D&D General How Do You Feel About Randomness?

The dice won't TPK them. Their refusal to change approach or even straight up flee in the face of a run of bad luck is what will kill them.
Often true, though occasionally a run of bad luck will happen in a situation where fleeing really isn't an option; or one roll will turn things so badly that they're hosed no matter what they do.

The latter led to the only TPK I've ever DMed: the "one bad roll" was the party's main Fighter failing a save vs Domination on coming down a ladder into a confined space, and as the rest of the party came down one by one to join him he methodically mowed them down; after which the BBEG (an undead) kept him as a dominated slave until he starved to death.

And as the adventure was set in its own tiny demiplane, there wasn't really anywhere to flee to even had they been able.

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Often true, though occasionally a run of bad luck will happen in a situation where fleeing really isn't an option; or one roll will turn things so badly that they're hosed no matter what they do.

The latter led to the only TPK I've ever DMed: the "one bad roll" was the party's main Fighter failing a save vs Domination on coming down a ladder into a confined space, and as the rest of the party came down one by one to join him he methodically mowed them down; after which the BBEG (an undead) kept him as a dominated slave until he starved to death.

And as the adventure was set in its own tiny demiplane, there wasn't really anywhere to flee to even had they been able.
I'm going to need details.

How did he following party members miss that the fighter was killing the member who went before?

I'm going to need details.

How did he following party members miss that the fighter was killing the member who went before?
Some of them noticed, and realized what had happened, but they kept coming in hopes of getting to whatever had Dominated him. Worse, they had to get off the ladder before they could do much else of use e.g. fight or cast spells, while on the ladder they were fairly defenseless against his attacks, and even at the best of times they'd have had a hard time dealing with him as he was by far the baddest ass in the group. (which in part is why he was first down the ladder)

Those remaining at the top could have stayed there and had they done so would have lived longer; but (if memory serves) they couldn't get off the demi-plane without getting something from that room, so the best they could have hoped for would be a perpetual stalemate with them stuck on a demi-plane consisting of about five buildings and some bridges between, using Cleric spells as their food and water source until they eventually died of old age or attrition.

Some of them noticed, and realized what had happened, but they kept coming in hopes of getting to whatever had Dominated him. Worse, they had to get off the ladder before they could do much else of use e.g. fight or cast spells, while on the ladder they were fairly defenseless against his attacks, and even at the best of times they'd have had a hard time dealing with him as he was by far the baddest ass in the group. (which in part is why he was first down the ladder)

Those remaining at the top could have stayed there and had they done so would have lived longer; but (if memory serves) they couldn't get off the demi-plane without getting something from that room, so the best they could have hoped for would be a perpetual stalemate with them stuck on a demi-plane consisting of about five buildings and some bridges between, using Cleric spells as their food and water source until they eventually died of old age or attrition.
This is a DM directed TPK IMO

Some of them noticed, and realized what had happened, but they kept coming in hopes of getting to whatever had Dominated him. Worse, they had to get off the ladder before they could do much else of use e.g. fight or cast spells, while on the ladder they were fairly defenseless against his attacks, and even at the best of times they'd have had a hard time dealing with him as he was by far the baddest ass in the group. (which in part is why he was first down the ladder)

Those remaining at the top could have stayed there and had they done so would have lived longer; but (if memory serves) they couldn't get off the demi-plane without getting something from that room, so the best they could have hoped for would be a perpetual stalemate with them stuck on a demi-plane consisting of about five buildings and some bridges between, using Cleric spells as their food and water source until they eventually died of old age or attrition.

Would the fighter have eventually starved?
Were there any big spells they could have launched from up top? (Granted taking out the fighter?)

Would the fighter have eventually starved?
You mean if anyone else had survived? Hard to say, but I'd guess it was pretty likely unless the survivors could somehow contrive to leave food where he could find it, which wouldn't have been easy.
Were there any big spells they could have launched from up top? (Granted taking out the fighter?)
Not without major risk to themselves; they didn't know how much area was down there meaning a fireball might have (and I think in fact would have) shot back out the hole. I don't think they had lightning; and they weren't that high level (3rd-5th if memory serves).

And @Reynard - what makes you say it was a DM-directed TPK?

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