D&D (2024) How should the Swordmage be implemented in 1DnD?


I quote because it's worse than I remembered "Teleport 2 times and attack 3 people". Not even a pure spellcaster can teleport twice in a turn and attacking three people requires either fighter 11's extra attack or some kind of AOE(burst/come/line).
 It is an AoE. Attak 3 people not attack the same person 3 times.

Same as Chain Lighting, but with a sword. Or a lower level Steelwind Stike, which hits 5 people and teleports.

Chain Slashing. 3rd level.
Range: Self
Components: S, M (a melee weapon worth at least 1 sp)
Teleport 10' and make a melee attack. Then teleport 10' and make a melee attack. You may not target the same creature more than once. Roll your damage only once and apply it to all target hit.
At Higher level. You can teleport and attack one additional time for every 2 levels. The teleport range also increases by 5'.

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Part of the reason I like spellstrike as a concept is because it cuts down on the amount of new mechanics required to make a dedicated Swordmage work. Having to come up with around 30 spells isn't too hard, but it is a lot of new content you have to make for a satisfying Swordmage. When you can just channel spells through the sword, you can get away with making fewer spells for the Swordmage. But, I understand to some that a spell list carries a lot of flavor, so maybe it's best if the Swordmage goes the route of making 30+ new spells regardless.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
ngl, eldritch knight with the smite spells is already more swordmagy than anything WotC offers.

Shame there is no cold, lightning, or acid smites.
I've shifted to allowing both Bladesingers and Eldritch Knights to use the Smite and Strike spells. The Hexblade and Battle Smith get them, I see no reason why the other similar concepts can't

"Teleport 2 times and attack 3 people". Not even a pure spellcaster can teleport twice in a turn and attacking three people requires either fighter 11's extra attack or some kind of AOE(burst/come/line).
Attacking 3 people could be done if the character was 5th level or higher ,and was fighting with two weapons (with or without the aid of the Two-Weapon Fighting style). Under normal circumstances, you can split up your attacks so long as your opponents are within 5 feet of you. If I remember correctly, the Two-Weapon Fighting style in 5e2024 no longer uses the bonus action. So this covers half of this particular conundrum.
Still working on the teleport 2 times in a single turn part. ;)

Action Surge + Dimension Door + Boots of the Winding Path (Artificer 6)

So a Bladesinger 9 /Battlesmith 6/ Fighter 2 could attack 3 times with Int, and teleport twice.

Probably finish with Paladin to get some smites.
Nice combo. I was trying to see if an Eladrin (Monsters of the Multiverse version) with their Fey step ability could play a part in this solution. ;)


One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
Part of the reason I like spellstrike as a concept is because it cuts down on the amount of new mechanics required to make a dedicated Swordmage work. Having to come up with around 30 spells isn't too hard, but it is a lot of new content you have to make for a satisfying Swordmage. When you can just channel spells through the sword, you can get away with making fewer spells for the Swordmage. But, I understand to some that a spell list carries a lot of flavor, so maybe it's best if the Swordmage goes the route of making 30+ new spells regardless.
oh for sure, being able to use their own special mechanics to execute existing spells with weapon attack rolls would be great, giving the class their own distinct flavour and playstyle without writing up a dozen new spells.


But, I understand to some that a spell list carries a lot of flavor, so maybe it's best if the Swordmage goes the route of making 30+ new spells regardless.
To be fair, some flavorful spells are already scattered though the game.

So maybe only 15 new new spells and some rearranging (i.e. allow Eldritch Knight to get smites)

Which can be in addition to spell strike if you want to hit with hold person. (Not on the same turn)


One of the things I gave my swordmage class was a rune weapon at 1st level which gives it the arcane property (allows use of intelligence instead of strengh/dexterity for attack and damage) as well as making the weapon magical. It also allows for a small damage bonus chosen from cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage though I'm instead thinking that they can instead change the weapons damage type to one of those instead of an additional bonus, which probably wouldn't require the weapon to be magical since you can instead just change the damage type.

Voidrunner's Codex

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