The details of my gaming life are quite inconsequential.... Very well, where do I begin?
The year was 1982. Several of my friends would dress up and go hang out in this cave near our college. Our friend Robbie started flipping out and taking things too seriously. He starts thinking he really was his cleric named Pardeux.
He really started being a pain in the butt when he kept whining about his brother and then he traveled to NY in search of the Two Towers. We figured that Monsters & Mazes was too much drama for us, so we gave up that game and bought the D&D rulebooks.
By then, we'd had enough of Robbie, so we kicked him out of the group and brought in some new chick named Marcie. She was cool and all, but she'd only play Thieves. She must have hated me as the DM cause after I killed her character Black Leaf, she never showed back up for another game. We never heard from her again.
I had to take a break from D&D. I picked it up again when 3.0 was released. Been going strong ever since!