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D&D 5E Heroes of Hydellor


Essess/Bredonshire/Cold Woods
30 Mother/6:18 AM
Weather: 70 F; No wind; Light rain
Round 0

Crossing the river takes some care. It comes to about chest height and is swift, but the footing is good. The water is incredibly cold, however, runoff from the mountain glaciers to the south. As Coriana scrambles onto the other bank, shivering, she can peer behind the brush to see a set of steps going twenty feet down, worn smooth by time, covered in moss, lichen, and runoff. At the bottom is darkness.

Sayine waits back with the others nervously.


Coriana AC 15 9/9
Liam AC 16 10/10
Mindra AC 15 11/11
Theremin AC 15 10/10

Sayine AC 15 14/14



Marching Order: Coriana, Theremin, Liam, Mindra
Travel Pace: Normal (difficult terrain)
Travel activity: Coriana (tracking), Theremin (tracking)
Light: Coriana with torch; Liam blindsight 30; Mindra and Theremin darkvision 60.

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Lord Twig

Mindra nods and moves just ahead of Coriana, looking for tripwires, snares, triggers or other evidence of traps. She slowly advances trying to stay as quite as possible.

OOC: Stealth: 1D20+8 = [7]+8 = 15

Sorry for the recent absence. I should be able to check back every day now.


Essess/Bredonshire/Cold Woods
30 Mother/6:19 AM
Weather: 70 F; No wind; Light rain
Round 0

The steps were wide and worn, covered in moss, lichen, and runoff, making the worn steps precarious. Coriana and Mindra managed to safely pick their way down. Sayine landed on Theremin’s shoulders, peering down into the darkness.

OOC: Just need Theremin’s [MENTION=15132]Steve Gorak[/MENTION] and Liam’s [MENTION=6855204]tglassy[/MENTION] Dex saves.

Those with darkvision could see the ceilings were about ten feet high. A ten foot wide passage stretched straight on into darkness beyond your darkvision. At the far end of the passage is dim light. About halfway, light spills from a doorway. To your lift is another passageway. Your darkvision can see to the end of the hallway, which seemed littered with debris, but had intricate stone carvings on the walls. A foul stench emanated from the passage.

OOC: I know [MENTION=6855204]tglassy[/MENTION] is moving house this week, so I can ghost him along if needed.


Coriana AC 15 9/9
Liam AC 16 10/10
Mindra AC 15 11/11
Theremin AC 15 10/10

Sayine AC 15 14/14



Marching Order: Coriana, Theremin, Liam, Mindra
Travel Pace: Normal (difficult terrain)
Travel activity: Coriana (tracking), Theremin (tracking)
Light: Coriana with torch; Liam blindsight 30; Mindra and Theremin darkvision 60.

Lord Twig

OOC: I'm having a little trouble trying to figure out what the layout is. The way I understand it a tunnel goes strait from the entrance more than 60' and there is a dim light at the end. Half way down that tunnel between the dim light and us is an open doorway (on the right or left?).

Then there is a second tunnel that goes from where we are to the left which is less than 60' long and ends in debris. It had some carvings on the walls, but they are broken now. And it smells bad. :)

If I got all of that right then Mindra will start to move down the hallway strait ahead quietly and carefully. She wants to get up to the doorway and peek in. If some of the others want to check out the left passageway she will stop before getting to the door and just keep watch while they investigate.

She will try to stay hidden as best as possible the whole time. Her last Stealth roll is 15. I'm not sure if that one still applies or if I need to roll again.


Essess/Bredonshire/Cold Woods
30 Mother/6:20 AM
Weather: 70 F; No wind; Light rain
Round 0

OOC: Is anyone using a torch or other light source for Coriana?

Mindra’s stealth will be fine. You can see the occasional goblin silhouette flickering across the dim light from the large room at the end of the hall. They appear to be busy about something. If someone makes light you will lose your stealth (but be able to see). If the party chooses not to light up (disadvantage on Coriana for being blind, until she gets into dim light; then it’s just disadvantage on Perception), then make me stealth rolls (Mindra’s 15 is fine). Feel free to move Mindra on the map where you like.



The dark grey areas are where you need darkvision to see, unless someone has lit a torch or the light spell.

Coriana AC 15 9/9
Liam AC 16 10/10
Mindra AC 15 11/11
Theremin AC 15 10/10

Sayine AC 15 14/14



Marching Order: Coriana, Theremin, Liam, Mindra
Travel Pace: Normal (difficult terrain)
Travel activity: Coriana (tracking), Theremin (tracking)
Light: Coriana with torch; Liam blindsight 30; Mindra and Theremin darkvision 60.

Voidrunner's Codex

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