From out of the 80's into the 90's erm 2021


So youtube spat out a recommended music clip for me. Gary Numan Intruder. He's 62 years old lol and this song is awesome. Mad respect.

This song is great. Who is Gary Numan? Well he is famous for this song from the 80's.


In the 90s he reinvented himself as industrial metal. Cars was covered by Fear Factory with Gary also doing vocals.

This is where I became familiar with him. I was a bit young for Cars the first time around.

Around 2000 he released this. RIP.

Normally bands from back then start releasing crap (U2, Metallica) or go touring playing their greatest hits (Guns N Roses).

So gentle ENworlders what 80's or 90's groups or performers are still releasing new material that doesn't suck? Doesn't have to be a hit commercially just you still like it or they've become obscure now decades after their commercial peak but still make new material and don't suck.

Some other ones I know of.

Alice in Chains

What artists still have something to say and can pull it off?
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Numan (note: it's Numan, not Numen) is awesome indeed (though I was a bit surprised to see his name pop up here.) Check his live releases as well, they're some of the best.

A few examples that I think are worth mentioning, off the top of my head (careful, some of the videos linked are definitely NSFW!)

Rammstein is a (late) '90s band, and they still kick ass.

Jean-Michel Jarre (born in 1948) still releases excellent electronic music.

Ozzy Osbourne (also born in 1948) still has great songs.

John Carpenter — a grand maestro of horror movies — (also born in 1948) still has awesome synth stuff.

Paradise Lost are back at their game, fortunately.


Yeah Ramnsteins latest release is controversial.

Paradise Lost not familiar but Nuclear Blast records has some good stuff.


Nightwish started back in 1996, and is still going strong. Even the two albums they did with their second singer (generally considered the least popular and talented of the three they've had) did fairly well.

Blue Orange

Gone to Texas
All of Rammstein's stuff is controversial, though; that's kind of their shtick. (And if Radio bothers you...well...don't watch the video for Deutschland.)

Springsteen just released an album, as did Trent Reznor. Madonna had a new album a few years back, as did the Rolling Stones. Eminem is late 90s, but is still making stuff.


Nightwish started back in 1996, and is still going strong. Even the two albums they did with their second singer (generally considered the least popular and talented of the three they've had) did fairly well.

New one might be their best.

Second one was the weakest.

First one aquired taste perhaps. Not a fan of her single stuff, Nightwish stuff is good.


All of Rammstein's stuff is controversial, though; that's kind of their shtick. (And if Radio bothers you...well...don't watch the video for Deutschland.)

Springsteen just released an album, as did Trent Reznor. Madonna had a new album a few years back, as did the Rolling Stones. Eminem is late 90s, but is still making stuff.

Think Deutschland is designed to trigger everyone. So good though.


I really can't think of too many folks I used to listen to back then that are still around and putting out new music...

Voidrunner's Codex

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