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I am the mysterious professor.



I am the mysterious professor.
Danny I read that in Harris county they were trying to get some votes thrown out. Because of the voting location? Does this impact your family? I remember you saying something about helping your mom vote from the car.


Staff member
The lawsuit was over ballots cast at drive through votkng locations in Harris County. The process gad been approved by the appropriate authorities and prior challenges were tossed by the TxSupCt. VERY cynical & suppressionistic by the GOP.

Fortunately, I’m hundred of miles away in Dallas county (just barely- in the upper RT hand corner) AND more importantly, the TxSupCt didn't buy the latest version of this attempt to skew the election any more than they accepted the prior attempts.

I’ve never voted straight ticket in my whole life*, not even this election. But the local and National GOP keep disappointing me ever more deeply, and I’m getting closer each time.

* in fact, in a very subtle suppression tactic, Texas ended the ability to do straight ticket voting this year. Now you HAVE to check each race to make sure you vote the way you wanted. For those who vote straight ticket, that adds around 5 minutes to the process. That doesn’t sound like much, but if you have 100 voters in line who can no longer vote that way, that’s an additional 500 minutes added to the in-line waiting time. That’s 8 hours and 20 minutes,


I am the mysterious professor.
I heard about it and thought about you. I guess I'm glad it's not affecting you. I'm still disappointed though. Your parents are from the civil rights era. Does this stuff seem familiar to them?

When you say straight ticket you mean all one party? In my state in the primary you pick which party you want to vote for and vote that way and only that party. In the general you get a ballot with both and choose which one you want.


Staff member
Some of this stuff IS familiar to them, moreso my Dad than my Mom.

And yes, straight-ticket = one party. In the primaries, you are picking which members of a given party you want to run for a given office. You can only vote in one party’s primary, but interestingly, you’re free to vote In ANY promar- not only the one you’re registered member of. (If any.) In the general, you pick and choose. But for all of my voting life- 100% of it in Texas- straight-ticket voting in the general elections has always been an option.

Like I said, not one I’ve ever exercised, but an option nonetheless.


I am the mysterious professor.
I never thought to ask my parents or grandparents about that time. I'm running out of time to do so. And running out of people to ask. They spent their entire lives in the south (SC,GA and TX) In rural areas. Their lives were not dissimilar from blacks in some ways, but I realize in other ways very different. I wonder if I ask my mom or my aunt that question if I would get a similar answer. My aunt is the older of the two. She and my mom are the oldest o the six. They may have better memories.

is it my age?

is it the changing world?

is it my medical condition?

is it my own awareness?

is it the way certain political groups and members are acting?

My view is changing. I used to think 60 % one way, 30% another and 10% independent. Now the 30 and 60 % political views have switched places.

My dad must be churning his ashes seeing me be like this.


I am the mysterious professor.
I think people's views change over time, and so they should. You find yourself in different places at different times. Your world view should change with your experiences.

Voidrunner's Codex

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