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Generation Legacy (Issue #5)


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Tokiwong said:

“I make it a point to fight ignorance, wherever I can, and besides everyone wants to be treated with dignity and respect right? Besides luv, there is always that little thing called karma,” once he hears her name, “I am pleased to meet you Ruby.”

“This world is too small, and life is too short to let the little prejudices hold sway,” he smirks, “but I have a little knowledge about your unique condition, although condition makes it sound like a malady. A more correct statement would be elevation, above the norm.”

William seeing her blush smiles, “And yes the food is as bad as you have heard.”

Hearing his comment on the food, she giggles.
"It's great to be talking to someone again, I've been stuck at home for the past few weeks. So what is it you know about my ... elevation?" she adds with a smirk, clearly feeling relaxed in his presence.
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Aenion said:

Hearing his comment on the food, she giggles.
"It's great to be talking to someone again, I've been stuck at home for the past few weeks. So what is it you know about my ... elevation?" she adds with a smirk, clearly feeling relaxed in his presence.

William replies, "Well your specific elevation, I can't comment on, but I do know that you are a different person then you were. But you are still essentially at your core, Ruby. I suppose that what I mean by elevation is that you now have a wonderful gift, that will scare many people, but do not worry about them, they are afraid because they do not understand who you are or what you have become. It is a gift, a beautiful gift, Ruby."
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Ryan shrugs his shoulders, then heads with Mark towards The Playboy Club. Could the name be any worse? I had better talk to Mark, let him know I'm not jealous or anything. Let everyone else think whatever they want. "Hey, Mark, just to let you know, I think you're the best choice for the team leader of Legacy. Just don't end up all like Paragon or something."

Ryan sighs with relief upon entering the store. Good, this isn't what I expected. Tommy would be way too young for that kind of stuff. Is he going with anyone for the dance? I figured he would go with Star. Ryan flashes a winning smile towards the sales attendant. "Uh...hello. My friend and I are looking for some type of formal wear appropriate for a school dance. And I'm especially looking for something that kind of goes with glowing purple skin."


Tokiwong said:

Sarah sighs, "I apologize Star, I didn't mean to hurt you, your feelings? Do you have feelings?"

Star replies, "I have a variety of protocol functions, and I can emulate emotions, or feelings pretty well. I take no offense at your words, it was a truthful statement, I do not understand why it is so hard."

"See, it's good to be truthful, yeah, but you have to temper the truth sometimes, so you don't hurt another person's feelings. In fact, sometimes its better to lie then to say something you know will upset someone. But then sometimes you have to tell another person the truth, no matter what, for their own good." Anika says to Star as they begin to look around the store. She then shrugs and grins, "Human expression is pretty complicated stuff. I know I haven't been able to figure it all out yet..."

Tokiwong said:

Sarah follows Anika, "And for your info we don't make googly eyes, he is a nice enough guy, and well I guess he is cute, and nice. He is just well, I don't know, Jimmy is nice too when he wants to be, he is just, I don't know."

Star nods, "Attraction it seems is not as simple as it seems. I feel attracted to Mark, therefore I must like him yes?"

Sarah furrows her brow, "You what? Whoa, can you do that?"

Star nods, "I can."

"Yeah, isn't that cool?" Anika beams at Sarah. She looks to Star, "Y'know you could do worse than the rich leader of an elite team..." she says with a giggle. She then turns to look at dresses, "Now, help me find something nice in a light blue..."


Tokiwong said:
The Boys

Tommy follows along, as Mark makes a path for the store, “So what are you going to do with all your money, I mean, your like rich now, like me. Not as rich as I am, but man that is awesome, your like the coolest man, Paragon like shook your hand, dude, your so cool.”

Mark smiled again. He sort of tolerated Tommy before, but knowing the kid knew about his past and didn't care went a long way towards getting Mark to honestly like him. "I guess I'll buy stuff. I'm off to a good start." He hefted his shopping bag.

An attractive young woman greets you as you enter the store, “Welcome, how can I help you today,” she smiles sweetly, brushing her dark hair back from her face. Pictures of men in designer clothes adorn the walls, and holographic displays show various scenes of young men being active, with women, etc. Contemporary music plays in the background, and the place has an inviting atmosphere.

Mark looks around. "This place is as big as the sporting goods store. We're looking for clothes for a dance."


Hammerhead said:
"Hey, Mark, just to let you know, I think you're the best choice for the team leader of Legacy. Just don't end up all like Paragon or something."

"You mean really rich and famous?" Mark smirks. "Sorry, but that's kind of the plan. No, it's ok. I never got picked to lead anything before." Mark glances at his bag of recent purchases. "I could really get to like the rich part."
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Ryan laughs. "Hey, being rich and famous is my plan too. I really have no other choice but to be on Justice Elite or some other group of elites. I meant don't end up being arrogant and stupid. You know, like Billy."


"Hey, being rich and famous is my plan too. I really have no other choice but to be on Justice Elite or some other group of elites. I meant don't end up being arrogant and stupid. You know, like Billy."

"I think I can manage that," Mark shrugged. "So what do people do at dances, besides dance?"


First Post
The Boys

The lady smiles, though she sort of gives Ryan a strange look, but she shows them some different outfits, and suits trying to get them to buy something both nice and expensive. Tommy looks around, but does not see anything he likes. The other ladies are more then happ to help Mark out, many of them flirting with him, even offering discounts, it seems already his fame and magnetism is starting to catch on.

The Girls

Star nods, "I believe that wealth,and looks are both good things to look for in a possible mate," she pauses, "not that that matters, I find this all very fascinating."

Sarah helps Anika, "I think we can work something out, hey Cassie you going to get anything?" as she rummages through soem dresses, looking for a nice tight red number, to wear.


Tokiwong said:
The Boys

The lady smiles, though she sort of gives Ryan a strange look, but she shows them some different outfits, and suits trying to get them to buy something both nice and expensive. Tommy looks around, but does not see anything he likes. The other ladies are more then happ to help Mark out, many of them flirting with him, even offering discounts, it seems already his fame and magnetism is starting to catch on.

Mark smiles and takes all the help offered, deeply out of his depth and just as deeply bemused by the whole process. It wasn't as fun as the sporting goods store, but almost. He'd definitely be coming back to both places. Pants were easy enough, and he bought a cheap black pair despite the ladies' best efforts.

Mark couldn't help but splurge on the shirt, though. He decided on a silk button-down quickly enough, but picking from the colors available wasn't so easy. Dark Blue, Bottle Green, and Dark Purple all looked "sexy" on him according to the ladies. And the dark colors really set off his eyes, or that's what they told him since Mark thought he looked pretty much the same with all of them.

Mark decided he liked the darker colors more than the green and set it aside. This was getting pretty embarassing. He liked people saying nice things about him, but what do you say to ladies who keep eyeing you and saying how good you looked? You couldn't really be mad at them, especially not when you kept smiling every time they said it. He wasn't used to that. Mark thought it might be bugging Ryan too.

"Ok, I'll take purple." He gathered up the pants and shirt and took a few seconds to do the math. Mark would still have around sixty dollars on him after he checked out. That was enough money spent for one day, especially since he didn't have access to the bank account with the big bucks yet. In fact it was enough money for- another couple of swimsuits.

Eyes clenched shut, Mark tried to force thoughts of what he really wanted. Not what I want. I don't want that. I want to just relax and feel good and- I need ot try out some new- one of the new suits in the pool. That's what I can do. He shook his head and started to feel a little nauseous.

If I get high this is over. No money. No Nike. No more swimming in the Institute pool and buying myself things. I'm not screwing this up like I screwed up everything else. Mark forced his eye open and saw Tommy not far off. If he saw... knowing what he knows and how smart he is anyway... Mark felt disgusted with himself all over again, more so when he thought about how he considered loosening Tommy up that one time.

He forced himself back together, "Feels like I got a headache coming on." Mark smiled a little awkwardly and hurried to pay for his new clothes.

Voidrunner's Codex

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