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Gods in Wizards???


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Now this just may be me....but has there been an influx of gods appearing in both juxta and greyhawk? I'm not sure if it bothers anyone else, but I remember a time when if you claimed you were a god you were asked to leave or at least shuned a great deal. I don't get how people can magically become gods....doesn't there have to be logical reasoning and years of playing behind it?

I know the site has changed quite a bit since I started seven years ago, but seeing gods just popping up seems wrong still. It's hard enough to play with the people who think they are invisible mortals or what ever they play, but if everone turns into gods, what is the point in having evil, fighting or any of that, cause they aren't just going to fall over dead.

Input anyone? Am I alone in this thought?

Bri (Pandora)

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With both gods...and godmoders, yes, there does seem to be a great many of them in chat. But...I'll try not to turn this into "What's with all the godmoding?" kinda thing.

Well, this question fits in with "Why're there so many vampires?". I guess somebody came in, playng a believable god that for some odd reason has time to go to Juxta or Greyhawk, adn then another person rose to divinity...and then another.

As for my opinion ion this...it's my same opinion of godmoders. It drains the fun out of things when everyone is perfect.

*shrug.*That's my two copper, anyway. Thanks for posting this, though.


Glad this point has been brought up again, it's been a while and I've been discussing it with various people.

Yes gods exist in Wizards. Do people know gods are around? Some of them do. I myself have only seen one, then again I'm not exactly in alot of social circles.

I will set this out on the table, those who don't know me can shun me, those who do know me I do hope will back me up.
I rp Moondyre. Daughter of Takhisis and Gilean, she comes to the lands in her Irda avatar.. But let me fill this in on the questionable parts just so there is no misunderstanding.

You rp a god? You MUST be a powergamer!!?- On the contrary, Moondyre is one of the most mild characters on many levels in the lands. Through her storyline I have made mention a few times she was "allowed" to visit the lands. A favor granted by the gods of those lands. Though it comes with a price. She cannot use her Krynn/God powers in those worlds on people FROM those lands. If say Dontella died, and her player asked to be brought back to life. Moondyre could do that. Because Dontella IS from Krynn. But if Bargolem keeled over, Moondyre could do nothing since he is from those lands.

Also Moons powers are limited, those she does possess she does not use. Relying on only normal spells others use there freely. Moondyre will NEVER fight. She has only fought twice and it was due to the fact the players asked "me" to have Moondyre kill their characters off since they would not be playing them anymore. That is the only way she would do that. Also anyone who "follows" Moondyre would be able to have her grant some prayers but other people could not.

But why a god?
She was my very first character I made, I thought the idea was a novelty since I hadn't seen anyone else do it. And as I said she is very quiet on who and what she is. And the thought of Takhisis and Gilean having a child, a child who had her own set of problems having the parents she has was exciting to me. It left a million and one storylines for me to create.

Hope that answers some questions, gods shouldn't be outnumbering normal folk in the site. BUT I believe a well behaved, tame, and rule following God/Godess can be rp'd. I hope I've done a good job rp'ing Moondyre so that she isn't looked upon as a power monger or a snert (man I hate that word).


First Post
I do actually have to agree. I play a vamp but i've seen them overpower the place aswell. Just like power players they can drain the fun from those who are legitimately playing...Perhaps it's just a never ending cycle that we will never escape *chuckles* one month it's vampires, the next it's gods...next....who knows.

Ethera> I should have read all the posts before I replied. You go girl *huggles* no shunnign at all. When I talked about legitimate players I was thinking of you. You have story behind what you are how you act, that I think is great. It gives such character. You rock girl :)



I agree with Ethera's "limits", something that actually seems...feasible, and doesn't make it seem like "I'm a dark, ancient, primordial evil...and you can't kill me. Nyah-nyah-na-na-naaaa". Und last I've heard, the "no dieties themselves in Juxta" rule was...pulled. I mean...sure it's fun and all to play a god or goddess...and even well-worded displays of power are nice, too. But once the novelty wears off...just as the shock value for monsters does...things are either ignored, integrated, or rejected.

As for next month...I've got dibs on half-somethings, or half-outsiders. They look promising. ;)




Hmm... upon thought, I think I've had to watch 4 "gods" over the past week: Moondyre (seeign as she's named herself anyway), a "god lord of hell" and his godly son (who put themselves into battles of the mortals to help someone out, but the other guy only gets away "because they permitted it"), a "god of love and beauty" and a recently ascended "god of true love".

Most amusing was the time when the god of hell (oh! And the abyss, of course!) was spending time in the Tavern while there was also an angel there.

Yes, I think in most cases it's way over the top. In most cases it's seen as a way to play a character that can't die, a character that people would love to have on their side and everyone has to pay attention to.

The reality of course is that most peope who have played for a while and seen a lot tend to ignore the god-characters and their storyline, because it seems plain silly. People don't have to play along because they control their own characters and whether the characters are affected by the god or even believe they are who they say they are.

And a reminder: Gods have little to no "godly" powers on Juxta. While walking Juxtaposition they have about as much power as an adventurer, as do their avatars. This is a paticular part of the setting and should not be ignored, the same as Juxta weakening undead such as vampires or slowly making large flying things sick if they are in the air.

But we no longer have the option to simply boot such high and mighty characters out, I believe, unless they are disrupting the setting. Part of Freedom of Destiny is, after all, the ability to play what you want so long as it's not against the Code of Conduct.



Bhryn Astairre

I've noticed a whole bunch of "angels" recently that just go off on some complete and utter rubbish tangent, and whilst being merely annoying, it's kind of worrying how much godmoding they do do.

I'm hoping it'll calm down and things will return to the way they were...

:: pokes Eth :: haven't seen you about much, but then, I'm rarely on myself... :embarrass

I'll be back to regular gaming schedule soon, which means time to get Celestia back on track... joy of joys...


First Post
I think it's hard for any race to really stay on track for long. I remember I time when I couldn't bring Pandora in without someone making some comment about another stupid vampire. Pandora is not a stupid vampire. I take great pride in playing her and how her storyline is developing, but because of the increase in vamps a sterotype was formed. It seems to happen with everything. Viles, Edena's group that I just drew a blank on the name, you name it....even celestials they have all gone astray but eventually come back to normalcy.

And i'm still rooting for the demon fairies next month...who's with me? LOL



I remember when I first came to the site back in the TSR days there were quite a few god characters. Most weren't played well though a couple were. As in all fads they slowly faded away so the players could join in with the new fads that popped up. Though as with all fads there are always a few that refuse to see that it is dead and not popular anymore so they continue doing what was once considered cool even though the majority don't view it as such. I think the reason that many of the players that do play god characters is that they want a character that can stand against anything. Maybe they have done battle against several other characters and constantly defeated by the other characters power level or the availability of magic or other forms of items that boost the characters exponentially? I am not saying that is a good excuse or reason just that it might be the cause of their actions. Another reason could be what if that is that what if the players of these characters play in very high level campaigns table-top. If a player gets used to one style of play it is hard for them to get adjusted to another style of play. Another reason could be that they have never played any type of roleplaying game before, came across some books or stuff online and thought it would be cool to play one of these characters.

I believe the influx of vampires has been due to both a few well played vampires that show up on a regular basis and with the different movies over the past few years such as Interview With a Vampire, Blade I&II, Queen of the Damned and the other well written and directed vampire movies. I can see where a player could see these things and wish to emulate them to the best of their ability.

I am in the process of making a vampire character, okay I was in the process but saw that there were so many so I have put the concept on the back burner. My idea was for a cleric of Velsharoon that sought out vampirism as a way to gain power and perhaps gain some favor by his god in doing it to ensure a "proper" place for his soul when he dies. I wanted to try and blend a few ideas from D&D and Vampire the Masquerade. I don't know alot about VTM but I do like the idea that the vampires try to keep what they are hidden from others as well as the killing other vampires being a taboo in most cases.

Hmm now why did I put that last part up? I have no freaking clue I just find myself typing. Since it is up does that idea sound good to anyone else or simply hideous?


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