D&D 5E Heroes of Hydellor

Lord Twig

Mindra looks thoughtful at the mention of the orb, then mutters to herself, "I don't remember our arrival here at all. I was out until Theremin gave me that potion."

OOC: Mindra was unconscious when Liam put the orb in the center impression on the table. But it didn't travel with us when we appeared. Unless it was magically transported to a different location, or we can find a different orb here, we may be stuck. Checking the tower more thoroughly for the orb does seem like the logical first step.

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"The first thing is to stop the fighting. We'll do what we can to find this 'key' and once we do we'll figure out how to get everyone back where they really belong. But we can't do that, if we're trying to keep you all from killing one another."

Owyn looks tired as he replays the fight with the leader of the raiders in his head.


Shadowfell/Imperial village
Seaday, Emperorweek, 4 Moon, 897 AF/Time 0650
Weather: Chilly, strong wind (disadvantage on ranged attacks, hearing perception), no rain
Lighting: Dim
Round 0

“Ain’t a lord,” Ulfgar told Theremin. “Jus’ a commander, an’ ain’t sure I’m even tha’ anymore since we came ‘ere,” the dwarven paladin admitted.

Crimsyn smirked back at Theremin when he looked to her. She’d certainly had an...invigorating time with the bard. But she knew eventually, from her elders, that the shadowfell wore one down until one was innured to both pain and pleasure. She had watched her father simply...fade away in this place, until one day he just didn’t bother to get out of bed, stopped eating and drinking, and just drifted off to death.

When Theremin asked if they would allow the villagers onto their boat, Alet shrugged. “Depends on how many,” he said. “We can’t fit the whole village, but yes, we could take some.”

“Not until you have the key,”
Ulgar noted. “Though I suppose I should go and see Salor and negotiate for our people back,” the ancient-seeming dwarf grunted, cracking his aged spine.

Your boat uses the Keelboat stats and figure in Saltmarsh. It’s 60’ x 20’ with a 20x10 foot cabin aft and a ballista in the prow (+6 to hit; 3d10 piercing damage). There are 8 shadows about 20 feet away from the boat.


@Lord Twig
@Steve Gorak
@Charwoman Gene

Combat Map:
Player Overview Map:

Coriana (+2) AC 15 31+8 thp/31 PP 14
Mindra (+4) AC 15 35+8 thp/35 PP 18 Darkvision
Owyn (+3) AC 19 27+8 thp/36 PP 14
Theremin (+5) AC 15 26+8 thp/27 PP 14 Darkvision

Sayine (+5) AC 15 14+8 thp/14 HD 4/4d4 PP 13 Darkvision, Breath, Spells (Yellow, 1/d): dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion, color spray, mirror image
Beturea (+1) AC 15 13+8 thp/16 HD 1/2d8 PP 12
Alet Caravon (+0) AC 16 24/24 HD 2/3d8 PP 10 Darkvision
Crimsyn Ledet (+3) AC 15 22+8 thp/22 HD 1/3d8 PP 11 Darkvision

Marching Order:
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:

300 gp
Magic spear (unidentified)

Steve Gorak

Theremin nods and says. "Please prepare and let us head back to the other village. I am glad we will be more on the boat, as we were attacked by shadows, and I won't mind having more defenders." Talking to his companions he adds: "We should plan to go back to to tower to investigate how we can go back home. If we find a way, we should help these folks out"


Shadowfell/Imperial village
Seaday, Emperorweek, 4 Moon, 897 AF/Time 0700
Weather: Chilly, strong wind (disadvantage on ranged attacks, hearing perception), no rain
Lighting: Dim
Round 0

Crimsyn and Alet nodded to Theremin. “We should be able to leave by midday,” she said. “We can’t take everyone, though.”

“We can prepare our own boats,”
Ulfgar assured them. “We have plenty, living by the lake. Just be sure we are welcomed when we arrive, and not attacked,” he warned. “We will not forgive betrayal so easily.”

Your boat uses the Keelboat stats and figure in Saltmarsh. It’s 60’ x 20’ with a 20x10 foot cabin aft and a ballista in the prow (+6 to hit; 3d10 piercing damage). There are 8 shadows about 20 feet away from the boat.


@Lord Twig
@Steve Gorak
@Charwoman Gene

Combat Map:
Player Overview Map:

Coriana (+2) AC 15 31+8 thp/31 PP 14
Mindra (+4) AC 15 35+8 thp/35 PP 18 Darkvision
Owyn (+3) AC 19 27+8 thp/36 PP 14
Theremin (+5) AC 15 26+8 thp/27 PP 14 Darkvision

Sayine (+5) AC 15 14+8 thp/14 HD 4/4d4 PP 13 Darkvision, Breath, Spells (Yellow, 1/d): dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion, color spray, mirror image
Beturea (+1) AC 15 13+8 thp/16 HD 1/2d8 PP 12
Alet Caravon (+0) AC 16 24/24 HD 2/3d8 PP 10 Darkvision
Crimsyn Ledet (+3) AC 15 22+8 thp/22 HD 1/3d8 PP 11 Darkvision

Marching Order:
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:

300 gp
Magic spear (unidentified)

Steve Gorak

“We can prepare our own boats,” Ulfgar assured them. “We have plenty, living by the lake. Just be sure we are welcomed when we arrive, and not attacked,” he warned. “We will not forgive betrayal so easily.”

Theremin nods and says: "We did not risk our lives to come here and warn you to then betray you". He turns to Alet and Crymsin "We need to make sure they are not harmed. There would be no point, and too much blood has already been spilled unnecessarily. You know your people, how do we ensure this?"


Shadowfell/Imperial village
Seaday, Emperorweek, 4 Moon, 897 AF/Time 0710
Weather: Chilly, strong wind (disadvantage on ranged attacks, hearing perception), no rain
Lighting: Dim
Round 0

“If we go ahead and warn them they will be coming to parley, it should be okay,” Crimsyn told Theremin. “They should give us a day’s head start to be sure. Bring gifts to exchange, and we can have their raiders freed for them. We can take Lord Ulfgar and an entourage with us for the negotiations.”

Your boat uses the Keelboat stats and figure in Saltmarsh. It’s 60’ x 20’ with a 20x10 foot cabin aft and a ballista in the prow (+6 to hit; 3d10 piercing damage). There are 8 shadows about 20 feet away from the boat.


@Lord Twig
@Steve Gorak
@Charwoman Gene

Combat Map:
Player Overview Map:

Coriana (+2) AC 15 31+8 thp/31 PP 14
Mindra (+4) AC 15 35+8 thp/35 PP 18 Darkvision
Owyn (+3) AC 19 27+8 thp/36 PP 14
Theremin (+5) AC 15 26+8 thp/27 PP 14 Darkvision

Sayine (+5) AC 15 14+8 thp/14 HD 4/4d4 PP 13 Darkvision, Breath, Spells (Yellow, 1/d): dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion, color spray, mirror image
Beturea (+1) AC 15 13+8 thp/16 HD 1/2d8 PP 12
Alet Caravon (+0) AC 16 24/24 HD 2/3d8 PP 10 Darkvision
Crimsyn Ledet (+3) AC 15 22+8 thp/22 HD 1/3d8 PP 11 Darkvision

Marching Order:
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:

300 gp
Magic spear (unidentified)

Steve Gorak

Theremin nods in agreement. "Sir Ulfgar, with your permission, let us prepare to leave shortly. The rest of your people can arrive tomorrow. Let us also ready the ship's ballista, as we were attacked on our way here and we need to be prepared"

OOC: ok, ready to head back! I'm hoping we'll level up once we secure the peace between the two villages, hint hint, nudge, nudge ;-)

Voidrunner's Codex

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