bring this monstrosity down.

At the first blow, searing pain flames through his shoulder and side so that he swings wildly and misses. Clamping his left arm in his right hand to secure it, he then launches a flying kick to the head which connects with a satisfying thump on the bony skull.

"Ha! Take that, foul creature!"

flurry of blows #1 = 2 - including flanking bonus
flurry of blows #2 = 21

damage from #2 = 3 Rolls are here

Kahuna Burger

First Post
sorry, missed brother E's movement. taking that into account, he is easily able to move into a flanking position with urik on this round and the two of them powder the skeleton. With Atrax flanking, Rainca manages a mighty blow against her already damaged foe and finishes it off. She imediately turns back to the Hoar Suns and says "See! teamwork! Very important! And the saving of limited resources. Swift hunter Atrax used the knife, which can be used as often as he can strike, but did not waste the special oils of potions we were given." She continues on this topic whilethe Hoar Suns come forward to see the remains of the undead.

ooc: xp update. total for the bats fight was 2400, split 6 ways (the 5 active pcs and one share for the npced adrew and skeeter) is 400 each. the skeletons were worth only 700 total, split 5 ways is 140.


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Eusebius smiles savagely as the last of the skeletons disintegrates in showers of dust and splinters of bone. He turns to Rurik and executes a swift, martial bow from the waist - a bow which, however, turns into a gasping stagger as the pain from his wound threatens once again to overwhelm him. Now that the adrenaline rush of battle is past, he is pale and sweating.

He moves over to Susan and, bowing again (but carefully this time), he greets her and says, "Sister Susan, I would be very glad of your healing skills at this time. I fear I did not move quickly enough to avoid that bone-pile's attentions."

As Susan attends to his wounds he calls out to Rurik, "So, Deep-delver, is it worth collecting the picks these creatures were carrying and returning them to the mine site?"

Currently on 3 hp out of 9. I don't want to use up the wands of CLW unnecessarily but he won't be much use at the moment. How close are we to the mines, and how long before we might camp for the night?

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