#1 couple in anime
Just for funsies, let's say WotC is going to put out a 2nd line of D&D that trims things to the bone. A simpler streamlined version of D&D with hopes that players will one day ADVANCE to the full game.
My question/the fun:
The book will have 5 races/species/whatever and 5 classes. And before anyone says anything yes I am aware that in old Basic there as just classes as Elf was a class and Dwarf was a class etc, but just go with me on this.
Out of the whole of 5E D&D what would you like to see as the Basic Core Races and Classes?
Let's also apply ONE subclass to represent the whole class. So not just Ranger but Beast Master Ranger as the one and only Ranger in Basic (and possibly filling the only frontline melee slot).
So, 5 classes with 1 attached subclass each and 4 races as we can assume Human is a default choice.