Paizo How will OGL 1.1 affect Pazio, PF1 and P2?

I haven’t heard much discussion on Ze world, but I’m concerned. What does the proposed OGL change mean for Pazio? From the look of it, it undermines all versions of PF and invalidates them. What are your thoughts and concerns?

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I haven’t heard much discussion on Ze world, but I’m concerned. What does the proposed OGL change mean for Pazio? From the look of it, it undermines all versions of PF and invalidates them. What are your thoughts and concerns?
My concern is that third-party companies currently keeping PF1 alive won't be able to do so anymore. A week ago, I picked up a copy of Legendary Games' Legendary Companions (affiliate link), a book released more than three years after Paizo discontinued their support of PF1. It's an excellent book, and I'm very happy with my purchase, and I liked that more content was coming out for a game that, quite frankly, I'm not done playing. But now, it sounds like that might be going away because of WotC, and I'm a sad panda. :cry:

Yeah, my understanding is if the new OGL stands, Paizo will be in violation and can be sued by WotC (or sign the license and pay 25% - which would be terrible financially.)
So I expect this is the end of Pathfinder and all other OGL compatible content unless they come out with a 3E that doesn't use the OGL.

Yeah, my understanding is if the new OGL stands, Paizo will be in violation and can be sued by WotC (or sign the license and pay 25% - which would be terrible financially.)
So I expect this is the end of Pathfinder and all other OGL compatible content unless they come out with a 3E that doesn't use the OGL.
Or they fight it and win or they negotiate and gain concessions

If Paizo can survive the Pandemic, an edition change, a union, freelancer strike, and Jessica Price drama all at the same time, they can survive ripping the OGL 1.0a out of their future products and using some new license. Worst case scenario, they can't call Magic Missile that name any more in future products and reprints, big deal. I would be much more worried for the smaller teams and companies out there that may not survive having to distance themselves from D&D.

Yeah, my understanding is if the new OGL stands, Paizo will be in violation and can be sued by WotC (or sign the license and pay 25% - which would be terrible financially.)
So I expect this is the end of Pathfinder and all other OGL compatible content unless they come out with a 3E that doesn't use the OGL.
Personally I feel the current suits in charge of WotC are wrong and hope 3PP fight them. I think they can bring down the house of cards the OGL 1.1 is built on.

I’m not sure Paizo is the one to do it. They have to e most to loose, but I think this can be solved legally for the betterment of all 3PP.

I’m sure Paizo is having a lot of meetings with lawyers.

What they do matters. Most of us small OGL publishers are looking to them right now. They’re the standard bearer, whether or not they want to be. If anybody can stand up, they can.
I also feel really small publishers could do it. I’m trying to convince my DM to publish something with the hope he gets sued. He doesn’t have anything to loose - literally!

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