GAME OF THRONES #10:Fire and Blood ACT 10 Chapter 1-2011--Season Ending


Dragon Lord

On the subject of Ros, I suspect that it's true that she's mostly there for exposition at this point, but once you start putting her in contact with so many of the main characters, the audience is going to expect those connections to pay off at some point in the future. They're setting Ros up to be a player of some kind, but I don't know how they'll shoehorn that into a story that already has plenty of players.

My guess is that somewhere around season three, or even season two, someone will decide she knows too much and she'll meet a sticky end.

On Brienne, that's gonna be a tough role to cast, given her description. They may need to find a more attractive actress and use some prosthetics.

They can find a big, not so attractive girl to play Brienne. I hope they don't use prosthetics. I hope they find a girl that would probably never make it in acting normally to play Brienne. Maybe a big Scottish or Nordic girl used to carrying huge jugs of milk down the trail after she's done milking cows to play Brienne. That is always how I pictured her.

Those type of women do exist. There have to be a few trying to be actresses. Find one. Find some six foot tall, big-framed woman and toss her in a suit of armor. Find someone we believe could kick the living crap out of a man if trained to be a knight and arrayed in full harness.

That's what I want to see. Brienne is one of the more interesting characters in the series. I'd like to see her cast. She would be an unusual casting. Most fantasy authors almost always make their warrior women beautiful as well as deadly. Martin went for realism and wrote a big daughter of a dairy farmer girl character and gave her a sword, armor, and some skill. I want to see that properly captured since it is such an unusual character.

I hope they go find some big wrestler woman, weight lifter, or simply a big farm girl that wants to act. Dress her up in some armor and let her kick some behind.

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Fast Learner

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Here's the casting breakdown for the character:

[BRIENNE TARTH] FEMALE. Age: 20s. A skilled warrior in service to Renly Baratheon. Larger and stronger than most men, we first meet Brienne when she wins a tournament, defeating the famed Loras Tyrell. Big-boned and plain faced, she has an awkward personality, but is also honest and loyal. She is derisively known as “Brienne the Beauty”… RECURRING. (Season Two: 6 episodes/Season Appearances: Multiple Season) Must be a MINIMUM of 5’10″. Do NOT submit actresses that look like models. We are looking for a big, WARRIOR-TYPE woman that’s more MANLY than womanly.

Sounds like they're casting it right.


Sounds like they're casting it right.

Personally I don't see why they're even putting out a casting call when the perfect woman is already known:



She's not tall enough for that casting call.

Camera tricks made the little short-ass runt Mark Addy look bigger than he is, surely they can make Mauresmo taller. Gonna be hard to find a 6'3" buff woman in her twenties who looks like an ugly man, let alone convincing her to act in the role. Mauresmo is already used to being called an ugly dude.


A Wicked Kendragon
Addy is short? He's 5' 10", same as Sean Bean.

Edit: ok, I see what you mean. Robert is supposed to be ~6'5". That is quite a difference.
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Addy is short? He's 5' 10", same as Sean Bean.

Edit: ok, I see what you mean. Robert is supposed to be ~6'5". That is quite a difference.

Not just that, he was supposed to be a 'bear of a man' who wielded a massive two-handed hammer that caved in Rhaegar's chest.


Casting Season Two: Brienne - Winter Is Coming

My favs are Miranda Hart or Eva Damen. Hart fits more to the mental image I had of Brienne when reading the books, but Eva Damen seems to have more of the warrior-training already to go. I'm not sure they will stick too closely to the homeliness of Brienne as described in the books; they certainly didn't with Tyrion.

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