How were you introduced to RPGs?

How were you introduced to RPGs?

  • Through friends

    Votes: 78 40.2%
  • Through family

    Votes: 41 21.1%
  • Through work colleagues

    Votes: 2 1.0%
  • Commercial organised game event (conventions etc.)

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • Private organised game event (game club open day, LGS session etc)

    Votes: 3 1.5%
  • Through another type of game (CCG, MMORPG etc.)

    Votes: 14 7.2%
  • Followed up an advert or out of curiosity

    Votes: 21 10.8%
  • Other (please describe)

    Votes: 34 17.5%

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First Post
When I was 12 (1987), my friend (when I came over to his house for the weekend) said, "hey, my brother (who was 16-ish at the time) has this cool new game called D&D"... and that was that, I was hooked immediately.

We played using the old expert set (which I was later given and of course still have) ;)


First Post
Introduced by a friend during the summer before 6th grade. Started with Basic D&D, and have never looked back, except for one long hiatus in the middle of RPGing history. And I came back from that hiatus because, again, a friend got me into 3rd edition D&D and his regular gaming group at graduate school.


The details of my gaming life are quite inconsequential.... Very well, where do I begin?

The year was 1982. Several of my friends would dress up and go hang out in this cave near our college. Our friend Robbie started flipping out and taking things too seriously. He starts thinking he really was his cleric named Pardeux.

He really started being a pain in the butt when he kept whining about his brother and then he traveled to NY in search of the Two Towers. We figured that Monsters & Mazes was too much drama for us, so we gave up that game and bought the D&D rulebooks.

By then, we'd had enough of Robbie, so we kicked him out of the group and brought in some new chick named Marcie. She was cool and all, but she'd only play Thieves. She must have hated me as the DM cause after I killed her character Black Leaf, she never showed back up for another game. We never heard from her again.

I had to take a break from D&D. I picked it up again when 3.0 was released. Been going strong ever since!


5ever, or until 2024
(I refuse to react to oryan 77's post)

In the late 70's D&D was just sort of in the air, you just heard about it, talked about it with freinds or strangers, saw it at toy or book stores. So at some point I new it was something to ask for, look for, etc.


First Post
Other. Saw the basic edition in the store and saved up my quarters until I could buy it. Showed it to everyone - I remember thinking it was the coolest thing ever, which it still is.


Other: I was at Boy Scout camp, and saw some older boys playing this game on the picnic tables outside the mess hall one night. We asked very nicely, and convinced the DM (a counselor at the camp) to run a game for each night after we should've gone to bed. He did so, then dutifully killed us all off at the end of the week.


(I refuse to react to oryan 77's post)
Huh? You refuse to laugh? :confused:

Are you saying my post was offensive? Wow...the lack of sense of humor that goes on here is mind boggling.

I was not trying to be offensive what's-so-ever. I thought it would be a funny know, a break from all the seriousness & walking on eggshells that goes on here?

Fine....I apologize if there was no humor found in my post. What I meant to say was....

I started D&D later in my life in 1995. My friend said, "Hey, wanna play in our Dark Sun D&D game?" I said "sure" and had no idea what I was getting myself into.

That's a much more fun read than my original post. :-S

Anyway, sorry guys...I was just trying to make people laugh.


First Post
A friend of mine as a child has the HeroQuest board game. Eventually we obtained a D&D Basic Set and played it as a more elaborate version of the board game. ;-)


Combination of nintendo RPG's and books led me to buy the request the "D&D" game (seen advertised in comic books) as a present. Got the old black box/red dragon set, eventually bought 2E.
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