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[Full - Waiting for complete characters] Loex’edar: The Dragon War


First Post
Nonlethal Force said:
Anyone with the appropriate book:

Could someone put up the Faerie Dragon Skill list for the appropriate 8 HD listing? Or ... can someone tell me from what pool the skills can be chosen for the Faerie Dragon? Very important for my dragon's character development. [Actually, important in deciding if I even want to be a Faerie Dragon at all! :)

Edit: I know the dragon type gets 6+INT per level, with quadruple at 1st level. But can they chose from any skills? I know on p. 301 of the MM it basically says when creating a monster to assign whatever skills you think it should have ... but I am curious if there is a specific set for the Faerie Dragon.

Edit #2: While someone is at it, could the saves for the 8HD Faerie Dragon be put up?

Edit #3: And ... about feats and ability score increases. Do the ability score adjustments shown above include ability score adjustments for the levels equal to the dragon HD? I'm thinking that they would include it for the dragon levels but not for any levels above the HD listed. Am I correct? And, how many feats would a Faerie Dragon (8HD) / Favored Soul (10) have? The normal 7 for an 18th level character?

Edit #4: {Sorry to keep adding requests} Does the Faerie Dragon have a Natural Armor Bonus? {Honestly, I'll be done pestering the DMs with questions. But I've got a character that is all worth it!}

1: I'll say go with what the MM says; Choose whatever skills you want. WIll have to talk this over with Scout though, to be sure.

2: Saves for a 8HD Faerie Dragon: Fort 6, Ref 6, Will 6

3: Ability score increases are not included in the racial adjustments. 1 increase every 4th level, as usualy. Feats as usual as well, so 7 feats for a 18th level character, yes.

4: Faerie Dragon have a natural armor bonus of +4.

Goddess FallenAngel said:
Just checking in to say I'm here!

I'll probably be playing either a copper or a radiant. Haven't quite decided yet.... :)

Great, I really like the Radiant Dragon! :D

Tailspinner said:
Male Wyrmling Gold Dragon Fighter 6

Looks good tailspinner. But then again, so does all the characters you make ;)

zantriel said:
I would like to join the game if you have a spot open. What I would like to play is a Radiant Dragon monk with the Vow of poverty out of the Book of Exalted Deeds.

Sorry, scout and me talked about this, and material from Book of Exalted Deeds are not allowed.

Lord Wyrm said:
You'll see why the bow and sword are important, it's all about polymorph self. ;)

True. However, remember that all the lesser races have been obliterated a long time ago. You most likely would not know of many races to assume the form of.

Jemal said:
15 HD Silver Dragon - Darelzmyr Cierellyx, "The Great C"

Straight up Silver dragon, no class levels although I do have a request to make of the DM's... normally Silvers can learn Cleric spells and a few domain spells as Sorc. Spells.. May I substitute Druidic spells instead?
The character I'm working with is actually one I played in a long-running campaign (Started out as a Sorc/Druid before finally becoming a full blown Dragon... And then a Dragon Ascendant... And then.. the God of Silver Dragons, "The Great C/Sea/Seer". The reason I ask for Druidic is b/c He was a very Nature oriented dragon.

The C is Great, Wise Silver Dragon who gained his nickname for several reasons.. His Initial (C), his scale colour (Resembling the calm beautiful Sea's near his lair), and his uncanny ability to 'See' things. (A major Diviner/very perceptive).

I'll Post up more soon, I'm away from my books now, and Am waiting on your DM replies to my char. Concept. I'm thinking if it's OK with you, and since Good Dragons have been nearly wiped out that he's the Oldest, Wisest SILVER dragon left.. Not necesarily oldest/wisest of ALL, just Silver.

I like the consept. Allthough, seeing as he only have 15 HD, he will not be the oldest and wisest silver dragons, I am sorry. About the spells, I'll come back to you with an answer on that one.'

Jemal said:
Oh and I'm also waiting on the answers to the Ability Score question... Are the Racial mods the ONLY stat mods we get, or do we also get the standard 1/4 HD since we're PC's?

While we're at it, one curiosity... What colour/age/size is Cyrem?

Yup, ability increases as regular.

She is a Silver dragon of Huge size.

Krug said:
Just forthe record, advancement rules for Chromatic Dragons were presented in Dragon #320, while similar rules for metallic Dragons were presented in Dragon #332.

Hmmm.. I don't have access to the dragon magazines. Perhaps Scout does. Anyway, I think we'll stick with what we've come up with so far.
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[B]Name:[/B] Kinja
[B]Class:[/B] Druid10
[B]Race:[/B]  Faerie Dragon
[B]Size:[/B]  Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Female
[B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral Good
[B]Deity:[/B] Faerie Queen

[B]Str:[/B] 14 (+2)      [B]Level:[/B] 10       [B]XP:[/B] 
[B]Dex:[/B] 22 (+6)      [B]BAB:[/B] +13/+8/+3  [B]HP:[/B] 8d8 +10d8 + 18 = 
[B]Con:[/B] 12 (+1)      [B]Grapple:[/B] +15    [B]Dmg Red:[/B] -/-
[B]Int:[/B] 16 (+3)      [B]Speed:[/B] 30'/Fly 100' (Perfect)/ Swim 30'     
[B]Wis:[/B] 24 (+7)      [B]Init:[/B] +6        [B]Spell Res:[/B] 18 
[B]Cha:[/B] 18 (+4)      [B]ACP:[/B] -          [B]Spell Fail:[/B] 0%

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]                 +4    +0    +4    -1    +5    +0    +8    18
[B]Touch:[/B] 15              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 14

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                    9+1    +1   +5     +16
[B]Ref:[/B]                     5+3    +6   +5     +19
[B]Will:[/B]                    9+1    +7   +5     +22

[b]Armor                  Bonus   Dex   ACP   ASF  Weight    Cost[/b]

Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical   Range     Weight  Cost[/B]
Bite                    +15      1d6+2         x2        -        -       -
Claws                   +8       1d4+2         x2        -        -       -

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Draconic, Sylvan

[B]Abilities:[/B]  Venom Immunity, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy, Woodland Stride, Trackless Step, Resist Nature's 

Special Abilities: Euphoria gas breath weapon. immunity to sleep and paralysis, spell 
resistance 18. Water Breathing, Low Light Vision

Spell-like abilities:
At will: Dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound.
3/day: charm monster, entangle, grlitterdust, invisibility, major image, obscuring 
1/day: Animate object, mind fog, project image, summon natures ally IV.
1/month: Commune with nature

1st level: Eschew Materials
3rd level: Natural Spell
6th level: Fast Wild Shape
9th level: Oaken Resilence

[B]Skill Points:[/B] -  42+6=48    [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 7
[B]Skills                  Abil Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Balance                   Dex  2      +4  +2     +8
Climb                     Str  2      +2  +2     +6
Craft (Bowmaking)         Int  5      +0         +5
Handle Animal             Cha  6      -1  +1     +6
Hide                      Dex  4      +4         +8
Jump                      Str  1      +2  +2     +5
Knowledge (Religion)      Int  2      +0         +2
Knowledge (Nature)        Int  5      +0         +5
Listen                    Wis  3      +1         +4
Move Silently             Dex  4      +4         +8
Ride                      Dex  1      +4         +5
Search                    Int  2      +0         +2
Spot                      Wis  2      +1         +3
Survival                  Int  6      +0  +2     +8
Swim                      Str  1      +2         +3
Use Rope                  Dex  2      +4         +6

[B]Equipment:                Cost  Weight[/B]
Gemstone of Heavy Fort.     35000gp
Ring of Protection +5       50000gp
Bracers of Armor +8         64000gp
Amulet of Natural Armor +5  50000gp
Robe of Scintillating Colors27000gp   1lb
Cloak of Resistance +5      25000gp

[B]Total Weight:[/B] 46.5lb                 [B]Money:[/B] 12pp 22gp

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]       58lb 116lb 175lb 350lb 

[B]Age:[/B]  years
[B]Weight:[/B] lbs
[B]Eyes:[/B] Green
[B]Hair:[/B] Black
[B]Skin:[/B] Brown

Background: Kinja serves as an aid to Titania, the Faerie Queen, revelring her
with tales of nature and the wonders of the natural world. An adept druid, she has been saddened by the fall of the world into devastation and ruin, particularly trees and

Description: Kinja is a beautiful faerie dragon with butterfly like wings.

Behaviour: Kinja enjoys the natural world around her, migrating with
butterflies, hearing whalesong, savouring fruits and gossiping with crows. She is a
devout believer in the natural world.
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Nonlethal Force

First Post
AmorFati said:
1: I'll say go with what the MM says; Choose whatever skills you want. WIll have to talk this over with Scout though, to be sure.

2: Saves for a 8HD Faerie Dragon: Fort 6, Ref 6, Will 6

3: Ability score increases are not included in the racial adjustments. 1 increase every 4th level, as usualy. Feats as usual as well, so 7 feats for a 18th level character, yes.

4: Faerie Dragon have a natural armor bonus of +4.

Excellent! That answered all my questions. Unfortunately I have to go to work for the next 4 hours ... I know, I know - work when there is a possibility of a dragon game? Yeah, work is this annoying thing that for some reason pops into my schedule from time to time! :) But you have my word that once I put these answers into the character sheet I'll be ready to go. I've got the character all done up - just need to do the skills (which won't take long) and then post the sheet. I'd guess that it should be up by 3:00 EST.


First Post
Krug: A Faerie Dragon has 8 HD, meaning you can have a max of 10 class levels. Also, the FlyBy attack, Improved Initiative and Weapon Finesse are feats gained in the Dragon HD, not bonus feats.


First Post
And now, the young dragon sage...Shayuri! Yes it's true, this name was originally made for a dragon character (albeit she was trapped in human form :)).

Hey, Mr Dragon Fighter...seeing as how we're both of similar age and color, what do you think about being clutchmates? Some kind of semi-linked background, perhaps?

Female 10HD Wyrmling Gold Dragon Sorceror 5, Divine Oracle 1
Alignment: Lawful Good

Height: 5’-11”
Weight: 190#
Scales: Brown-yellow with golden metallic flecks
Eyes: Silver
Age: 5 years

Str: 16 (+3) [2 points, +6 race]
Dex: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Con: 18 (+4) [6 points, +4 race]
Int: 20 (+1) [6 points, +4 race, +2 HD]
Wis: 16 (+1) [4 points, +4 race]
Cha: 26 (+1) [6 points, +4 race, +2 HD, +6 Crown]

Racial Abilities: +6 Str, +4 Con, +4 Int, +4 Wis, +4 Cha; Base speed 60 feet, Fly 200 feet (Average), Swim 60 feet; Darkvision 60ft, Low-light Vision; Immunity to sleep and paralysis effects, Immunity to Fire, Vulnerability to Cold, Alternate Form, Water Breathing; Breath Weapons: Cone of Fire (2d10) & Cone of Weakening Gas.

Class Abilities: Summon Familiar, Oracle Domain, Scry Bonus

Hit Dice: 10d12 + 5d4 + 1d6 + 64
HP: 146
AC: 31 (+7 Natural, +1 Dex, +8 Bracers, +5 deflection)
Init: +1 (+1 Dex)

Fortitude: +17 [+8 base, +4 Con, +5 resistance]
Reflex: +14 [+8 base, +1 Dex, +5 resistance]
Will: +21 [+14 base, +3 Wis, +5 resistance]

BAB: +12
MAB: +15 (1d8+4/x2; Bite)
MAB: +10 (1d6+3/x2; 2 Claws)
MAB: +10 (1d4+3/x2; 2 Wings)

Listen +13 (10 ranks, +3 Wis)
Search +15 (10 ranks, +5 Int)
Spot +13 (10 ranks, +3 Wis)
Concentration +23 (19 ranks, +4 Con)
Diplomacy +22 (10 ranks, +8 Cha, +2 Sense Motive, +2 Bluff)
Intimidate +15 (5 ranks, +8 Cha, +2 Bluff)
Knowledge (Arcana) +24 (19 ranks, +5 Int)
Knowledge (Religion) +16 (8 ranks, +5 Int, +3 Skill Focus)
Knowledge (The Planes) +10 (5 ranks, +5 Int)
Knowledge (History) +12 (7 ranks, +5 Int)
Sense Motive +16 (13 ranks, +3 Wis)
Use Magic Device +21 (13 ranks, +8 Cha)
Disguise +12 (3 ranks, +8 Cha, +2 Bluff)
Heal +6 (3 ranks, +3 Wis)
Swim +18 (7 ranks, +3 Str, +8 racial)
Bluff (Cha) +14 (6 ranks, +8 Cha)
Spellcraft (Int) +26 (19 ranks, +5 Int, +2 Knowledge Arcana)

Languages - Common, Draconic, Celestial, Infernal, Ignan

Spellcasting (DC18+lvl)
0 - 6/6 1 - 8/8 2 - 6/6 3 - 5/5

Spells Known
0) Detect Magic
Disrupt Undead
Mage Hand
Arcane Mark
Acid Splash
1) Lesser Orb of Sound
Ray of Enfeeblement
Detect Secret Doors
2) See Invisible
3) Protection from Energy

1 Flyby Attack
3 Improved Manueverability
6 Skill Focus: Knowledge (Religion)
9 Eschew Materials
12 Spell Penetration
15 Greater Spell Penetration


10 map cases (10gp, 5lbs, Hold 10 loose pages apiece, in pouch, in Bag)
5oz ink (40gp, 1oz stoppered bottles wrapped in padded cloth, in pouch, in Bag)
50 inkpens (5gp, feather quills, tied in a bundle with soft leather thong, in pouch, in Bag)
100 loose pages (20gp, parchment, used for note, sketches, maps, in cases, in Bag)

The Great Work (1270gp, 8lbs, bought using Spellbook rules from Complete Arcane)
--Tome - Steel covers, with slipjacket, 100 vellum pages, Hardness 8, HP 7, Waterproof.

Bracers of Armor +8 (64000gp, +8 force armor)
Iron Bands of Binding (26000, ranged touch, Str or EscArt DC30 to break)
Type III Bag of Holding (7400, 35lbs - holds 1000lbs)

Shattered Crown of Kalifraxius (200000, custom item - breakdown below)
-Once known as Kalifaxius' Diamond Crown, this artifact was shattered by the deathblow of a great black wyrm, Allandriarch as it slew the noble gold patriarch, Kalifraxius. Long thought to be destroyed, the truth was that the potency of its magic transcended the battering of its physical form. In time, the enchantments found new ways to express themselves; and the Shattered Crown was born. It appears now to be a crown wrought of mithril wire...delicately and finely made, but plain for all of that. It is always found amidst a pile of dull glassy shards. When the Crown is donned, the shards light up with inner radiance and rise off the ground to orbit the wearer's head like dozens of ioun stones. The original Charisma-enhancing charm is still functional, and in addition the orbiting shards tend to block and deflect incoming attacks. Three times per day, on command, the shards can project illusory multiples of the Crown wearer. And once per day, on command, the shards align themselves to the sun so as to project a powerful beam of searing light (as Circlet of Blasting, Major).
+5 deflection to AC (75k, inc +50% for Body Slot)
+6 Charisma (54k, inc +50% for multiple powers)
Mirror Image 3/day (36k, inc +100% for multiple powers, and Body Slot)
Searing Ray (5d8 Maximized) 1/day (35k, Inc +50% for multiple powers)

Familiar Haven (12000, custom item, see below)
- The haven is a compact frame fitted between the shoulders like a backpack or over the pectorals. It is equipped with a small flap designed to be easily openable even for those lacking thumbs, from outside or inside. Within is an extra-dimensional space that's quite roomy for a small animal, equipped with feeding and watering areas, and room for any favored toys. With the flap open the familiar can stay inside indefinitely, enjoying Cover and Concealment. With the flap closed, the space stores several hours of air, protecting the familiar completely. By use of a command word, the master (or familiar, if it can speak) can whisk the familiar in or out of the pouch as a free action.
Familiar Pocket (use-act)

Pectoral of resistance +5 (25000, +5 to all saves)
Boots of Teleportation (49000, teleport self plus 3 other Medium creatures, 3x per day)
Ring of Lore (23250k, Legend Lore & Stone Tell 1/week, detect symbols and glyphs as rogue)
Ring of Blinking (27k, use Blink on command)

Wand of Magic Missile (9th) (6750, 50/50 charges, 5 missiles)
Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds (4500, 50/50 charges, 2d8+3 healing)
Potion of Remove Disease x2 (1500)
Potion of Remove Blindness x2 (1500)
Feather Token: Tree (400gp, makes...a tree)

Quoth, the RAVEN
Tiny Magical Beast (Augmented Animal)
Hit Dice: 16 (effective), 73HP
Initiative: +2
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), fly 40 ft. (average)
Armor Class: 17 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +12/-1
Attack: Claws +16 melee (1d2-5)
Full Attack: Claws +16 melee (1d2-5)
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, Alertness, Share Spells, Empathic Link, Deliver Touch,
Speak w/Master, Speak Common
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +16
Abilities: Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +3, Spot +5
Feats: Weapon Finesse


Background :

[sblock]Shayuri ("silver eyes") was hatched in the warm sands of a magically concealed temporary lair far from the prying eyes of the chromatic dragons that were running rampant over the lands and seas of the world. Her parents were seeking a legendary lair; one long ago thought sacked by evil dragons, but which they believed might still yield secrets that could help turn the tide of the war. Shayuri was the only egg borne to the two adult gold dragons, and while they spent some time discussing whether or not to turn back to seek fosterage for their new-hatched daughter, in the end they decided the journey back would be just as dangerous for her as the road ahead...

By night, they pored over old tomes and maps, and murmured the history chants while Shayuri looked on. She was a bit small, but possessed of a quick and curious mind. From her father she learned tongues and histories, and the value of knowledge preserved. From her mother, she learned to kindle the magical spark within, though in truth it would be years yet before she put this to practical tests. From both she learned reverence for the Great Dragons, Bahamut and IO especially. It wasn't exactly what humans would call worship...more of an abiding respect for, and a dedication to the principles of. But humans were a distant memory in the earth, awkward sketches in old tomes, and what they would have thought wasn't important anymore. If it ever had been.

Finally, they came upon the dusty basin of Kalifraxius' old lair, long ago broken and looted by a flight of blue wyrms, led by a black ancient. The top levels were barren; home to a few wretched beasts eking out a miserable existance out here, far from water and food. But below, in the gallery...

The dragons had been meticulous in carting away the riches of Kalifraxius, but there were secrets to the lair still...just as they had hoped. The canny old gold had dug, by means of magic no doubt, a deep well that plunged into the very heart of the ancient volcano whose caldera the basin once had been. Down too far for any dragon who couldn't breathe water; and too close to the places where stone was still soft and red hot for any dragon who could not bear fire's touch. And there, encased in a protective membrane, was a cache of goods that had survived the looting.

Shayuri, for her part, poking around outside the well, found great bones where Kalifraxius himself once lay, and within the broken skull was a strange contraption of mithril wire shaped to look like a crown, lying atop jagged crystal shards. As her parents emerged from the well, bugling loudly in triumph, Shayuri donned the shattered crown, and its magic awoke for the first time since Kalifraxius' death.

Unfortunately, this display of power also awoke something else. The raiding dragons hadn't been stupid. They'd realized there were riches here beyond their reach. And so, anticipating the return of the golds, they had placed a fearsome sentry. A massive draconic silohouette made of magically augmented iron, snorting smoke, and rumbling mechanically as it slithered out of the shadows and came at the family of dragons! Though it was slower by far, it had the advantage of surprise and managed to grapple Shayuri's mother. As the two adult golds battled the unliving draconic golem, Shayuri's father cried out for Shay to take everything she could and fly away, back towards the setting sun.

She was the only gold dragon to rise out of Kalifraxius' lair that day.

Over the next several years, Shayuri was taken under the wings (so to speak) of the remaining gold dragons, and learned her crafts of magic. She became a frequent visitor of those wyrms who had large collections of books, asking no more than to be allowed to spend a day or a few lying quietly and reading. When the two Dragonshards changed hands, and it seemed the war; long thought doomed, might be winnable...Shayuri volunteered for the task of retrieving shards despite her tender years. She prepared a sturdy tome to chronicle the journey, so future generations could be guided by their failures and successes. This 'Great Work' would be potentially the most important work of the age, at best detailing the turning point in the great war...at worst, being the last voice of goodness and reason in a world about to go mad.[/sblock]
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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
AmorFati said:
1: No, only those dragons mentioned in the first post. There might be half-dragons in the game, however not in the good side.

No chance of trying to play someone trying to redeem or overcome his or her heritage, huh?

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Character posted here: Flitterdust

I have to admit ... I am darn proud of this one. AC is high, saves are great, energy resistance should hopefully counteract the lower HP. Can't attack worth a darn ... in fact it is so bad you'll notice I haven't even filled out that section yet! But what makes me really proud is a hopefully good spell selection that will enhance the abilities of those around Flitterdust. (Other spell choice suggestions are welcomed if anyone wants to take the time to help. I've been thinking that with his DC he should add at least one offensive/damaging spell per level.) But Flitterdust is a dragon who loves Bahamut first and foremost ... who can heal somewhat, buff others, cast prayer, provide food and water, and even care for lost friends in battle. Any thoughts, mister DMs?

Also ... I still have 6,000 gold to spend. Any ideas about an item that may only have 1 or two uses per day? I was thinking of maybe glasses of Status (as the spell). If useable 2 times per day, I think that would only be 4,800 ... but the DMs would need to agree that it is an appropriate body slot affinity. Otherwise, it would cost 7,200 and exceed my allowance by 1,200. But an item like that is what I am trying to go for. Something like that wouldn't have combat effectiveness, but it would fit really well into Flitterdust's persona. If anyone has ideas, please let me know.

Couple of comments, though. You'll notice I left the following areas blank for lack of information: XP, Speed/maneuverability, and Languages. I didn't know if we were starting with min EXP for 18th level characters. I don't know the speed maneuverability of the faerie dragon, and I assume draconic is a given language. But as far as other languages - given the current status of the world ... are there language restrictions that would make the world more believable?

Also, I only listed the skills in which I have ranks. If you would like, I can give you a full list of skills.

Whew. That rocked! I hope this game gets up soon, I wanna try him out.
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First Post
Versveshedar (Stone)
Race: Young Gold Dragon
Class: 14 Dragon/4 Level Adjust
Alignment: LG

Strength: 42 (16 Base +14 Race, +6 Enhancement, +3 HD, +3 Inherent)
Dexterity: 16 (14 Base)
Constitution: 28 (14 Base, +6 Race, +6 Enhancement, +2 Inherent)
Intelligence: 16 (10 Base, +6 Race)
Wisdom: 16 (10 Base, +6 Race)
Charisma: 16 (10 Base, +6 Race)

Gold Dragon:
-Size: Large
-Land Movement: 60ft
-Flight: 200 (poor)
-Swim: 60ft
-Alternate form 3/day
-Breath Water and act freely underwater
-Breath Weapon 6d10 Fire (DC 26) or 3 Strength Damage (DC 26)
-Immune to Fire
-immune to sleep and paralysis effects
-Vulnerable to Cold (See overcome weakness feat)
-Blindsense: 60ft
-Darkvision: 120ft
-Natural Armor: +13
-Natural Attacks: Bite 2d6/claws 1d8/wings 1d6/tail slap 1d8
-Space: 10ft/5 reach (10ft with bite)

HD(14d12 + 126)
HP: 229

AC 32 (10 Base, +13 Natural Armor, +8 Armor, +2 Dex, -1 Size)

BAB 14

+34 Bite (2d6 + 21)/ 2x +34 Claw (1d8 +13)/1x +29 Claw (1d8 +13) /2x +34 Wings (1d6 + 13)/ 1x Wing +29 (1d6 +13)/+34 Tail slap (1d8 +29)

Fort: +23 (+9 Base, +9 Con, +5 Resistance)
Refl: +16 (+9 Base, +2 Dex, +5 Resistance)
Will: +19 (+9 Base, +3 Wis, +2 Feat, +5 Resistance)


Concentrate 21 (12 Ranks +9 Con)
Diplomacy 22 (17 Ranks + 3 Cha, +2 Synergy)
Disguise 12 (9 Ranks, +3 Cha)
Intimidate 20 (17 Ranks + 3 Cha)
KS: Arcane 13 (10 Ranks + 3 Int)
KS: Nature 13 (10 Ranks +3 Int)
KS: Religion 13 (10 Ranks +3 Int)
Listen 20 (17 Ranks +3 Wis)
Search 20 (17 Ranks +3 Int)
Sense Motive 20 (17 Ranks +3 Wis)
Spot 20 (17 Ranks +3 Wis)



0. Read Magic, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand
1. Cure Light Wounds, Protection from Evil

1) Iron Will
3) Multiattack
6) Improved Multiattack
9) Suppress Weakness
12) Rapidstrike

Parental Horde: Though he had never met his parents, he was left quite a few items from their horde in the secret room which he was hidden. Though he was forced to abandon the coins and library, he did come away with several powerful items:
25,000 Frill Stud of Resistance +5 (cloak)
150,000 Amulet of Mighty Fists +5
82,500 Book of Strength +3 (used)
55,000 Book of Constitution +2 (used)
36,000 Hip Bands of Health (+6 Enhancement bonus to Con)
36,000 Gauntlets of Might +6
64,000 Bracers of Armor +8


[sblock]Arjin climbed the narrow stairs, carrying the lantern that only illuminated a small distance before one of the many twists and turns blocked the light. Finally he approached the surface and he hooded the lantern and hung it from a hook in the wall.

The cold was bone chilling, but up here in the northlands, no respectable dragon made its home. Well none except the White’s and they weren’t all that bright. The full moon illuminated the tundra, but even then he did not immediate see the dragon until he turned his long neck to look back at him.

The people of the village called him the White Gold, because of his tendency to cover himself in snow for better concealment, but his name was Versveshedar and he had come to be their guardian and Arjin’s friend.

“There hasn’t been a dragon out there for months. I doubt very much one is going to wander by this evening. Even if it did, I doubt that it will investigate a shallow ice cave.”

Versveshedar, or Vers as Arjin called him (to his great annoyance) blinked at him, “We can’t afford to not be vigilant.”

“You worry too much, Vers.”

Vers looked back over the frozen wasteland, “Better to worry too much, than too little.”

Arjin raised an eyebrow, he hadn’t even scolded him for not using his full name, “What is it? You have been acting all broody and melancholy since you got that message, not that broody and melancholy are unusually for you, but you seem to be taking extra effort in it.”

A snort escaped from the dragon, “Broody and melancholy I guess I am. I am worried about our little village here, I feel I have a responsibility.”

“Lad, we have been round and round at this. We aren’t in any dragon’s territory, we are well hidden, Pelor looks after our needs, still granting me spells after all these years to provide food and water for them. We know how to run if some dragon comes sniffing about. We have been here six months, I think we can stay a tad bit longer while you go see if the Cyrem girl is on the up and up.”

Arjin grinned, “Besides, we handled ourselves before you came along.”

The dragon did not respond, he just kept looking out into the waste.

The old cleric began to grow concerned, “Really… what’s bothering you?”

He turned his head back to look at the old man, then looked away, “I have never really met a dragon that was not trying to kill me, or me him.” his majestic voice almost sounded sheepish.

Arjin was taken aback, his friend never had spoken about his past, “What about your parents Lad, siblings or the like? Surely you have had at least those.”

He looked back out to the snow covered land, “I broke free from my shell in a hidden chamber in what I can only assume had been my parents lair. There were many tomes and other treasures there, but no sign of my parents. I was very confused until I started reading the books, one was a history.”

“I concluded that my parents had been killed and in an effort to save me, had hidden me in the secret room. I was safe for a while, then other dragons came, intent on making my parents lair their own. When they discovered me, I took what I could and fled.”

“From then on, I have done nothing but fight and flee from other dragons, I was beginning to believe that I was the last of my kind. Then I received the message from Cyrem and now I don’t know what to think.”

The dragon remained quiet for a while and Arjin didn’t want to interrupt his contemplative mood, he sensed there was more to this.

“I suppose that is not all,” the dragons turned to meet the human in the eye, “I have been with you all for three years now, we have been brave and as lucky as we could have reasonably hoped, but we still lose people. There are so few children and they are so fragile.”

“I guess what I am saying is this is the only good thing I have ever known, and while I struggle my best to keep you all safe, I know it is a losing battle. Even here, sooner or later something is going to come sniffing around and you all will have to flee and we will continue to lose people.”

“This is a world without hope.” Vers turned away.

Arjin spoke quietly, “Or at least it was until Cyrem sent you that message. It is easy to accept the lot in life we are given and harder than the black abyss to open ourselves to the pain of shattered hope again.”

“I still think there is a very good chance this is a trick, a trap of some nature.” Vers said not looking back

“I agree you need to be very cautious, but I think you also know that dying trying to fix what is wrong is better than enduring it and dying by degrees every day, till finally, in despair you chose to stand and fight when you know you should flee.”

Versveshedar looked at his friend for a long moment, weighing his words, then his form shifted into a young human male, “All right, I suppose I can come in, I can’t brood very well with you nagging me anyway.”

Arjin smiled, putting his hand on his shoulder, “I will pray to Pelor your message was legitimate, I have a feeling all our lives depend on it.”

“Then let us hope Pelor answers your prays better than he does when you pray for food…” Their banter faded rapidly as the descended the hidden stairs. [/sblock]
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First Post
Will you allow the Healer class out of the Miniatures Handbook? I am not 100% sure as to what I wish to play but that is one of the classes I like to play. Also how about a psionic character? Sorry we have most of the bases covered so I am trying not to copy anyone.

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