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Gaming w/Jemal: Mutant Apocalypse Issue 2: Vegas!


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For a brief moment, Felix’s face became blank, his mouth dropped open as if in shock, and then he grinned with twisted gee, he bit into his lower lip and drew blood. It was his own, yet the taste was like nectar to him now, why did he never notice it before? “what dos it taste like?” Felix thought while he started to foam at the mouth, it ran red as his saliva mixed freely with his blood. Felix started to produce a deranged sound, a chocking, chirping, giggling, laughter.

His facile expression was devoid of any care save the glee of a fabulous meal, he just forgot everything, nothing else mattered, there was a walking bag of meat in front of him and it looked delicious! The muted crimson ran down the sides of his mouth as his laughter deepened, he was, for a moment ever so brief, starting to hunch over and spasm as he went tense; if he had any sanity left it had fled him now as all the veins in his body visibly bulged under his fur as his heart rate skyrocketed.

He stared to grow, rapidly, he was not becoming human, that was blatant, but he also was not standing still any longer, words? Dialogue? nay Felix produced nothing save his hastening, bellowing laugher as he became more and more bestial. His fur became thinker and courser. His fangs grew and his slim build became more robust as his belt strained then snapped as he then filled, then over filled the confines of his clothing as his thickening claws first stated over the floor, but as he bolted around the man and through the room, his claws began to grip and tear at the floor as he kicked and cling to it as he moved around on all fours, he plowed through a desk, not around, over, or under, he went straight through, tuffs of fur and cloth ripped and small cuts and scrape came from the action, but Felix did not care, he just saw the meat that he was about to consume and felt ever so hungry.

Felix did not care what, or who he blitzed through, he soon completed three fourths of an orbit and then leapt onto the wall, landing on all fours, and his neck had bent around to an unnatural extent as he leered fixedly at the man. He maintained enough of his humanity that one could vaguely make out that he was grinning diabolically and not simply snarling, and also so much that his, then hyperventilating laughter was picking up in pace and volume.
All the while his teeth, chattering with unnatural speed, spattered the crimson froth that formed in his mouth.

He clung to the wall only so long as his mass forced him into it as his legs recoiled under the strain, then the instance he was no longer compelled to cling to the wall he burst off of it, with the soul intent of leaping onto the man, and eating it.
[sblock=OoC] Quick reminder, his is over filling his clothing, this is to say, at worst, aside from the damage suffered from acting like a rhino, he is stretching the heck out of them, as in, he is by no means tall or large, he is just a lot bigger than 3’1 ;P

Also, yes, he has utterly lost it. nearly as insane as me you see ;3[/sblock]

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Walking Dad

First Post

It takes Frost a moment to make sense of what his heat sensitive sight tells him: "Be careful, the lab coat is preparing to do something with his powers!

Stop it, or I will freeze you solid!"


Intimidate is +4, if you want to roll it.



HP 2

conditions: fatigued

TOUGHNESS 13 (13 Impervious)

Immunity (poison, disease, crit, suffocation, cold)



The scientist hesitates for a moment at Frost's threat, taking his eyes off the feral cat-man for a moment. Before he can respond or do anything however, Felix leaps at him, bowling into the scientist with enough force to break a solid door.
But the scientist doesn't budge, merely turns back to face Felix's mauling claws with that crazy gleam returning to his eyes "That's right you savage, hit me harder, empower me!"
Feix's claws fly against the scientist, rippin his coat to shreds but stopping dead against his skin. The Scientist doesn't even seem to feel the impact, not flinching or staggering at all, as though the attack had no force behind it.

Frost notes that each impact sends a pulse of heat through the scientist.

OOC: OK so long as Jkason is busy, I'm just going to rule that Grid is too busy with all the stuff he's doing computer-wise to really assist in the current combat.
I rolled perception for Frost and Cass (Felix is a bit too enraged at the moment). They can both tell that the scientist seems scared of Frost.
Cass, who got a 22, can also tell that the scientist seems Genuinely UNafraid of the cat-man or herself.

*NOTE: I'm going to say that the conversation took longer than it did just so the Hall Team can 'catch up'. We'll say the fight breaks out as the Hall team arrives at the door to the Detention center and try to keep the two on relatively even time frames for now.

Walking Dad

First Post

"Stop it, You only make him stronger!" Fros calls and tries to hit the scientist with a blast of pure cold...


Using ranged damage with the cold, not ice descriptor, to attack without kinetic energy.I fact, it is more like taking away heat energy.

ranged att +8, damage rank 11 (precise attack)



HP 2

conditions: fatigued

TOUGHNESS 13 (13 Impervious)

Immunity (poison, disease, crit, suffocation, cold)



First Post
As Frost does that, Cassandra...having reached the same conclusion...reaches out to grab Felix with her power, trying to yank the enraged cat-boy from his prey and hold him still until he's calmed down a bit.

"Felix, you have to listen! You're only making things worse!"


The scientist turns to glare at Frost, and sees him raise his hand. His eyes widen as Frost unleashes a freezing stream, sucking away the heat. He gasps for a moment then furrows his brow and growls in concentration.
Frost sees the scientists heat signature fluctuate, and then the heat focuses into the area Frost is attacking. By the time the cold dissipates, the Scientist looks triumphantly undamaged, but his overall heat signature has gone down a few degrees.
"AHA! You won't get me with that trick a second time, I'm ready for you now!"

Meanwhile, Felix is telekinetically pulled, screaming with rage, away from the scientist.
The scientist begins concentrating some of his energy and fires a blast of heat at Frost, though the shot goes wide, and he seems almost surprised that he actually managed to pull it off.
Grid barely manages to keep the fire alarms from going off as part of the wall melts away.

well you seem to have stumbled, at least partially, across his 'secret power.' ;)
"In fact, it is more like taking away heat energy." Yep, hence why he's scared of Frost.
Also to be clear, your cold attack DID affect him, he just seems not to realize it yet.
Is Enoch going to try participating in this again, or keep trying to unbreak the other scientists mind?
Last edited:


First Post
Hotel Felix was utterly Vacant, with room for one!
In his belly.

Felix skidded atop the floor to a grinding halt atop his claws, foaming at the mouth and chomping at the bit. Frost’s comment was utterly ignored as his rage and madness deepened. He was preparing to leap back at the man again, then Cassandra restrained him and he immediately attempted to break free. Felix felt his apatite rage more and more, but more he also felt heavy, dense, his veins felt like they were about to rupture from the stain as he strained against her to no avail. He did not think it, but he instinctively knew what to do, to brake free and relive the strain, it was oh so simple.

Felix started to crackle and pop as bones and flesh was gang pressed to grow far larger than ever before, if his veins, his body, was too small to contain itself or over match Cassandra, then it simply had to grow, Larger; how better to accommodate it and his needs?

His cloths started to strain under the presser while his body did the same, but while his form stretched and groaned, his cloths ripped and shattered. The remains of his clothes dropped beside him as his form warped further, it wasn’t healthy. His body hit a limit, his features were sunken, withered, drained, his strength ebbed away as his eyes rolled up as his head did the same, he had not so much grown as become a husk of what he should have been, and he stood near collapse. Even with his hunched over poster, his over stretched form caused him to stand on the floor while the fur on his shoulders was tickling the ceilings face.

Felix took in a long, moaning, breath, he was not supposed to grow this large, much less without the ability that sustained him, everything became a blur as his head sawed to and fro; his face drew blank and fatigued as he started he started to stumble backwards. He would have toppled over out right, but he felt something keep him from falling, and he nary took a knee before his gaze passed over the man, the thing, as his vision tunneled. Madness and rage returned to him as adrenaline surged within, driving him onward. He bolted back at the man, or so he intended; a batting, sundering, strike came from Felix as his arm blitz towards the man, then the same presence from before pulled him back. If he had been thinking at all, he would have known who was doing it, and would have been able to tell the effort was pulled, kid gloves were used, if they could be called that given what the force of the gloves was doing.

Felix’s claws came within mere inches of the man as he was pulled down and backwards, his clawed feet sank into the floor as they clawed and maimed it viciously for traction; He reached further and further, swatting at the man, but found the no matter how far he leaned, his feet continued to move backwards as he gasped and wheezed for air as he over strained in pursuit of his prize; he only wanted to swallow the thing whole! He soon found himself on all fours, fruitlessly trying to claw his forwards,
his fanged maw mashing open and closed franticly as found the man ever over reach no matter if he tried to move around it for a new vantage or strait at it; he breathed ever deeper, fiercer, as his desire, his need, to feast burned ever brighter, ever fiercer, and his eyes, ever dimmer, ever duller.
[sblock=OoC] Sorry for G-Moding Cassandra, but, given that Felix suddenly redoubled his reach, I figured she would figure it potent to move him further away, that and she can move about 24 tons of stuff per a sustained action, even with growth thundering his strength up to 8, Felix simply can’t contest her in terms of raw kinetic strength, he can lift 6 right not without straining, and he is about 1… she could launch him through a wall! XD

That and Felix is not so fast that he can avoid being seen, Cassandra Vs Felix, it’s stupidly mismatched XD[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post

Frost can only try to cool his enemy down more while somehow not getting melted..


reflexively rolled on IC. Use or ignore the roll as you prefer:

ranged att +8, damage rank 11 (precise attack)



HP 2

conditions: fatigued

TOUGHNESS 13 (13 Impervious)

Immunity (poison, disease, crit, suffocation, cold)



First Post
As the altercation with the scientist turns into a real struggle, Enoch purposefully fades into the background. He switches back to working on the crazy self-hating mutant. While still hoping to build towards total control, he starts with nudging things in the direction of 'why fight when you can brag?'.

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Grid, keep the cameras off, we are going to take the guards down. Also jam their intercomms." The roman made a few seconds silence. The guards were on the other side of the corridor, just ahead of the turn. For the two girls he had in front, this would be the first real confrontation with armed man, dangerous and hostile. He looked at both, he could see the bolstering inspiration in their eyes he had himself impaired. "Ladies, we'll do this like this: Material girl, get solid and walk up so they can see you. They'll concentrate fire on you, probably without mediating a single word. When they start shooting, Shadow, you'll use the cover to jump on them. I'll provide covering fire. This needs to be done quickly and nicely, I don't want any mistakes as with the scientists... GO!"

Initiative: +12, roll twice, keep the best one
Free: Draw pistol
Move: Wait until Material Girl is geting shot at, then move to face enemies.
Second move: Improved assessment: taking 10, for a 22 for each enemy; one extra success in each I bet.
Remember you got the +2 bonus to attacks and saves and checks in general

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