D&D (2024) [+] Future of The SRD Speculation Thread

Kyle was speaking at the time as an official representative of WotC, not having a couple drinks at a convention with fans. Everything he said is reasonably taken as WotC's position on the subject
except when he clearly says ‘I’ and distinguishes between his position and WotC’s

Just because you are there to talk about the OGL and what happened does not mean you are suddenly authorized to make decisions on all kinds of things that WotC is then held accountable for

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except when he clearly says ‘I’ and distinguishes between his position and WotC’s

Just because you are there to talk about the OGL and what happened does not mean you are suddenly authorized to make decisions on all kinds of things that WotC is then held accountable for
True, but if that's the case you should avoid making personal statements when acting as a representative of your employer.

Look, I know he was just saying what he thought, and is probably disappointed that WotC hasn't moved forward with it. But the reason people are irritated with this is that he suggested it could addressed while acting as an official representative of WotC, and later WotC put the idea on a PowerPoint slide and said they were working on it (with no visible results as of yet, and no further word).

I think the answer is that if we want an SRD for D&D 2024, or for 3.5 to go in CC, we’re gonna have to, once again, as a community, make a big stink about it and hold their feet to the fire.

I think when it comes to a new SRD for the updated game, the public will to apply pressure might exist. Re: 3.5, I doubt it. I just don’t think enough people care about that one to make WotC move on it.

My takeaway from OGLGate was that Hasbro viewed the OGL as an unforced error, but then learned that trying to walk it back 20 years after the fact was an even BIGGER unforced error.

But I find it hard to believe that with 20% of the staff laid off, the 50th anniversary, and new core books in progress, a new SRD is even in their top 100 priorities list right now - and that’s where it will stay unless and until the community loudly and persistently demands otherwise.
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Look, I know he was just saying what he thought, and is probably disappointed that WotC hasn't moved forward with it. But the reason people are irritated with this is that he suggested it could addressed while acting as an official representative of WotC, and later WotC put the idea on a PowerPoint slide and said they were working on it (with no visible results as of yet, and no further word).
oh, I understand that, I just do not consider them liars because of it, they never promised anything

Being misleading is not the same as being a liar.
I went back and I interpreted your ‘not honest’ as ‘lying’, not as ‘misleading’.

I am not sure I fully agree with misleading either, but I do not strongly disagree with it ;) Kyle might have been more optimistic than turned out to be justified, that is not intentionally misleading, and I am not blaming him for being too optimistic on a judgement call in the moment.

I guess I always saw WotC’s official statements in a more negative light than you did, so they did not mislead me with it. I never gave this high chances, I just did not (and am not yet) ruling out a 3e CC release.

Much like their ‘the anniversary extends into 2025’ to me right away meant that we probably do not get all three core books in 24 (or a proper new SRD for it, based on their comments so far). Call me jaded, but I am not expecting better from them…

But I find it hard to believe that with 20% of the staff laid off, the 50th anniversary, and new core books in progress, a new SRD is even in their top 100 priorities list right now - and that’s where it will stay unless and until the community loudly and persistently demands otherwise.
Not like they didn't have the better part of a year to get it done before ruining lives to make line go up for the shareholders.

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