D&D 5E Free Upcasting By Tier: A House-Rule


The High Aldwin
A house-rule I am considering is to allow free upcasting by tier, so when you reach a new tier, spells are automatically upcast using the normal slot.


Example #1: Cure Wounds
  • Cure Wounds heals 1d8+WIS mod as a 1st-level spell when you cast it in tier 1.
  • At 5th level (tier 2), your Cure Wounds improves to 2d8+WIS mod as if it was using a 2nd-level slot. You still use a 1st-level slot, however.
  • When you reach 11th level (tier 3), your Cure Wounds increases to 3d8+WIS mod (as if a 3rd-level slot) even though you still use a 1st-level slot.
  • Finally, when you reach 17th level (tier 4), it becomes 4d8+WIS mod while still using a 1st-level slot.

Example #2: Fireball
  • Fireball is 8d6 in tier 2.
  • Increases to 9d6 in tier 3.
  • Finally 10d6 in tier 4.
Although you are still using the same 3rd-level spell slot in each tier.

Now, you can still "upcast" and actually use a higher level slot, so in the above example a 5th-level slot for Cure Wounds (instead of the default 1st-level slot) would add another 4d8 healing, for a total of 8d8+WIS mod in tier 4.

This idea mimics the concept of a casting becoming naturally better with the spells as they advance in level, without having to use higher-level spell slots.
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Maybe as a feature for a select few spells, like Signature Spells, etc. but at lower level?
Possibly. It always comes down to the spell. Player picks the right spell and suddenly you regret your life decisions :)

That’s why I think the best approach is for you to pick spells you think this would be appropriate on and allow that as a house rule, rather than giving players cart blanc choices


The High Aldwin
Possibly. It always comes down to the spell. Player picks the right spell and suddenly you regret your life decisions :)
Since it only works on spells that can be upcast any way, I can't think of any that this rule would make me regret my life decisions! ;)

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