WotC Hasbro gains big time from D&D, Magic, Monopoly, and Baldur's Gate 3


Book-Friend, he/him
This thread is literally about WotC business practices. How is talking about their past business practices thread crapping?

Look, WotC is a subsidiary of a multi billion dollar corporation. They are inherently untrustworthy (as @Parmandur and others have pointed out). They don't have your, my or anyone else's best interests in mind. They only care about quarterly profits.

So, why shouldn't we, the customers, call them our and drag them to the carpet at every opportunity? We don't owe them anything, and they have proven themselves untrustworthy.
Constantly bringing it up in fsn discussions isn't keeping corporate America accountable, it's taking a whiz in other people's cornflakes.

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This thread is literally about WotC business practices. How is talking about their past business practices thread crapping?

Look, WotC is a subsidiary of a multi billion dollar corporation. They are inherently untrustworthy (as @Parmandur and others have pointed out). They don't have your, my or anyone else's best interests in mind. They only care about quarterly profits.

So, why shouldn't we, the customers, call them our and drag them to the carpet at every opportunity? We don't owe them anything, and they have proven themselves untrustworthy.
Nah it's just wasting everyone's time. People have already made up their minds about this it's old news. You want people to hold grudges over something that didn't end up happening, they listened to the fanbase and backed down and then some. Very few of the people that would have actually be affected by it are holding a grudge.

To me it just seemed like nothing would have matter to you no matter what they did. And I am personally tired of seeing you bring it up all the time. Like you have decent points most of the time even If I don't agree with you too often, but this has just been tiring.


The run on sales on "not D&D" isn't nothing.

The CEO of Hasbro, not leadership of wotc, having to mention the dndbeyond cancellations and the OGL fiasco to investors is not nothing.

This thread and those trying to redefine this debacle as nothing, is not nothing.

The tour of explanation and down right apologies to the community with youtubers and others was not nothing.

The SRD 5.1 in CC-by is not nothing.
And yet the opening post of this thread is talking about how fantastic WotC is doing right now. Which does tend to make it a bit difficult to see how the OGL debacle has had any sort of lasting effect.


Golden Procrastinator
Possibly, but, it doesn't make it any less true.

The whole "OGL debacle" was a blip. It made zero difference. There was no great drop in D&D Beyond Subs. There was no drop in sales for WotC. For all the drama, it had basically zero impact.

The one thing that the OGL debacle did highlight is how little any of it mattered. For the people for whom it was important, it was a huge thing. For most of the fandom? They didn't even hear about it.
Honest question: why did WotC backtrack if basically no one cared?


Book-Friend, he/him
Would they? I don'T know that and neither does anyone else.
I think so, to some extent. In legal business terms, they didn't suffer "material harm" from the controversy, but there are people posting in this very thread who probavly.would have bought more WotC prodict if it hadn't gone down. So, they would be in a better place. That's why it was so stupid, pure self-inflicted wound.

Voidrunner's Codex

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