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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Those who speak Ancient Baklunish have a 40% translation ability for Eryptian, because the two languages are similar.

If you made your listen check, and Ancient Baklunish is a language you speak, click the spoiler below.

Ancient Baklunish has a 40% similarity rate to Eryptian.

I rolled percentile dice for each phrase. Under 40, you understood it. Over 40, you didn't.

Wendol #1: "What happened? Did they resist?"

Wendol #2: "They said we murdered their Chieftain. We told them he gave his life willingly to Nerull. They didn't believe us. So we did what we had to do."

Wendol #1: "Aghyt Wernbedi?"

Wendol #2: "No, without their leadership, they were easy to squash."

Wendol #1: "Gertok. Imbera ghular sevre Nerull delio, ghular sevre Nerull dim morto. Cimbe rhutarro do, tik Muchala Crondi duchilo a buno spikona a buno a mer."

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Hawke Listen Check: (1d20+7) - 10 = 7 (Success)
Nimbar Listen Check: (1d20+6) - 10 = 2 (Failed)

Hawke wakes up when he hears the noises, but he can't seem to make out what they're saying.

Hawke whispers, "What are they saying?"

Aust Thale

Listen check =12; success; speaks Eryptian = success

To Hawke: “The Wendol slaughtered the Kobolds.
Looking at the others, “These Wendol should be made to be short for this Oerth.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Sphynx, whose attention was piqued by the voices and can fully understand Eryptian, says, "Bloody butchers those highwaymen are! They are following the orders of some priestess, who obviously controls quite a bit of power. I hate necromancers! Strategically, I am thinking that it may be to our advantage to take out the hired help before going right at the those 'Vendo' as Nimbar was calling them. Sounds like there will be no need to go back at the kobolds."

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Hawke nods, "These Wendol are not warriors; they are murderers. They have no honor at all. They need to be eradicated like a disease. Sir Walter can wait, this evil cannot be borne. We must stop the Wendol before their power becomes too great. But first things first. Why don't you rest now, Sphynx, and I will relieve you. And yes, I agree, we need to strike at the minions first, before going for the Wendol themselves."

Aust Thale

After sleeping his full measure, Quixt is up early. He selects his daily spells carefully, and meditates, memorizing them from his spell-book specifically for battle. He then offers to share his scrolls with the others once they are awake, hastily describing his collection:

Identify (1), Floating Disc (4), Mount (4), Endure Elements (1), Knock (2nd Caster Level) (1), Disguise Self (1)
Detect Secret Doors (1), Detect Undead (1), Alarm (2), Feather Fall (1)

Blindness/Deafness (2CL) (1), True Strike (2), Hypnotism (1), Grease (1), Sleep (1), Charm Person (1), Enlarge (1), Reduce Person (1), Obscuring Mist (1), Summon Monster I (2), Disrupt Undead (1), Magic Missile (1), Ray of Enfeeblement (1)

Quixt is reserving two (2) scrolls, Mage Armor & Power Word: Pain, for his own use.

He is agreeable to engaging in any strategy that involves sneak attacks. He has no preference whether to hit the Wendol directly or their scouts and/or henchmen first.

"We should circle back around to the Kobold lair. The tunneling equipment might prove useful, and one of these caves...or perhaps both the kobold lair as well as this cave, would be an effective place to plan attacks. We should keep the brigands guessing."

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
XP Award Breakdown:
CR 2 x 6 = 3600
CR 4 x 2 = 2700
CR 3 x 1 = 900

SUB-TOTAL: 7200 / 5 = 1,440 each char (combat)

Story Awards:
Destroy Staff = [Already awarded]
Kill Chieftain = 1,000 each char
Kill Queen = 500 each char
Discover Chief's Secret = 1,500 each char

TOTAL: Each character receives 4,440 experience points.

GRAND TOTAL (Including the previously awarded 3,500 xp for destroying
the staff):

7,940 experience points.

Please refer to the following post for information on downtime & training requirements:

This would allow some of the party members (for example, Hawke) to gain 2
levels at once. (Hawke's XP = 8500... plus 7,940 = 16,440, which would make him 6th level.)

Even with self-training below 10th level, by the OTTER system, it should take Hawke a total of ((4 x 5) + (4 x 6)) = 44 days, or 1.5 months worth of downtime to advance those levels.

In the interests of story continuity, I would be willing to suspend the downtime period, and allow the party to simply rest and "level up" instantly, but with the proviso that the downtime will occur at a later point (when the story allows it);

I will need everyone to consent to this; please vote YEAH or NEIGH in LINE chat. If the party agrees to this, then everyone may apply this experience and level up their characters accordingly.

I think the new characters (Quixt and Ordred) were brought in at 1 xp pt. below 4th level; so their xp total will go to: (5,999 + 7,940) = 13,939 xp. (Just 1,061 xp. shy of 6th level.) So everyone will gain a level, beyond the shadow of a doubt. And the new characters won't have far to go to catch up completely with the original party members.



Creator of The Untamed Wilds
"We should circle back around to the Kobold lair. The tunneling equipment might prove useful, and one of these caves...or perhaps both the kobold lair as well as this cave, would be an effective place to plan attacks. We should keep the brigands guessing."
Sphynx listens with interests. "I like this orchestrating from two posts idea. I agree it is a good strategy. It may make theses brigands think that they are dealing with a larger force. We, meaning the three of us before we met you and Ordred, were able to cause some confusion doing the same thing, to the point the denizens were willing to blame and go at one another."

Though the rest period is short, Sphynx is grateful and needs little of it for actual sleep or refreshment. He spends some time off by himself, experimenting with the addition of bone dust as a component for the magical sleep spell he bastardized from Nimbar's casting.
d20 + 11: 18 + 11 = 29
Last edited:

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Planting 3, CY 576, 2:25 AM.

At almost 12:30 a.m., everyone is awake. Ordred begins praying for his spells, and Nimbar and Quixt both take out their spellbooks and begin studying them.

Nimbar looks at Quixt, "Didn't figure you for the spellcasting type."

Quixt simply smiles and nods.

Hawke looks over Nimbar's shoulder, reading his spellbook; "This doesn't look so hard. Most of it looks like Draconic. Wait...what does that symbol mean right there?" Hawke puts his index finger in the middle of the page that Nimbar is reading.

Nimbar answers a few of Hawke's questions, but finally shoos him away, with an annoyed tone.

Nimbar says, "I need to study, go away! If you're serious about learning spellcraft, you can borrow my spellbook when we get back to the keep. Until then, keep your mouth shut, you big oaf!"

Hawke nods in agreement, "Sir Walter always did say that I had the brains for it, if I would only apply myself. He was always encouraging me to try; but I never was interested, before now. But the more I see you throwing spells against these cretins, the more useful it looks, and the more intriguing the thought becomes to me. I could be... a spell warrior! Ha ha!"

Nimbar frowns, "They're called Spellswords, and there's actually a school for training in Chendl. When we get back, why don't you apply, and spend a few years there?"

Hawke snorts with a chuckle, "Chendl? You mean the capitol city? That's far and gone from Willip... we'd never see each other."

Nimbar grins mischievously, "My point, exactly."

Hawke takes the insult on the chin, realizing that Nimbar is simply aggravated, and desirous of his quiet time. He smiles and nods, giving Nimbar the space he needs to finish memorizing his spells.

During the party's quiet time, the party notices that sounds of activity have grown frequent, almost constant, outside in the ravine. There is much excitement as the other humanoids learn of the fate of the Kobold tribe.

Finally, near the end of the party's rest period, just as everyone is finishing their spell preparation (around 2:30 AM), there is a cry of alarm, in a human voice, obviously one of the Wendol. There can be no doubt as to the reason behind it: one of the Wendol had gone to check on the bodies that had been laid out earlier for the zombification ritual, and had discovered the party's sabotage of their plans.

In the ravine, shouting can be heard as the man runs toward the furthest cave opening.

Wendol Voice: "My queen! My queen! The bodies have been defiled! The ceremony is ruined!"

EVERYONE: What do you do?

Voidrunner's Codex

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