D&D 5E Greenmtn's Planescape Game IC


The First Deader

The Collector with the book opens it and 3 of the others step forward, slowly picking over the body. The one with the makeshift club still looking back and forth between everyone nerviously and the 6th man approaching the Ander.
Tom (By now you have figured out he's the man with the book) "O whatever power this poor sod worship'd look kindly upon the departed spirit of.. anyone know this poor sods name? ... Ah, well, the departied spirit 'o yer' servant... Hey! Thata gold tooth?"

Rig "Eh, is anoder one w' out a mark on 'im."

Collector approaching Ander "Tom, I think bubber talkin/ bout the ditch? Somtin bout deep. HEY!" He jumps against the wall as Lex barrels past him towards Ander.

[sblock=Ander] You look around trying to get your bearings, it's foggy, a man approaches you talking to one of the figures behind him. What you thought was a crate on some kind of stand is running towards you. It seems to be animated somehow.

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Ander held his head, the world seemed to be spinning and then the crate was moving towards him, except it wasn’t a crate it was some kind of demented creature a box with a face and legs, and arms.

“What in the name of the God’s are you?” Ander exclaimed as he took several steps back and his hand drifted to the handle of his mace.


" Eh err, ignore the talking box and tell me more about these others without a mark on them?" Ashir addresses the one who spoke named Rig. Then he says "How many? Since when? Any names to the ones without a mark Tom Tom" as Ashir shifts himself to be able to watch all of them while addresses the one Rig.

mike peabody

First Post
*Staring at Ander*

"Flared nostrils, dilated pupils, widened stance--I am reasonably certain you are afraid. There is also a 19% chance you are, instead, aroused. In case it is the latter, you should know I am on a date with Leau and I don't know if that is a problem for you. But since it is more probable that you are afraid, I want you to know we are going to get through this, together, and I will do all in my power to help you adjust and even prosper, just like my date, Leau, who is afraid of zombies."

Deus Machina

First Post
Leau is squeezing his eyes shut at this point. Even unaware of the others' days, he's developing a headache of his own. "Okay, so this guy dropped dead of the crazies. And there were others, but there's no plague. Were the others barmy, too? Anything else like this guy?" His ears twitch, muttering to those nearer. "He just offered me lunch. It wasn't a date." His eyes open again to roll skyward, admittedly mostly staring up into his hand. "I just wanted a salad."


First Deader

"Yeah Bubbers an Barmys, mor'n regular olate. Long o nuff cutters notice n fewr o us starvin. Some still fightin."

"Shutcher bone box! It's rattlin dark they'd pay fer"

"Them smart, The'll pay"

The two collectors bicker back and forth as Rig reaches in
The dead mans mouth and seems to be trying to pull out one of his teeth.


Ander’s expression went from fear to confusion, “I need to stop drinking so much,” he said as brought his right hand up to his forehead and messaged his temples.

The box was talking to some kind of centaur, but more like a goat called Leau, who apparently the box was dating. Then the goat thing said it wasn’t dating the box and it was all Ander could do to not throw up again.

“Well most people aren’t too fond of zombies, . . . well at least where I come from,” was all Ander could think to say. “Where exactly am now?”


"Sigil" Ashir said offhandly, "Nobody interested or fond of zombies but the dead." Ashir looks at the poor dregs ready to argue it out and then at Rig trying to rip out the dead man's tooth. He looks at Ezra and thinks better of it. says, "Bubbers and Barmys? Why ye figure them err dead all over or closer to one place or another? "


Looking over at Ander with a bit more of a talk in his voice he says, "It the city of doors and the gateway to as many stars as they sky adrift on the horizon."


"Dunno, we stick ta 'r kip, safer tha' way. O'her crews don' take kind ta sharin deaders. I mean ragpickers is safe bu' ou' here is ev'rune fer emseves. Dusties know, we all tern'um in ta dem. AH 'er we go." Rig says as his body jerks back a little as he finally gets the tooth out and stuffs it in his cloths before anyone can really get a good look at it.

Tom sighs in defeat. "This is the hive. Hard to find anyone who cares if any of use end up in the dead book, let alone a bubber or barmy. Chant is that a Chaosman is bashin heads for answers but we haven't run into him yet."

The Collecter that backed against the wall to avoid Lex's rush looks at Rig and Tom with disgust, then turns to Ander. "Is a Clueless Tom. Since these rattling bone boxes are spitting out the dark for free instead o earnin dinner. Yer in the cage berk. You'll be smart to not get caught alone, it's dangerous. If yer gonna get yerself in the deadbook, do it near here. Ol' Tom will say a prayer o sorts and I know a guy I can sell that mace too."

OOC: Are you guys happy with the pace or you need me to pick things up a little? let me know if there is anything you need clarified or if you want more information out of this interaction. I'm having fun reading the interactions but we can speed up things if you guys would like
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