Here's what it is really like being an independent publisher

The Grinning Frog

Hey folks,

So, it's 1.06am as I type this. And I guess I should introduce myself - my name is Stephen Hart.

I run The Grinning Frog, we are an ambitious, young and small independent RPG and game publisher in the UK. We have a reputation for putting out quite a lot of products to say we are a three person team - only one of which is full time (that would be me). Yes, we do move quite quickly internally and we don't do a lot of 'down time' in the office. When we work, we work. But, the reality of writing gaming material for a living, are long hours, that never stop. I do work at least six days a week, and doing some wok related task on the day 'off' is a common occurrence. Now, none of this is a complaint, I'm just sharing a story from the creative trenches.

What sort of funky things does a person create at 1am? Well, I've spent the evening adding new weapon options to the new solo play that is currently at Kickstarter and I just put in an order with the printer for postcards that are going free to all the backers. (Stretch goal reached.) I started off in the morning at 9am, working on an adventure that is being written for a client collaboration and I wrote some articles later in the day for this months RPG magazine. I'd have done some posting but I was grounded at home whilst my wife borrowed my car due to hers breaking down last night. The posting awaits for tomorrow. Hence, sorting the postcards tonight.

That ladies and gentleman is how it goes. It is a creative treadmill and whirlwind all combined and it never, ever stops. Which is okay, because it is good fun and mentally engaging. Indeed, I'd rather stay up and work, than turn in earlier and lie there with a mind buzzing away.

I'm pretty sure every other creative on EN World can share similar stories.

Right, time for some sleep, let me find the postcard image first then I'm signing off as the next thing on my to-do-list is pending a response from Kickstarter who seem to be dragging their heels. Hopefully in the morning I will have had my reply.

Good night all!

HMS Brutus Postcard front picture_1.jpg

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The Grinning Frog

I know that one :) It is not altogether great, but I am very familiar with this.

Whereabouts in the UK are you based? You would be welcome to visit our office (in Swindon) for lunch and a chat. Always happy to help :)
Just outside of York but who am I to turn down a lunch offer? How about the next time I'm down your way I drop you a note? Have car will travel and all that.

Voidrunner's Codex

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