D&D (2024) How you going to roll... 5.24 into your game(s)?


I'm going to stick with the Creative Commons version of 5e as the core + house rules.

I've told my players they can make a new character or convert a current character to whatever "version" of 5e they want to use. 2024 5e, Level Up, Tales of the Valiant.

I'm open to playtesting the gamut.

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ᚳᚣᚾᛖᚹᚢᛚᚠ (He/Him/His)
I'm not currently running anything, so I will probably give it a go when I do start up a new campaign to see how the group likes it.

I started running a Drakkenheim campaign last last year, with the full intent to apply the playtest rules that seemed likely to make it in. It's been a bit of a hassle, but doing half the changes now, and half the changes once the edition actually comes out (and Beyond offers the new classes), still seems easier to me than changing a lot of things at once.

It hasn't changed that much. Fighter is better at skills, players pick their one weapon mastery and forget about it, you can notice the power bump the free lv1 feats offer (well, some of them, and they're from the oldest package, so I hope they're going to change). But the biggest change was that I did not have to ban Guidance outright, but used the 1/day/person variant, so of course WotC is not going that way because it's actually playable like that.
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5ever, or until 2024
Ending my current campaign soon, starting a new one in September . 24 PHB only player facing book allowed. Then a small amount of hand waving and patching until the other books show up.


My intent is to select a good enough pre-written campaign that offers at least levels 1-10 and try the new ruleset out (with brand new characters).

The point will be to test drive the 2024 rules so no legacy player-side content: I will specifically ask the players to consider the relatively limited choices ("only" 48 subclasses!) as "refreshing".

What I mean is hopefully WotC will have switched things up so the old staples are no longer obviously best choices.
At this point, I've identified three promising candidates:

Call from the Deep
Odyssey of the Dragonlords
Dungeons of Drakkenheim

They're all 1-13 campaigns. They all have at least some good reviews. They all offer custom material such as races or backgrounds (which I'm not going to use since this is a 2024 PHB playtest). They're also very different from each other.

Deep is probably the most straightforward or vanilla, in that you're playing "true" heroes, and the campaign is more or less a string of events that take you from one place to the next. This sort of campaign is easy for players, but motivation can be hurt if players feel their actions don't matter, they're just along for the ride.

Dragonlords is probably similar in structure, but everything is covered in a thick layer of lore and background. Luckily it's set in a fantasy version of ancient Greece and not the real thing; players aren't asked to remember details from actual legends. Not sure my players will feel at home; it's critical that as a player you feel confident within the setting, that you know what and how you can act without being surprised. (If you don't watch police procedurals or read sci-fi, you can feel lost if you play a gumshoe adventure or play in outer space. Not everybody is well-versed in the genre tropes of detective stories, science fiction, or in this case, greek myth and legends)

Drakkenheim is very open-ended, in that it doesn't care how you achieve your goals, who you ally with and who you destroy along the way. It also feels like the risky option: more than one module turns off the players by being too dark, too grim and not sufficiently motivating the players to keep risking their characters' lives.

Haven't made any final decisions just yet, but maybe I'm leaning toward Drakkenheim. After all, if the DM isn't invested in the world or the story, nothing can save that campaign, so I need to choose something that gives me energy.

As a player, I’ll do whatever the DM wants.

As a DM, I’ll keep running 3.5e. Some of my players rabidly prefer it, others don’t care what the rules are.


I'm gonna save it for the next campaign I will be running. My Curse of Strahd campaign should actually end before winter, so I'll ask the group if they would be interested in using the new rules.

Another campaign will probably last a lot longer, I am already seeing that the group enjoys a sandbox campaign. Maybe I want to transition earlier?

Our DM wants to wait until there is more material, so we will continue down the 2014 path. That said, I will definitely buy the 2024 books and read through them.

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