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Gamer Love Life


Uzumaki said:

No, Cherry 2000. ;)

I used to believe in love at first site, partly I think because I was a gamer and reader of fantasy, etc., but eventually I guessed it was lust at first sight.

I think when you are not looking is when you are most attractive, but also since you aren't looking, aren't as aware of potential opportunities. I went to a friend's wedding last month and the seating was arranged so that I got to sit "at the table with the hot chicks" as the bride put it. I had invited a woman from our gaming group to go but she either wasn't interested or already had plans, (wasn't going to make the weeknight game weird by pushing the issue), but I ended up having a blast with another guest. I thought we hit it off, but it must have been just my opinion because her reaction to my initial email was like, "that's cute, please don't bug me", (or that was my perception, colored by such facts as getting a new job and living 4 hours away). That or the fact it takes 9 days to get a response. :\

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For all of you out there that have decided to stop looking for Love, let this happily (recently) married man remind you of something important, in terms all of us on this thread should understand. You'll never find the traps and secret doors, unless you roll a search check. ;)

I found the amazing woman who is now my wife through a chance meeting of a friend of a friend. I had been a part of a relationship that, although it lasted 5 years, had started well but ended HORRIBLY. One of the reasons for the horrible end was gaming. I made a pact with myself that I would find someone who could at least understand my love of the hobby, and understand that it couldn't (and wouldn't) interfere with the Love of a woman.

Eventually, I did. Without gushing about everything I like and Love about my wife, I just wanted to tell you that you CAN have it all. You seem like nice guys, but you'll never find anything unless you're at least looking. You never know when God (or fate, if you prefer not to personify the divine) will put the ONE in your path. You don't want to blithely walk past her. So keep your eyes open, at least. Lastly, this is something that makes you who you are. There are women (beautiful ones, even) that may never know the inner workings of a warp drive as well as you, but can at least smile as they listen to you talk about it.

I could go on and on. I almost gave it up, and if I had, I KNOW I wouldn't be this happy. So stay in the fight, and if you ever want worthless advice, let me know. I am always happy to provide. ;)


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Well, I'm single, and a girl, and a gamer. I wouldn't say I was starved for affection (yay for stacks of friends who love me!) but if I was looking for an SO I'd definitely be after a gamer. I wouldn't say gaming defines who I am - at least not totally! - but it's a fairly major part of my life, and I'd definitely want to share that with my partner.

All the local gamer guys I know, though, are either taken, not interested in me, not somebody I'm interested in, or some combination of the above. Sucks a bit. :)


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The_Universe said:
You never know when God (or fate, if you prefer not to personify the divine) will put the ONE in your path.

Amen. :)

For myself, someone always shows up when you least expect it. (Or you are already taken :p )

Where were you when I was single :\
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Hida Bukkorosu said:
i want a chick who's:

  • cute (appeals to my physical attraction tastes)
  • a gamer (i need to be able to share the thing that defines who i am with her)
  • a carnivore(when eating meals at home, i don't want to have to eat vegetarian stuff)
  • enthusiastic about physical intimacy and wants to engage in it as much as possible
  • not religious, preferably ex-religious (so she can understand and relate to my issues and experiences with religion)
  • shares my opinions regarding institutionalized education in case we have any kids
Heh. Well, good luck with that whole thing. A couple of your checkpoints seem a little extreme, though. Is gaming really the thing that defines who you are? That's a helluva lot of dedication to make-believe, man. Also, unless your partner is really hardcore and can't stand to even be around meat, there's really no problem in getting along with a vegetarian. Unless, of course, you're a baby robin and she has to chew your food up for you and spit it into your mouth.

If I may ask, how old are you? It seems to me that a lot of people are much more set on what traits their partners MUST have when they're younger.


First Post
Eh, I want a Jersey girl. Something tells me though that, ironically enough, I'll need to leave Jersey to find the one for me.

I'd be especially partial to a Jersey girl of Greek descent; I got extremely spoiled from dating one. I need a girl who's loud, opinionated, loves to cook, loves to eat, and has a big arse(which sums up every Greek girl I've ever known; and just FYI so I don't offend anyone, those are all GOOD TRAITS in my eyes). :D

To more precisely codify the list, here ya go.

Likes to Cook-I like to cook too, so I don't want the girl to cook for me all the time. However it'd be nice to have someone to make a nice dinner with.
Likes to Eat-It sucks eating alone; it sucks MUCH worse eating with someone who doesn't eat at all.
Loud-Between loud music, loud friends, and music practice(my little brother plays Trumpet, my brother-in-law is teaching me the electric guitar at ear-shattering levels), my hearing is shot to hell. Plus, a meek girl is definitely NOT what I need; I need someone who can look me in the eye and go "Andrew, shut the HELL up." when she thinks it's needed.
Opinionated-If you share all my opinions, what good is it? I want someone I can have discourse with, not just intercourse! :)(couldn't resist)
Big Arse-What can I say; I don't like really tiny girls. Big in the right places, in fact, and full of life is much more to my liking. Plus, tiny girls are hyper, in my experience; I can't deal with 24/7 hyperactivity(even I'm not hyper all the time, though my buddies might disagree).
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Gamer Girls - You Can Convert!

Never was I fortunate enough in my single years to date a girl who was interested in my hobby. I've had multiple reactions, from plain disinterest to the assertion that I was endangering my immortal soul. Ten years ago, I met the true love of my life. Her reaction? She remembered "geeks" who played MAGIC and D&D in the lunchroom from high school.

I exposed her to some of the high points that I thought she could relate to, first. At my urging, she read the Dragonlance Chronicles by Weis & Hickman. She played board and card games. Finally, I ran a session for her, her brother, and a few other friends that was designed to be a good intro into role-playing.

She fell in love--both with me and the hobby!

After that, she became a regular at the gaming table and a rabid collector of dice. Her interest grew, and when I was offered a job in the hobby game industry, she tagged along and became the manager of the only game store in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. She has since spun miniatures, helped proofread product, and has been the Director of Sales at both Fast Forward Entertainment and my own company.

The moral of this tale is that you may not always find the pre-made "gamer girl," but that doesn't mean that she can't be one after you've romanced her into your hobby. Having an understanding spouse is one of the luckiest elements a gamer-guy like me can have in his life.

I wish you the best of luck, both at the gaming table and in love!

Jamie Chambers
Sovereign Press, Inc.
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First Post
Hida Bukkorosu said:
well, that's why i don't realistically expect that i ever will find someone. unless "empathic metamorphs" exist - or they invent bio-android women that you can order programmed to your specifications...

It may come sooner that you would believe. Check this X-rated website to see by yourself. Begin to save right now, and you should have enough money 10 years in the future when "she" will be fully AI and animated. ;)

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