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Heavy Artillery: Psion vs. Wizard


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Thanee said:
Well, the Elemental Mastery will just make them get even on that part, since the psion has it from the start, and Arcane Fire, I never really realized why this ability is seen as so powerful?

It's available at 17th level (18th for a sorcerer) earliest.
It allows you to do *at most* 14d6 to a single target using a *9th* level slot (which could do things like Meteor Swarm or Time Stop or Shapechange or Gate). With a 2nd level slot you do 7d6 as opposed to the 12d6 from Scorching Ray, tho this is fair given the high range and no energy resistance trouble.

It's a good ability for sure, but especially the sorcerer can use damaging spells instead, it's better for the wizard I think, who can then neglect offensive preparations to a degree, which is the bigger advantage of this ability. It's still a weak attack in relation to the power used to fuel it.

First of all, it is a Supernatural ability. Ie, no AoO, long range, no SR roll. It is not elemental damage, so resistances don't work against it. In fact, it is unlisted damage, so no protections work against it. It does not have a save either. If the caster succeeds in the RTA, he can hurt ANYTHING with ANY protections and ANY SR (like golems). RTA is pretty easy too as the touch AC of CR18+ monsters is usually not that high. If the hit is really wanted, True Strike helps with that, removing concealment miss chance too.
An extra perk for wizards is that they can use otherwise useless spells for damage.

I don't know any other ability in the game that would be better at getting through of all defences than Arcane fire. No matter the saves, SR, protections, spell turning spells, Absorption magics, or anything else outside full Antimagic field, Arcane fire does the job. (If the RTA succeeds).

So far, in all games I have played, I have seen only one person aim for the archmage, and that was a 3.0 wizard. I have considered it for my sorceress, but realized, that the price to get there will be too high for too little benefit (for my character specifically).

The price is steep, especially for the sorcerer (as he must take the different school of spells too), but the powers of the AcM are so powerful that (IMHO) it is worth it in the long run. If the 10 class PrC before AcM was something like Incantatrix, or any other PrC that gives bonus metamagic feats, then the price of AcM is somewhat lessened, as 2-3 bonus feats help a lot.

But that aside, yes, PrC options are better for arcanists (much like their spell options) right now, for the sole reason, that there are more books on them. At least in 3.0 there was a lot of stuff for psionic characters on the WotC site, I can only guess that this will be true for 3.5 also (they already started adding stuff there, so this is not that much of a stretch :)).

Yeah, I hope they make some nice PrCs for psionics too. On the other hand, at the moment it is very easy to plan the advancement of a Psion, no excessive thinking required :p .

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Thanee said:
That's all which is being said

This is such a marginal situation to begin with that it seems nearly like a nonbonus anyway.

If sometime the mage is in single combat (seems like a rarity), with no one around to help, with no items which will help, with no spells prepared to help, and with no other backup plans then, at that time, they are dead.

Sure, the psion is better off, in that his powers can still possibly be used, if they are helpful in that situation.

Once again though, anyone who would be incredibly toast in that situation and doesnt make plans deserves to die. There are just too many ways to get around such a situation.


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Dthamilaye said:
First of all, it is a Supernatural ability. Ie, no AoO, long range, no SR roll. It is not elemental damage, so resistances don't work against it. In fact, it is unlisted damage, so no protections work against it. It does not have a save either. If the caster succeeds in the RTA, he can hurt ANYTHING with ANY protections and ANY SR (like golems).

Yep, that's why it is good. Yet in most situations, spells are still better than that, as the effect is still much weaker than that of a spell of the same level (except the very low levels, where AF is probably actually better than the spell itself, but that doesn't really say much, since low level spells are next to worthless at these levels anyways, offensively).

It's a "limited use" ability, which only offers something in rare circumstances (when your other spells won't work).

Spell Resistance is more of a nuisance in most cases, not really a hindrance, as there are enough ways to get past it (starting with Spell Penetration and spells which are not hindered by SR).

I don't know any other ability in the game that would be better at getting through of all defences than Arcane fire. No matter the saves, SR, protections, spell turning spells, Absorption magics, or anything else outside full Antimagic field, Arcane fire does the job. (If the RTA succeeds).

Yep, it's very reliable for sure. :D



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Even in a party (standard four)...

Grappling the wizard = Party efficiency -25%
Grappling the psion = Party efficiency -1% ?



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Grappling a caster who is prepared for a grapple? -1 round.
Grappling a psion who is prepared for a grapple? -1 round.

Sounds about the same.

If the other caster doesnt want to prepare and suffers for it, fine, they deserve to die.

Much like a fighter type who makes zero preperations for those times when you need a ranged weapon.

Psion is slightly better off (there are still many penalties for the psion), but the differences are pretty low. Unless of course the caster type is not too bright. But then, most classes can be considered underpowered/illequiped when they ignore a problem area.


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Scion said:
Grappling a caster who is prepared for a grapple? -1 round.
Grappling a psion who is prepared for a grapple? -1 round.

Not so.

Grapple a caster who is prepared for a grapple? -1+ rounds (1+ because said caster cannot take actions after dimension dooring out (the usual escape mechanism) thus precluding the use of a quickened spell that round.

Grapple a psion who is prepared for a grapple? -0 rounds. The psion just manifests brain lock or energy ball as if he weren't grappled with the concentration check. Then he manifests a swift action power and his other half manifests another power through schism (or whatever it's called).

Sounds about the same.

Not even remotely close. The other caster loses a round of actions. The psion just makes a slightly more difficult concentration check (more difficult than the manifesting defensively check he'd probably make otherwise that is) and doesn't lose any actions.

If the other caster doesnt want to prepare and suffers for it, fine, they deserve to die.

Much like a fighter type who makes zero preperations for those times when you need a ranged weapon.

What you're missing is the difference in preparations. The only preparation a psion needs to make is a good concentration score. That lets him act just as effectively as if he were not grappled. The other caster needs to prepare a selection of spells that ends the grapple.

Psion is slightly better off (there are still many penalties for the psion), but the differences are pretty low. Unless of course the caster type is not too bright. But then, most classes can be considered underpowered/illequiped when they ignore a problem area.

No. The Psion is dramatically better off and there are very few penalties for the psion. Grapple is one of the biggest weaknesses of traditional casters. It is not really a weakness at all for a mid or higher level psion. If he needs to escape the grapple, he can do a psionic dimension door or something similar but in most cases, where the disadvantage is the grappled condition rather than constriction damage, he doesn't need to escape at all.


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Elder-Basilisk said:
Grapple a caster who is prepared for a grapple? -1+ rounds (1+ because said caster cannot take actions after dimension dooring out (the usual escape mechanism) thus precluding the use of a quickened spell that round.

Grapple a psion who is prepared for a grapple? -0 rounds. The psion just manifests brain lock or energy ball as if he weren't grappled with the concentration check. Then he manifests a swift action power and his other half manifests another power through schism (or whatever it's called).

So the psion has up a bunch of powers and is going to be blasted by his own energy ball? How is this a valid comparison again?

The wizard can have an appropriate rod in hand ahead of time and not worry much about it. Maybe he will have up a contingency that works whenever he is in certain situations, or says a certain word. Perhaps he has an item that will help with this situation (ring of freedom of movement, cape of the mountebak, or any of a hundred others).

Both will be grappled, both will have to make the concentration check. The psion will be able to manifest his powers without having to worry about a somatic component, the wizard should have something preped ahead of time for just this sort of situation.

I really dont see a huge bonus here. One still has to worry but with enough ranks in concentration he'll be able to be almost as effective before. Strangely the wizard is in almost the same boat. Enough ranks in concentration and some minor planning ahead of time.

Easy enough. Once again, it is just like a fighter type who completely ignores a mode of combat.

Anyway, lets look at how grapple works.

1st: Aoo provoked. If this deals any damage at all then the grapple attempt fails. This can be gotten around by spending a feat.

2nd: Melee touch attack. There are many spells and protective items to make this sort of thing more difficult. Fighter types will generally be able to make this pretty easily, but it is still an important step (worried about grapples? be displaced, blinking, blured, mirror imaged, phased, whatever.. have a high touch attack AC through whatever means, generally a good idea for a caster type anyway, these are general defenses to help out their poor hp, so none of this is out of order)

3rd: Hold. Opposed grapple checks as a free action. It is even possible for the caster to win at this (athough highly unlikely). Or with a few spells/items they can be incredibly resistant, or even immune (if you are 2 or more size categories above the grappler then you automatically succeed vs them).

4th: maintain. This requires more grapple checks later on, but initially you have to move into your opponents space. In other words, if the caster is mounted then likely you cannot enter a grapple with them. If they are flying and the grappler is not then it is probably a dm call. If they are some sort of form that the grappler cannot get all the way up against (in the same square) then the grapple fails.

Now, at this point it can still be foiled by a simple ring of freedom of movement or a few other items/spells.

Then, we get down to actually doing the grappling (assuming everything went well for the grappler). This is likely a much slower way to kill the opponent, although it does potentially take one member out of combat (they are still able to do things however, even then). It also takes the grappler out as well.

So, even once all of this has occured, all it does vs the mage is make him unable to use some spells. Say that this particular mage is dumb and has no plan for this sort of thing (as is evident from failing everything above as well and he rolls poorly). Effectively he will take some damage, but the rest of his party gets to do bad things to the grappler, so this means that less spells are used by the wizard potentially, less damage is caused to him overall, and in the end it was actually a worse option than just beating him up with the sword a good portion of the time (not always).

This is why I dont see it as being a very big bonus. It isnt a great strategy most of the time to begin with, there are a dozen easy ways to become resistant/immune (and several more difficult to do the same), and, in the end, all it does is save some of the casters spells so that he can actually do more in later battles that day.


So, for a fairly lackluster option, psions are slightly better off because they still have most of their options open even if pinned. Of course there are so many other things that are going on here that most of the time it just isnt a good option to grapple someone to begin with. Also, for those few times when it does happen if the caster does not have a thought in mind then he, again, deserves to die. Just like the fighter type who completely ignores a mode of combat (what do you mean I cant charge the guy 20' up and 200' away? how come he keeps on hitting me every round?).


LEW Judge
So the psion has up a bunch of powers and is going to be blasted by his own energy ball? How is this a valid comparison again?

Strawman. There are a great number of other powers that a psion can use whilst grappled. A nomad can use dimension swap. Most psions can just mind thrust their opponent, right there.

The psion will be able to manifest his powers without having to worry about a somatic component, the wizard should have something preped ahead of time for just this sort of situation.

Once again, amount of preparation. The psion doesn't even have to give a rat's ass about being grappled, save for the concentration check and the damage that might be extremely painful. At mid to higher levels, it doesn't even stymie his main ability: the ability to manifest powers. Wizards/Sorcerers in those situations that have the same amount of preparation as a Psion "needs" are little more powerful than commoners.

If somatic components are such a non-issue, then why do you need painful metamagic feats, prestige classes and expensive items (that take up slots) to bypass its negative effects? If they are such a non-issue as you make them to be, then the presence of somatic components shouldn't even be a problem for the arcanist.

But they are. They are a problem in select situations... situations which pop up regularly (IMX). How do you prevent a psion from manifesting powers, short of an anti-magick field or killing/disabling him outright? Silence won't work. Grappling isn't that effective. Hell, do you even know that the guy staring at you is really a psion, since a psion can hide his power's display?

And while the wizard/sorc is preparing for these eventualities by spending gold/feats/levels, the psion can spent his resources wherever he wants... including the ability to further increase the gap between his offensive ability and the arcanists'.


First Post
Bah you all suck (joke), Ill post a new thread.

If you want to see which is a better artillery piece you have to post characters and crunch numbers. Otherwise we get into circular arguments about focus and feats and builds with 21 levels and floating feats without any of the prerequisits. If you really want to find out how little making a check you probably wont even fail on a 1, or only being able to use one metapsionic feat at a time (Except of course the following feats are already built in: silent,still,eschwwmaterial,heighten) people nee to post actual real builds.

It appears to me that psions do much more damage than ohter casters and would like someone to prove me wrong. :)

Oh and metamagic rods should be banned. Quickened timestops were never ment to happen. Its just not even sensible.



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nimisgod said:

Note, it was the example given by the other guy.

nimisgod said:
The psion doesn't even have to give a rat's ass about being grappled, save for the concentration check and the damage that might be extremely painful. At mid to higher levels, it doesn't even stymie his main ability: the ability to manifest powers.

Which is effectively the same for the wizard. The only difference is somatic components, which can be gotten around a number of ways as well.

So, going by the list I gave above, which showed grapple to not be a great option to begin with, the psion has a slight advantage. Woo.

Oh, and about the quickend time stops. Quicken is overpriced to begin with, time stop is almost broken in and of itself ;)

In a comparison with psion/casters for damage bringing in the rods effectively makes the casters win, pretty much hands down. So leaving them out works well for the discussion so long as they are never used in the game, but they are part of the game.

I dont care if they are brought into the discussion or not for whether or not more damage is done, but they have to be brought up for other points of conversation since they 'are' there ;)

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