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Gods in Wizards???


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Righto.. just a short .. babble as it were.

Wizards is home to.. any number of people and things, and htey come and go.. in waves. Mostly based on what happens to be big at the time in books and movies and the like.

I've never had a problem with anyone, so long as they were well-played and believable. I'll take a well thought out God character, over a hastily created merchant anyday...

This means accepting the negative, and positive aspects of a character, and showing both aspects in one's gaming.

Anyhow.. yeah, just saying.. so long as it's well played and thought out, I'm not a person to judge who should play what and where. I don' think anyone should..

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I started off in my cat-person character in about 1999, when there were very few. Cat Warrior and his ilk (the catasians) came after me. :p

Now out of boredom I have returned a cat-character previously used only is support roles. She is much more difficult to ic spot. :angel:

- Chitara


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Nugan said:
EDIT: Oh yeah, and Kobolds for the next fad all the way! (Wishful thinking, I know)

Well then, you should seek out Kritch some time...

Any how, I think I've successfuly managed to stay away from the fads... I started as a gnome (but he went totally fad when he became a shapeshifting celestial...) and I've since played his nephew, a Tiefling cleric, an Asimar Psychic Warrior, a Human Cleric of Wee-jas that was turned into a ferret and back again, a half-ogre cleric, a Half-elven bard, a Blue (psionic goblin) Psion, (and I'm sure I've probably played more and just can't remember) and I've yet to play Kritch (as I've just made him).

Well, getting back on the topic of playing gods, if you are, be sure not to walk upto people and say "Hey (name), and I know you're named (name), I'm a god! I created the Hells! I'm the father of Ne'rull! I'm so powerful!" If your character actually did that, most people'd say your crazy, especially seeing as creating balls of magic and doing things flashy and eating yourself could easily be explained in other ways, for example, "your a lich!" or "you're an illusionist/mage/necromancer etc...". Someone did that to me, and I asked him to smite me, and he said 'come to the clearing and I'll prove it!" Basically, that shows you're less godly. So, if you do like Moondyre does and simply are quiet about it, it's more believable.



Actual gods in the ISRP, I've seen a few. Dealt with one who insisted on dice battles, yay. :rolleyes:

Personally, I don't have a problem with it as long as, as has been said above, the character is played believably. If the character is well thought out and designed to be a god for a reason, and have a reason to be around, then I can understand it. And as long as the god isn't walking around lording their power over others ( I seem to remember hearing somewhere that gods weren't permitted to fight mortals or something along those lines, don't remember the source or even how that could be enforced. ), the power level shouldn't be that much of a problem.

It's ( as usual ) when such a character attempts to use their 'awesome cosmic power' to take things too far and such that it would become a problem.

So to sum it up, I have no problem with god characters in theory, as long as the idea is well done in practice.

As for the next fad, I'm just glad that the shade template isn't flying around yet. I've only seen 2, my character included, and both of them are now former shades due to plotline developments.

And yeah, kobolds would be interesting....


First Post
YAY I'M AN EXCEPTION!!! heheeh oh hey I like the mime idea...I can do mime...

Anyways, I guess why I started this thread was simply because I started to see an increase in the "gods" being all powerful and untouchable...and I hate that it's so hard to play when people don't give. For example...for awhile I played my first ever char (for those who don't know Willa) evil. She wasn't powerful but she had tricks that could do some real harm, but I never pushed it on people. If they went along it was their choice, but as soon as they realised they were being manipulated by a girl they said oh no you can't hurt me i'm all powerful blah blah blah. It jsut ircks me cause not everything in gaming is suppose to go a person's way, it jsut doesn't work like that.

Anyways, it's late and i'm probably babbling....must sleep....


Dragona Nightsky

So long as completely and totally insane babbling loons don't become the next fad, I'm good! :D

*pets her loony chara* Good Loon...very good loon.

coincides with everyone elses. If it's believable, cool. If it's not...

So there's



First Post
My take on it is pretty simple: people can make up a god-level char if that's what they want, but they can't make me play with them.

I don't like playing with gods. I like treating the role-playing as realistically as possible, which means that either gods are too scary powerful to go near, or the ones spouting off without doing anything are too hard to believe. Kat's pretty low level, and it fits that she'll avoid anyone who claims that much power. Obviously, ones that are going incognito aren't a problem, heh.

Over the many years I've played tabletop, the regular campaigns have always stayed below 10th level and even epic chars feel awfully high to me. Gods therefore seem ridiculous.

Sometimes that's a shame, there's a group that plays that high where at least a couple of the players are great at role-playing... I just wish they'd take it down several notches? Because they're a very open group, they also attract newcomers who then want to play at the same level, but don't always have the same roleplaying skills and so the whole thing becomes a joke.

For instance, Pounamu, at least two of the "gods" you mentioned have the same player, who's been on ISRP only about 2 or 3 months. Newer than me, even. ;)

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