GreenKarl's games...


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Sorry to everyone in the games I have been running and playing (mostly Scourge of the Slavelords, Savage Worlds Rifts and Star Wars Saga/5th ed Hybrid)...

I have been struggling really bad with some mild depression for about a month now. I just have not had the energy to keep up those three games. Not sure why. Just can't get motivated for them even through I have had great fun with them and still think about them.

But I just have to accept right now that I can't seem to keep them up. I am still posting (and enjoy posting) for my M&M Freedom City and D&D5 Dwimmermount games. I am still playing (and enjoying) the M&M Monitor Duty and the Dark Sun games and check them pretty much every day.

Really sorry for letting people down for the Scourge of the Slavelords, Savage Worlds Rifts and Star Wars game as for right now I think I have to say they are on hiatus until I get back to my normal self. Hope its not too much longer and I was kind of hoping that it would have passed by now but it has not. :(

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I'm so sorry to hear that, GreenKarl. :(

I think you're a fantastic DM and love the Dwimmermount game, but if you need to back off that one too at some point, it would be more than understandable. Please take care and I hope things get better for you soon.


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No for some reason I still am motivated to run these two games (M&M Freedom City and Dwimmermount) and look forward to see what people have posted each day. So for the time being those two games are still going...


First Post
No worries, GK, and no hard feelings. Running games is hard work, and it's demanding. Thanks for being open and honest with us, and with yourself, and doing what you needed to do to take of yourself.


Hope things start looking up again! The games will/can be there whenever you feel ready.

At least Tirion will maybe live, then ;) I will miss Alenys.


Sorry to hear you are struggling, but glad you are prioritizing self care. You and your well being are far more important than the games. My apologies if my recent post on the Slavelords thread added to your stress; I didn't realize what was up.

I hope you are feeling better soon, but I know from personal experience that it can take a while. Best wishes for healing!

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