How often do you play?

How often do you play (or GM)?

  • Multiple times per week

    Votes: 19 32.2%
  • Once per week

    Votes: 22 37.3%
  • Biweekly

    Votes: 13 22.0%
  • Monthly

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • Quarterly/A few times a year

    Votes: 3 5.1%
  • Once a year

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Less often than once a year

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have not played in 5 years or longer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have never actually played

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Bi-weekly, but wish it was weekly.
I really dislike running a biweekly game. it isn't that playing every other week is untenable, it is that life inevitably gets in the way sometimes and the biweekly game can very easily turn into a monthly game or less frequent is schedules suddenly conflict. I find this is most often a problem during the summer and other "vacation periods" when folks' schedules are more fluid.

I am a big fan of a regular (weekly) schedule that everyone knows going in. As opposed to a "when can everyone play next" discussion at the end of the session.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I really dislike running a biweekly game. it isn't that playing every other week is untenable, it is that life inevitably gets in the way sometimes and the biweekly game can very easily turn into a monthly game or less frequent is schedules suddenly conflict. I find this is most often a problem during the summer and other "vacation periods" when folks' schedules are more fluid.

I am a big fan of a regular (weekly) schedule that everyone knows going in. As opposed to a "when can everyone play next" discussion at the end of the session.
I've been there an know what you mean. Thankfully, my current group is very good about making the sessions and we rarely miss one.

When I had a F2F group, I always tried to have five players. If one misses, we still game, if two we call it off. Worked out well for over a decade and then covid killed our group dead.

Edit: No not literally.

I really dislike running a biweekly game. it isn't that playing every other week is untenable, it is that life inevitably gets in the way sometimes and the biweekly game can very easily turn into a monthly game or less frequent is schedules suddenly conflict. I find this is most often a problem during the summer and other "vacation periods" when folks' schedules are more fluid.

I am a big fan of a regular (weekly) schedule that everyone knows going in. As opposed to a "when can everyone play next" discussion at the end of the session.
If we were just doing one game I might agree with you though I've heard that fortnightly games can allow people to live their adult lives in the in-between weeks. As it is however we have alternating games every Friday night and alternating games every Sunday afternoon. We've found that it's easier for normally busy adults to clear the schedule two days a week than four.


I've been there an know what you mean. Thankfully, my current group is very good about making the sessions and we rarely miss one.

When I had a F2F group, I always tried to have five players. If one misses, we still game, if two we call it off. Worked out well for over a decade and then covid killed our group dead.

Edit: No not literally.
The campaign I am working on now is a portal fantasy using the Worlds Without Number rules (you may have seen the thread) and I am designing it to be workable no matter who shows up. So every session will end with the characters going back to their world, and every session will start with them being drawn back into the fantasy realm. That way, it does not matter if someone misses or if a new player joins in or whatever.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
The campaign I am working on now is a portal fantasy using the Worlds Without Number rules (you may have seen the thread) and I am designing it to be workable no matter who shows up. So every session will end with the characters going back to their world, and every session will start with them being drawn back into the fantasy realm. That way, it does not matter if someone misses or if a new player joins in or whatever.
That is true, I play games that can go down to as little as GM and one other. I was thinking of my F2F group which was all PF1 at the time.


It has been weekly for several years now after scouts, but my son just graduated out and is going off to college so I'm not sure what we are going to do now. We used to have 4-6 people in the group and now I will have only my father and brother as players and the odd weeks my son will come home.

Its my hobby. Has been for 43 years so i play a lot, support others by buying a lot, and publish my own stuff.
So currently:

Monday weekly evening : I'm running / playing tasting my Fantasy Heartbreaker "Runelords & Relics" with young people (25-40 year olds!!).

Tuesday weekly evening : I'm a player nearing end book 4 of War for the Crown for PF1. Some guys are older than me and one I have gamed with consistently since 1985.

Wednesday evening : Once a month an online game.

Thursday: I maybe play a once a month boardgame, but no rpg's, but its mostly date-night!

Friday: Cant recall playing on a *Friday!

*Saturday Afternoon: A mix of rpgs (just finished playing in a Soulbound campaign), boardgames, skirmish games and wargames depend on who on the rosta is free.

Sunday: Don't rpg on a *Sunday

*Every 6-8 weekends we gather in Oxford for our PF AP. Game and eat and drink the whole weekend. Player in Legacy of Fire which we have nearly completed.

Go to a Con 1-2 times a year

So yeah, I game!

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