D&D (2024) How to fix multiclassing?

Sorry was i unclear or am I misunderstanding you? i was referring to the proficiencies that multiclassing into a class will automatically provide you, suggesting that taking a class’s multiclass feat would provide you with those proficiencies (but none of the class’s 1st level features)
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I think these feats are too good. It is also questionable why a fighter need the feat.

Why not say: to qualify for multiclassing into fighter, you need training in 2 martial weapons and light and medium armor. The fighter mutliclass feat might give exactly that, but a barbarian would qualify automatically, while a wizard had to take a few feats.
an alternate Idea wluld be just having fighters upgrade armor proficiency by one step. So as a wizard you only gain light armor, if you did not somehow gain light armor proficiency first.

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One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
I think these feats are too good. It is also questionable why a fighter need the feat.

Why not say: to qualify for multiclassing into fighter, you need training in 2 martial weapons and light and medium armor. The fighter mutliclass feat might give exactly that, but a barbarian would qualify automatically, while a wizard had to take a few feats.
an alternate Idea wluld be just having fighters upgrade armor proficiency by one step. So as a wizard you only gain light armor, if you did not somehow gain light armor proficiency first.
Why are they too good? As it stands to my understanding multiclassing into a class already provides what the feat is providing and more with the 1st level features (minus my proposed single skill), in the scenario I’m proposing multiclassing would not be allowed without first taking a specific class’s multiclass feat so all it is doing is providing an advance on features you would already be getting down the line when you actually multiclassed.


Another idea. (In addition to the normal way).

Multiclass as a subclass.

Bard subclass: prerequisite, 13 Cha, not a bard.
3: bardic inspiration, cast a level 1 bard spell once per short rest
6: expertise, cast a bard spell 2 bard spells once per short rest.
10: jack of all trades, font of inspiration
14: expertise, cast a level 3 bard spell once per short rest.

Why are they too good? As it stands to my understanding multiclassing into a class already provides what the feat is providing and more with the 1st level features (minus my proposed single skill), in the scenario I’m proposing multiclassing would not be allowed without first taking a specific class’s multiclass feat so all it is doing is providing an advance on features you would already be getting down the line when you actually multiclassed.

Because if you take the feat and just don't multiclass, they are better than other feats.


Because if you take the feat and just don't multiclass, they are better than other feats.

Surely there are already multiclass feats that provide a flavour of a second class if not actual class features? Skilled, Magical Adept, Armour feats, Weapon Master, Martial Adept, etc. The list could be widened to include missing classes but there is already huge scope if half feats are generally allowed at level 1. A high elf Fighter-Mage could have 3 cantrips and a level 1 spell. That's not bad.

Surely there are already multiclass feats that provide a flavour of a second class if not actual class features? Skilled, Magical Adept, Armour feats, Weapon Master, Martial Adept, etc. The list could be widened to include missing classes but there is already huge scope if half feats are generally allowed at level 1. A high elf Fighter-Mage could have 3 cantrips and a level 1 spell. That's not bad.

I don't disagree... this is exactly what I was thinking. Make 2 arcane cantrips and a level 1 arcane spell the prerequisite of wizard multiclass.
You could get it by being a bard, an arcane trickster, by being a high elf of high enough level maybe or justvby taking the magic initiate spell.
So to become a level 1 wizard, you need to bring some talent for the arcane woth you and not gain everything after taking a level 1 wizard multiclass.
As a fighter the prerequisites could be light armor training and a martial weapon proficiency. So the rogue can quite easily become a fighter, a wizard has to work a bit for it. And the fighter multiclass upgrade armor proficiencies by one step.


I don't disagree... this is exactly what I was thinking. Make 2 arcane cantrips and a level 1 arcane spell the prerequisite of wizard multiclass.
You could get it by being a bard, an arcane trickster, by being a high elf of high enough level maybe or justvby taking the magic initiate spell.
So to become a level 1 wizard, you need to bring some talent for the arcane woth you and not gain everything after taking a level 1 wizard multiclass.
As a fighter the prerequisites could be light armor training and a martial weapon proficiency. So the rogue can quite easily become a fighter, a wizard has to work a bit for it. And the fighter multiclass upgrade armor proficiencies by one step.
That's not really stopping much in the way of cherry picking though. Sure it might stop an extreme edge case like hexadin, but those prerequisite hurdles are likely to be about as high a bar to meet as the existing "13 x or y attribute [which anyone considering this almost certainly has]“

That's not really stopping much in the way of cherry picking though. Sure it might stop an extreme edge case like hexadin, but those prerequisite hurdles are likely to be about as high a bar to meet as the existing "13 x or y attribute [which anyone considering this almost certainly has]“

Exactly. This is more than enough.

No it's not accomplishing anything but making it seem as if there is a cost in order to resist any effort to spotlight or correct problems that arise. Exactly how is it "more than enough?"

Because the system as is, barrng a few exception, works extremely well. And most of those exceptions are already depending on a certain reading of the mutlticlass rules, which is probably wrong: being able to use warlock spells for smite or sorcery points.

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