D&D 5E Heroes of Hydellor

Steve Gorak

Seaday, Emperorweek, 2 Moon/6:53 AM
Weather: 38 F; No wind, no rain
Round 0

OOC: No worries [MENTION=15132]Steve Gorak[/MENTION]. I know RL can get in the way sometimes. Glad you’re still with us though. Hope things settle down soon.

[Previous night]

Sir Ghaves Ledet looked shocked at the idea of a goblin marriage to his niece. “Such a thing is an abomination, and her title is meaningless right now in Esses, regardless.”

He gave a resigned smile to Theremin’s profession of loyalty. “Ah, lad, I am but a knight, the lowest of such titles, if such titles mean anything in Essess any longer. You are certainly of higher lineage than I. And I barely keep a roof over my niece’s head. But your sentiment does you credit, good sir.

Certainly a noble wedding is preferable to a common one for Irene. It is why I sent for the documents. I have resolved to consult with my fellows and decided it might be best to relocate her to a new situation away from young Curdy, the poor lad.” Ghaves shook his head, clearly saddened to have to possibly hurt the young couple.



Coriana (+2) AC 15 15/15 PP 14 Devil’s Sight
Liam (+2) AC 14 18/18 PP 14 Devil’s Sight
Mindra (+4) AC 15 19/19 PP 18 Darkvision
Theremin (+5) AC 15 19/19 PP 14 Darkvision
Sayine (+2) AC 15 14/14 PP 11 Darkvision

Player Average:
Enemy Average:

Marching Order: Mindra, Liam, Theremin (Sayine), Coriana
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:
Light: Daylight

80 gp (Coriana)
1500 sp (Coriana)
2300 cp (Coriana)
Eversmoking Bottle (Liam)
8 doses of essence of dreamlily (Mindra)
Chalcedony necklace (2 stones)(Mindra)
Chrysophase (green gem)(50 gp)(Coriana)

Theremin, intent on figuring out the goblin's motives, presses the knight: "Even if it is an abomination, the goblins had a plan, and it involved marrying your niece. Would you know what would motivate them to do so?"

And on the second point, Theremin proposes the plan he has been devising: "Indeed, a noble wedding would be adviseable, and I am open to it, if it is what you are proposing. Irene would be safe in Kelterin, under the patronage of my grandmother, and when the time is right, we would have the backing of a well establised house, to reclaim her lands."

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Seaday, Emperorweek, 2 Moon/6:56 AM
Weather: 38 F; No wind, no rain
Round 0

“I honestly have no idea what goes on in a goblin mind,” Ghaves Ledet said. “They aren’t the brightest of creatures from what I know.”

Ledet’s eyes narrowed a bit. “And just what would your interest be in Irene?” he asked. “You are from Helveki. How could I trust her life to a noble from that unholy place? With her claim to the ducal throne in Essess, this could be some ploy for that Witch Queen to gain control.”
[MENTION=5044]Charwoman Gene[/MENTION]
[MENTION=31754]Lord Twig[/MENTION]
[MENTION=15132]Steve Gorak[/MENTION]



Coriana (+2) AC 15 15/15 PP 14 Devil’s Sight
Liam (+2) AC 14 18/18 PP 14 Devil’s Sight
Mindra (+4) AC 15 19/19 PP 18 Darkvision
Theremin (+5) AC 15 19/19 PP 14 Darkvision
Sayine (+2) AC 15 14/14 PP 11 Darkvision

Player Average:
Enemy Average:

Marching Order: Mindra, Liam, Theremin (Sayine), Coriana
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:
Light: Daylight

80 gp (Coriana)
1500 sp (Coriana)
2300 cp (Coriana)
Eversmoking Bottle (Liam)
8 doses of essence of dreamlily (Mindra)
Chalcedony necklace (2 stones)(Mindra)
Chrysophase (green gem)(50 gp)(Coriana)

Steve Gorak

Seaday, Emperorweek, 2 Moon/6:56 AM
Weather: 38 F; No wind, no rain
Round 0

“I honestly have no idea what goes on in a goblin mind,” Ghaves Ledet said. “They aren’t the brightest of creatures from what I know.”

Ledet’s eyes narrowed a bit. “And just what would your interest be in Irene?” he asked. “You are from Helveki. How could I trust her life to a noble from that unholy place? With her claim to the ducal throne in Essess, this could be some ploy for that Witch Queen to gain control.”

"I understand your concern, but bear in mind that that before rescuing her, I knew nothing of her lineage. My only loyalties to Helveki are to my family, and indeed, my interest in Irene is not only because of her beauty. Her lineage is one to be proud of, and of course I would be honored to tie my name to hers. Besides, she is a highborn in a situation that is unacceptable. The peasantry must never be allowed to destitute the nobility. I am certain than any other unmarried noble in my place would make the same proposal. It is the honorable thing to do"

Lord Twig

OOC: I believe the conversation Theremin is having is still from the previous night? If so then Mindra would be otherwise occupied and is waiting for the rest of her group to join her for breakfast.


Seaday, Emperorweek, 2 Moon/6:56 AM
Weather: 38 F; No wind, no rain
Round 0

“I am not sure the others in the cabal will approve, but I will put your request forward, then, young lord,” Ghaves Ledet finally said. “They may already have someone suitable chosen from among the remaining lords in Essess. But I will not forbid you from seeing the lass.”

He offered his hand to the young Theremin in peace.

OOC: Yes, this is the previous evening. I think it’s about ready to wrap up.

[MENTION=5044]Charwoman Gene[/MENTION]
[MENTION=31754]Lord Twig[/MENTION]
[MENTION=15132]Steve Gorak[/MENTION]



Coriana (+2) AC 15 15/15 PP 14 Devil’s Sight
Liam (+2) AC 14 18/18 PP 14 Devil’s Sight
Mindra (+4) AC 15 19/19 PP 18 Darkvision
Theremin (+5) AC 15 19/19 PP 14 Darkvision
Sayine (+2) AC 15 14/14 PP 11 Darkvision

Player Average:
Enemy Average:

Marching Order: Mindra, Liam, Theremin (Sayine), Coriana
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:
Light: Daylight

80 gp (Coriana)
1500 sp (Coriana)
2300 cp (Coriana)
Eversmoking Bottle (Liam)
8 doses of essence of dreamlily (Mindra)
Chalcedony necklace (2 stones)(Mindra)
Chrysophase (green gem)(50 gp)(Coriana)

Steve Gorak

Seaday, Emperorweek, 2 Moon/6:56 AM
Weather: 38 F; No wind, no rain
Round 0

“I am not sure the others in the cabal will approve, but I will put your request forward, then, young lord,” Ghaves Ledet finally said. “They may already have someone suitable chosen from among the remaining lords in Essess. But I will not forbid you from seeing the lass.”

He offered his hand to the young Theremin in peace.

OOC: Yes, this is the previous evening. I think it’s about ready to wrap up.

"I am in your debt for presenting my petition to marry Lady Irene to the cabal. Please also share with them my sincere offer of service, regardless of their decision regarding my petition, to assist restoring the rule of nobility in Essess.

I will also deal with Curdy the commoner, without harming him, as a show of loyalty to the dutchy, to the cabal and to lady Irene, although she may disagree in the short term.

Should I be successful, would the cabal give me the honour of presenting my petition in person?"

OOC: FYI, just trying to make connections with influential ex-nobles in Essess, and to beef up his credibility in their eyes. Also trying to improve his position in Essess, and to his house in Helveki if/when they learn of this.

Question: From what I remember, the essence of dreamlily induces permanent amnesia in higher doses, right? So by giving Curdly a few doses, and finding a way to send him on a boat or a carravan, "should" get him out of the way, no?


Seaday, Emperorweek, 2 Moon/6:56 AM
Weather: 38 F; No wind, no rain
Round 0

“The members of our little conspiracy are necessarily quite secret,” Ghaves told Theremin quietly. “However, I will pass your willingness along, especially should you prove useful. Please do not hurt the Curdy boy. He is a good lad, but I have been at a loss as to how to separate the two of them,” Ghaves admitted. It seemed clear that his duties pained him a bit. “I wish she could have a normal life, but her blood makes that impossible. We all have our duty. She does not even know yet about her true identity. I have not thought of a good way to broach the subject.”
[MENTION=5044]Charwoman Gene[/MENTION]
[MENTION=31754]Lord Twig[/MENTION]
[MENTION=15132]Steve Gorak[/MENTION]



Coriana (+2) AC 15 15/15 PP 14 Devil’s Sight
Liam (+2) AC 14 18/18 PP 14 Devil’s Sight
Mindra (+4) AC 15 19/19 PP 18 Darkvision
Theremin (+5) AC 15 19/19 PP 14 Darkvision
Sayine (+2) AC 15 14/14 PP 11 Darkvision

Player Average:
Enemy Average:

Marching Order: Mindra, Liam, Theremin (Sayine), Coriana
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:
Light: Daylight

80 gp (Coriana)
1500 sp (Coriana)
2300 cp (Coriana)
Eversmoking Bottle (Liam)
8 doses of essence of dreamlily (Mindra)
Chalcedony necklace (2 stones)(Mindra)
Chrysophase (green gem)(50 gp)(Coriana)


Seaday, Emperorweek, 2 Moon/7:00 AM
Weather: Normal fall temps, light wind, light rain
Round 0

As Mindra enjoys her breakfast in the Sawtooth Inn, awaiting her companions for the morning, a light, chilly rain begins to fall outside. She hears a bit of a commotion on the green, and when the innkeeper Torban goes from behind the bar to open the door, Mindra spots a large, brightly painted wagon pull up outside of Stump’s General Store. The side of the wagon promotes it as Nysonn’s Goods and Sundries. Mindra sees the figure atop the wagon, bedecked in bright red traveling cloak and a broad brimmed hat, clamber down from the box, miss the last step, and fall on their face in the mud. Some local boys laugh, but run up to help the merchant to their feet again, and are rewarded with some coppers and apparent instructions to tend the mules, as they start to work on unhitching the beasts.

Torban seemed unconcerned, and let the door swing closed, returning to his glass wiping behind the counter as he studied what appeared to be a number puzzle written on a piece of slate with chalk. Occasionally he put a number in one of the boxes on the slate.

Moments later, the door pushed open and the muddy, colorfully clad merchant entered. They stumbled as their foot caught on the first step, but managed to right themselves without face planting again. The merchant went over to the bar.

“Torban! I got you a little something,” the merchant said, a female voice. She slid a box to him. It was decoratively painted, and Torban grinned as he turned it over, studying it. The merchant winked. “Hopefully that’s enough for my stay,” she said.

She swept off her muddy cloak and broad hat, revealing an attractive half-elven woman with a bald head, black eyes, and a pale Arideen complexion. She grabbed one of Torban’s towels and tried to clean herself up a bit. “Tea, with a bit of rum, if you would, Torban,” she ordered. “It isn’t that cold, but that rain is a bit chilly.”

“Coming right up, Ideli,” Torban said, reluctantly putting aside his strange new box and preparing the hot toddy.
[MENTION=5044]Charwoman Gene[/MENTION]
[MENTION=31754]Lord Twig[/MENTION]
[MENTION=15132]Steve Gorak[/MENTION]



Coriana (+2) AC 15 15/15 PP 14 Devil’s Sight
Liam (+2) AC 14 18/18 PP 14 Devil’s Sight
Mindra (+4) AC 15 19/19 PP 18 Darkvision
Theremin (+5) AC 15 19/19 PP 14 Darkvision
Sayine (+2) AC 15 14/14 PP 11 Darkvision

Player Average:
Enemy Average:

Marching Order: Mindra, Liam, Theremin (Sayine), Coriana
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:
Light: Daylight

80 gp (Coriana)
1500 sp (Coriana)
2300 cp (Coriana)
Eversmoking Bottle (Liam)
8 doses of essence of dreamlily (Mindra)
Chalcedony necklace (2 stones)(Mindra)
Chrysophase (green gem)(50 gp)(Coriana)

Charwoman Gene

Coriana opened her eyes slowly, pushing down the wee bit of pounding in her head. Remember ing the memories of past days, she spoke to her self, "What in the flaming hells do I do now?"

Breakfast. That is key.

She got herself together and made her way downstairs. Seeing Mindra there, she asks, "Mind if I join you?" before sitting down.

Lord Twig

Mindra studies the unusual box nonchalantly, but intently, from where she sits, trying to make out what it is. And more importantly, what it's worth. She looks away, hopefully before anyone notices her interest, and smiles as Coriana joins her at the table.

"Of course not. I have been waiting for you," Mindra looks around, "and the others. I wish they would get here soon."

Mindra takes anther bite of her breakfast before continuing. "We were distracted from our main purpose before. But now maybe we can get to the bottom of this 'Old Crone' business. I don't like unsolved mysteries."

OOC: Perception to get a good look at the box and stealth to not be seen doing it. ;)
Perception: 1D20+8 = [2]+8 = 10
Stealth: 1D20+8 = [15]+8 = 23

Hmmm... Probably too much not being seen and not enough seeing. Oh well.

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