WotC Hasbro Earnings Call: WotC/BG3 carrying Hasbro


I think everyone makes mistakes. I know we're all supposed to be perfect and never make a mistake but that's just not a reality and all we can do is try to resolve the issue and learn from it. WOTC changed the artwork and did reprints, presumably at no small cost to them. They implemented new processes to limit chances of it happening again.

But disaster? I think people toss that word around a bit too easily in our eagerness to punish people who screw up. Or I've just been listening to too many Freakonomics Radio podcasts on failure and how we react to it. 🤷‍♂️
As you'll see in my post on the "Deck of Many Things" thread, I fully understand that mistakes happen. But this was a monumental cock-up that was directly offensive to a significant chunk of their customer base. And this was after other problematic material had slipped through, and they'd adopted the widespread use of sensitivity readers (but, somehow, not for this product).

For that one, I stand by my assessment: it was nothing short of a disaster.

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As you'll see in my post on the "Deck of Many Things" thread, I fully understand that mistakes happen. But this was a monumental cock-up that was directly offensive to a significant chunk of their customer base. And this was after other problematic material had slipped through, and they'd adopted the widespread use of sensitivity readers (but, somehow, not for this product).
As I understand it, before Spelljammer they had sensitivity readers as an option for whatever they call the main developer on the book. Basically, "Hmm, this seems like something that could be iffy, better get someone to look over it." The obvious problem with that is that sensitivity readers are supposed to point out your blind spots, and the whole point of blind spots is that you don't know you have them. But after Spelljammer, they changed it to make sensitivity readers mandatory.

Pretty juicy news and it could help explain what looking like a big bump in D&D books being released next year. It still annoys me we don't have the full slate announced yet.

I think Larian Studios hadls to be under alot of pressure by Hasbro to do an expansion DLC.

Monopoly Go another good earner.

Btw The Lord of the Rings set for MtG is the second set to make over $200,000,000 ,

So no surprise Marvel is going to its own full release set next year like Middle Earth got, along with the other releases for next year.

D&D up by 18% btw, MtG 20%. Digital Gaming doubled. Hasbro as a whole down 10%.

So for next year 3 new core books, Vecna/D&D 50th, Rod of Seven Parts, Infinite Stair Case, and maybe one or two more things.
Yeah not surprising given BG3 is STILL in the Steam top sellers list (rare for SP games, especially not big franchises), nearly two months after release, and still has 150k+ peak simultaneous players on Steam as of yesterday, which is insane when you compare it to other single-player-oriented games (for example Hogwarts had a similar Steam peak peak - i.e. 800k+, but after two months was down to under 60k). Add in PS5 sales and even if WotC are getting a fairly small percentage, they'll be making absolute bank. God knows how much Larian have made at this point. The right game for the right time.


Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
My first reaction when I read this was he's probably just a rich person buying it for the sake of owning it because he can. After doing a google search apparently, he is a genuine fan and player of the game, but damn $2 million is a lot of cabbage for a card; good for him.
There is the joke in MTG circles that r&d meetings are about taking dumb stuff they want Post Malone to buy and see how they can also sell it to the masses.


As I understand it, before Spelljammer they had sensitivity readers as an option for whatever they call the main developer on the book. Basically, "Hmm, this seems like something that could be iffy, better get someone to look over it." The obvious problem with that is that sensitivity readers are supposed to point out your blind spots, and the whole point of blind spots is that you don't know you have them. But after Spelljammer, they changed it to make sensitivity readers mandatory.
That makes a lot of sense.

And, in fairness, it was very obviously just a mistake, and one they took swift action to correct once it was brought to their attention. So it's not a stick I hold in reserve for any time I want to beat up on WotC for a bit. But given that the question was asked in the thread...


The EN World kitten
And was depicted in a racist manner. Given that WotC publicly apologized for it, had the artwork replaced (and may have recalled and pulped a bunch of stock - though I may be misremembering that one), I'd submit that would qualify as a disaster.
Meh, the entire thing would have blown over if WotC had just pointed out that hadozee do, in fact, make the coolest bards. Just listen to this little ditty:



And was depicted in a racist manner.
dancing while playing the lute, like Chris Pine in the movie?

I get it, some people just look for things to be outraged about, and if you try hard enough, you will find some…

Given that WotC publicly apologized for it, had the artwork replaced (and may have recalled and pulped a bunch of stock - though I may be misremembering that one), I'd submit that would qualify as a disaster.
I am not aware of them pulping anything.

No harm in apologizing and replacing / removing the picture if it offends part of your audience, certainly better than doubling down (which, let’s face it, they have no reason to do, this picture was not driven by racism). I see this as a tempest in a teacup, nowhere near a disaster

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