D&D (2024) How should the Psion/Mystic be implemented in 1DnD?

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"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
If some of you really want to play with psionics that badly, some of you should find different DMs to play for. Ones that aren't scrooges like that. ;)

Or you just wait and wait and wait for WotC and then dislike what they ultimately give you. Whichever way works. :)
Honestly, I'm kind of over the debates about what concepts are missing or what little details get changed in the newest packet. If you have a concept, just make up the rules yourself! Just be flexible, work with your DM and come up with something.


I haven't given this a ton of thought, but what if they designed the psionic class (whatever it's called) to be a full blown 4e structured class, with a couple of at-will powers, one (at first) power that recovers on a short rest, and one on a long rest. I always saw the warlock as a sort of bridge between the Vancien spellcasting structure and the 4e style, but through the strangeness of psionics maybe this could be a way to just fully embrace that 4e style. Structuring them as powers could allow whatever custom tewwks they want to differentiate the powers from existing spells, and--if desired--allow them to function differently from magic.

Ad for a setting to integrate psionics in now that WotC won't return to Dark Sun, they were always pretty well-integrated into Eberron, and I think there will be enough changes with the 2024 revisions to warrant a revisit to what (IMO) was the best setting book of 5E (and for crying out loud, maybe an adventure!).


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Ok do I thought I might do a new one of these threads every few days, in order to see how people want certain class/subclass concepts handled in the new system. I'm focusing on the most suggested and talked about classes first, and maybe I'll move onto some more obscure ones later.

So first, lets start with the psion/mystic. This one is notable for getting its own class unearthed arcana in 5e, but never making it through to release. With the, aberrant mind, psi-warrior, and soulknife taking up aspects of the concept in the form of subclasses instead.

So in 1DnD, how should this character concept, and by extension the entire concept of psionics at all be handled? Should it be identical to 5e with the three subclasses, or maybe different subclasses? Should it get its own class, and if so how should that class be handled? Should the psi-die mechanic return? Or should it be a spellcaster? If so spell slots or will points, and how will it work with only the arcane, primal, or divine lists to pick from?

Or would you rather the concept of psionics and every class/subclass linked to it wasn't a thing in DnD at all?

Other Threads:

Artificer - How should the Artificer be implemented in 1DnD?
I think that the elemental stuff should be stolen and given to the elemental monk, to start with.

Then put the Nomad’s goodies in a Rogue or Monk subclass. Those the main two classes I think of when I ask “who should get to teleport a lot?”

What is left after all the stuff that’s been put elsewhere is mostly what the class should be anyway, which is a “mind mage”.

Telekinesis, telepathy, object construct manifestation, bolstering allies and putting the hurt on enemies like a control oriented wizard.

It should play very similarly to a Jedi Consular, with 3 branches (move stuff, affect yourself, affect others) and then subclasses based on either archetypes or like…a type of strategy or role, like a vanguard, a face, a manipulator, a telekinetic AoE specialist, etc.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
I dont know why, but I always felt the Psionic system could be based on the Skill system, with varying degrees of success against a set DC affecting the results.

History: Locate Object, Time Shift
Athletics: jedi jump, lift with your mind, force grab
Sleight of Hand: remote manipulation
Animal Handling: charm beast, charm monsters
Insight: Read thoughts, Aura sight, psychic query
Perception: Nomad arrow, blind sight
Deception: modify memory, implant thoughts
Acrobatic: move across liquids, celerity

On a failed check you gain a level of Exhaustion (the OD&D one), on a success you create the effect.

In short, psionics could be what you achieve when your skills and wills result in supernatural results.


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
I dont know why, but I always felt the Psionic system could be based on the Skill system, with varying degrees of success against a set DC affecting the results.

History: Locate Object, Time Shift
Athletics: jedi jump, lift with your mind, force grab
Sleight of Hand: remote manipulation
Animal Handling: charm beast, charm monsters
Insight: Read thoughts, Aura sight, psychic query
Perception: Nomad arrow, blind sight
Deception: modify memory, implant thoughts
Acrobatic: move across liquids, celerity

On a failed check you gain a level of Exhaustion (the OD&D one), on a success you create the effect.

In short, psionics could be what you achieve when your skills and wills result in supernatural results.
Man, I kind of love this. The whole class could be a bunch of invocation-like abilities that allow you to achieve a "supernatural" result with a good skill check role. Psionics as the ultimate skill-monkey class.

If you want to gate it behind a limited resource, maybe a pool of "psionic inspiration" dice that you can spend to add to the skill check; spending the die is the trigger that allows for the enhanced result.


The Psion is its own class, using a Warlock-like spellcasting chassis.

Except, it uses spell points, where each spell slot level costs 1 spell point to cast. So, a slot 3 Fireball spell costs 3 spell points to cast. The spell point pool equals 1 + Psion level. This pool refreshes after each short rest.

All psionic spells are innate and never use spell components.

The Psion has at least four solid, distinctive, subclasses.

A choice of Warlock "Invocation"-like options allow the player to customize the mechanical features for the psionic character concept.

The Warlock "Arcanum"-like spell mechanic allows the Psion class to access slot 9 spells, when advancing to the highest tiers.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Man, I kind of love this. The whole class could be a bunch of invocation-like abilities that allow you to achieve a "supernatural" result with a good skill check role. Psionics as the ultimate skill-monkey class.

If you want to gate it behind a limited resource, maybe a pool of "psionic inspiration" dice that you can spend to add to the skill check; spending the die is the trigger that allows for the enhanced result.

its like, you have plenty of classes that can replace a skill check by casting a spell or whatever, but you have no class that makes those roll of 25+ Impossible rolls meaningful. What's beyond the impossible? That's the kind of ''reality bending'' the psion should be about. No magic spell, just sheer will and skill.

You dont need spells, you need the Gift.

Voidrunner's Codex

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