D&D 5E Heroes of Hydellor

Charwoman Gene

With a derisive snort, Coriana says, "It's kinda disgusting for you too to sit here discussing her fate like you get to decide for her. Only good thing anyone has said is letting her know what's going on. Even giving those documents to the old guy is manipulating her in a way I don't like."

"I'm really at a loss as to what comes next. I don't think the crone is showing. But why did she assemble us here? To rescue a girl from some goblins? Smells like last week's catch."

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“You two. I see. Perhaps I’ll stay out of it next time and let the womanizer have his way.” Liam said, grabbing his hat and book from the table. “Excuse me. I’ll be taking my drink at the bar.”

Liam stood and put his hat on, making his way to the bar where he ordered a drink. Then he opened his book and began to read. There was a very interesting spell he’d found, something to do with green flames.

Steve Gorak

Hearing Liam's recommendations, and the reinforcement by Coriana, Theremin thought to himself What strange lands these are! In Helveki, I would have had my pick of followers willing to support me! But these people are different, noble in their own way. Reflecting upon this, Theremin saw the beauty in his companions' stance. Doing what he did best, he composed a slow melodious song about heroes set to change the world with their honorable and direct approach to the challenges they faced. As he sang, he contemplated Indeed, perhaps the direct approach will be the best one. By scheeming, the likelyhood of success was low. Having a direct conversation with Curdly was wise: if the boy really loved Irene, he would see how he would be preventing her from reaching her destiny.

Once the song finished, he said earnestly "Companions, thank you for your cousel. I will indeed have a man to man conversation with Curdly. I am glad we had this conversation"


Seaday, Emperorweek, 2 Moon/7:01 AM
Weather: Normal fall temps, light wind, light rain
Round 0

Torban nodded to Theremin and went into the back to the kitchen to retrieve more breakfasts.

"I'm really at a loss as to what comes next. I don't think the crone is showing. But why did she assemble us here? To rescue a girl from some goblins? Smells like last week's catch," Coriana said.

At the bar, the merchant woman near Liam chuckled. “The Crone? They say her ways are inscrutable, that she is wise beyond knowing. Seldom are her methods clear. Or maybe she just likes toying with mortals.” She sipped her drink. “Please don’t tell Sister Taicha I’ve been blaspheming again,” she said with a chuckle, looking over the quartet. She paid little mind to the few other patrons there were, most of whom were already finishing and heading out to the day’s work.

“You lot look a bit touched by Avandra. How’s work?”
[MENTION=5044]Charwoman Gene[/MENTION]
[MENTION=31754]Lord Twig[/MENTION]
[MENTION=15132]Steve Gorak[/MENTION]



Coriana (+2) AC 15 15/15 PP 14 Devil’s Sight
Liam (+2) AC 14 18/18 PP 14 Devil’s Sight
Mindra (+4) AC 15 19/19 PP 18 Darkvision
Theremin (+5) AC 15 19/19 PP 14 Darkvision
Sayine (+2) AC 15 14/14 PP 11 Darkvision

Player Average:
Enemy Average:

Marching Order: Mindra, Liam, Theremin (Sayine), Coriana
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:
Light: Daylight

80 gp (Coriana)
1500 sp (Coriana)
2300 cp (Coriana)
Eversmoking Bottle (Liam)
8 doses of essence of dreamlily (Mindra)
Chalcedony necklace (2 stones)(Mindra)
Chrysophase (green gem)(50 gp)(Coriana)

Lord Twig

Mindra listen calmly while her new companions argued, rubbing her teardrop earring as she waited to see how the discussion would play out. When Liam finally made his declaration she was satisfied that the issue was resolved and, even better, she didn't have to get involved or pick sides.

Mindra perked up when the merchant spoke. "Touched by Avandra? Well, I could use a little luck. And we could all use a little change," Mindra smiled as if at a private joke. "But surely you don't think the mysterious crone that set us all on this path is of divine origin? I am not so arrogant to think I deserve that kind of attention."

"And as for work, we were all paid to be here. And here we are. The rescue of Irene was its own reward," Mindra's smile deepens, "and by that I mean there was treasure to be had from the goblins. What we do now I don't know."


Seaday, Emperorweek, 2 Moon/7:02 AM
Weather: Normal fall temps, light wind, light rain
Round 0

The half-elf merchant chuckled. “Stranger things have happened in this world in the last few decades,” she pointed out. “After all, no one thought Paladine would ever return. And new gods? Why wouldn’t they walk the land like Paladine did?” She paused. “Well, mostly he sat up on his throne, I suppose. But then talking religion is bad for business,” she said with a charming grin. “I’m a practical woman. I pray to whoever helps me put coin in my purse.”

She pushed off from the bar and approached the table. She jumped a bit, nearly tripping, as Sayine fluttered into the room, landing on Theremin’s shoulders. The merchant looked startled for a moment.

“Ideli Nysonn,” she introduced herself, extending a hand with long, delicate fingers. “Stump told me about what you folks did for Irene. That was mighty fine and brave of you all. Wonder what’s got into the goblins? Anyway, if it’s work you’re looking for, I might have something for some folk with your skills.”
[MENTION=5044]Charwoman Gene[/MENTION]
[MENTION=31754]Lord Twig[/MENTION]
[MENTION=15132]Steve Gorak[/MENTION]



Coriana (+2) AC 15 15/15 PP 14 Devil’s Sight
Liam (+2) AC 14 18/18 PP 14 Devil’s Sight
Mindra (+4) AC 15 19/19 PP 18 Darkvision
Theremin (+5) AC 15 19/19 PP 14 Darkvision
Sayine (+2) AC 15 14/14 PP 11 Darkvision

Player Average:
Enemy Average:

Marching Order: Mindra, Liam, Theremin (Sayine), Coriana
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:
Light: Daylight

80 gp (Coriana)
1500 sp (Coriana)
2300 cp (Coriana)
Eversmoking Bottle (Liam)
8 doses of essence of dreamlily (Mindra)
Chalcedony necklace (2 stones)(Mindra)
Chrysophase (green gem)(50 gp)(Coriana)

Steve Gorak

Seaday, Emperorweek, 2 Moon/7:02 AM
Weather: Normal fall temps, light wind, light rain
Round 0

The half-elf merchant chuckled. “Stranger things have happened in this world in the last few decades,” she pointed out. “After all, no one thought Paladine would ever return. And new gods? Why wouldn’t they walk the land like Paladine did?” She paused. “Well, mostly he sat up on his throne, I suppose. But then talking religion is bad for business,” she said with a charming grin. “I’m a practical woman. I pray to whoever helps me put coin in my purse.”

She pushed off from the bar and approached the table. She jumped a bit, nearly tripping, as Sayine fluttered into the room, landing on Theremin’s shoulders. The merchant looked startled for a moment.

“Ideli Nysonn,” she introduced herself, extending a hand with long, delicate fingers. “Stump told me about what you folks did for Irene. That was mighty fine and brave of you all. Wonder what’s got into the goblins? Anyway, if it’s work you’re looking for, I might have something for some folk with your skills.”

"I am Theremin, and you have piqued my curiosity. What kind of work do you have in mind?" The bard says, remaining sitting, and plucking away on his lute.

Lord Twig

Taking Ideli's hand and giving it a gentle shake, Mindra introduces herself. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Mindra. We are certainly not desperate for work, but I'm always interested in listening to new opportunities."


Seaday, Emperorweek, 2 Moon/7:03 AM
Weather: Normal fall temps, light wind, light rain
Round 0

Ideli pulled up a chair at their table and sat down. She nearly fumbled her cup, sloshing a bit of toddy onto the table.

“Sorry,” the half-elf smiled, a bit embarrassed, as she cleaned up with a handkerchief from her pocket. “Anyway, I was supposed to meet a friend of mine here in Bredon, a fellow merchant from out of Oakenmire named Mached Pakelan. He should have been here by now, for a few days, even. But he isn’t in town. There have been reports of banditry on the roads recently. One of the farmers east of here reported seeing an overturned wagon along the road near the old abandoned tower overlooking the road. I talked with Sergeant Belyr, but she said she’s been instructed to stay clear of the tower. There have been rumors of lights at the top of it on some nights, and folk have always been afraid of the place since the war. I’m just a merchant, not an adventurer, so I was wondering if I could hire you to check this out, look around for what might have happened to Mached, if that is his wagon.”
[MENTION=5044]Charwoman Gene[/MENTION]
[MENTION=31754]Lord Twig[/MENTION]
[MENTION=15132]Steve Gorak[/MENTION]



Coriana (+2) AC 15 15/15 PP 14 Devil’s Sight
Liam (+2) AC 14 18/18 PP 14 Devil’s Sight
Mindra (+4) AC 15 19/19 PP 18 Darkvision
Theremin (+5) AC 15 19/19 PP 14 Darkvision
Sayine (+2) AC 15 14/14 PP 11 Darkvision

Player Average:
Enemy Average:

Marching Order: Mindra, Liam, Theremin (Sayine), Coriana
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:
Light: Daylight

80 gp (Coriana)
1500 sp (Coriana)
2300 cp (Coriana)
Eversmoking Bottle (Liam)
8 doses of essence of dreamlily (Mindra)
Chalcedony necklace (2 stones)(Mindra)
Chrysophase (green gem)(50 gp)(Coriana)

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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