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Hyperpoxia: Ranger|Warden MC Monk/Soaring Blade/Godmind


Uber-damage juggernaut for 6 rounds of every combat with damage modifiers that can go above +60 without radiant mafia support, average defenses in the low 50s, double attack rolls and saving throws while getting +5 to all saves, and gaining 3 surges worth of temp hit points every combat without spending surges. Able to shrug off dazed, stunned, dominated, or weakened. Flies, too. All by 24th+.

Some credit definitely belongs to mdonais here, too.


====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Hyperpoxia, level 30
Mul, Ranger/Warden, Soaring Blade, Godmind
Hybrid Ranger Option: Hybrid Ranger Reflex
Hybrid Warden Option: Hybrid Warden Will
Hybrid Talent Option: Warden's Armored Might
Guardian Might Option: Earthstrength
Born of Two Races Option: Dwarf
Akanûl (Akanûl Benefit)
Theme: Sohei

STR 26, CON 26, DEX 15, INT 10, WIS 13, CHA 12

STR 16, CON 16, DEX 13, INT 8, WIS 11, CHA 10

AC: 48 Fort: 45 Ref: 37 Will: 36
HP: 214 Surges: 16 Surge Value: 58

Acrobatics +24, Athletics +27, Endurance +29, Insight +23, Perception +23

Arcana +15, Bluff +16, Diplomacy +16, Dungeoneering +16, Heal +16, History +15, Intimidate +16, Nature +16, Religion +15, Stealth +16, Streetwise +18, Thievery +16

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Sohei Attack: Sohei Flurry
Mul Racial Power: Incredible Toughness
Hunter's Quarry Power: Hunter's Quarry
Warden Feature: Warden's Fury
Warden Feature: Warden's Grasp
Monk Feature: Iron Soul Flurry of Blows
Ranger Attack 1: Twin Strike
Warden Attack 1: Warden's Lunge
Endurance Utility 2: Grit and Spittle
Ranger Attack 3: Disruptive Strike
Warden Utility 6: Treacherous Ice
Warden Utility 10: Earthstride
Soaring Blade Attack 11: Sword Fall Leap
Soaring Blade Utility 12: Charge the Clouds
Ranger Attack 15: Blade Cascade
Warden Attack 15: Form of the Magma Brute
Warden Utility 16: Primal Leap
Warden Attack 17: Warden's Lure
Soaring Blade Attack 20: Storm of Raining Blades
Ranger Utility 22: Verdant Silence
Ranger Attack 23: Nonchalant Collapse
Ranger Attack 25: Circling Cascade
Godmind Utility 26: Rejuvenate Mind
Ranger Attack 27: Death Rend

Level 1: Hybrid Talent
Level 6: Cunning Stalker
Level 8: Crushing Earthstrength
Level 10: Monastic Disciple
Level 11: Earthstrength Defenses
Level 14: Reserve Maneuver
Level 15: Ki Focus Expertise
Level 16: Improved Defenses
Level 16: Weapon Proficiency (Lotulis)
Level 21: Epic Recovery(use 2nd wind twice per encounter)
Level 21: Stoneheart Warrior(use 2nd wind as free action)
Level 22: Inexhaustible Resources(use 2nd wind, don't spend a surge, get healing surge worth of temps)
Level 22: Earthstrength Might(use 2nd wind, get free action MBA)
Level 24: Dwarven Recovery(use 2nd wind, get +5 to saves until EoNT)
Level 24: Icy Heart
Level 26: Superior Initiative
Level 28: Martial Mastery
Level 30: Lasting Frost

Hide Armor of Enduring Health +6 x1(get a 3rd use of 2nd Wind)
Amulet of Vigor +6 x1
Iron Armbands of Power (epic tier) x1
Circlet of Arkhosia (epic tier) x1
Elven Chain Shirt (epic tier)
Ring of Giants x1
Belt of Vim (epic tier) x1
Zephyr Boots x1
Khyber Shard of the Fiery Depth (epic tier)
Cold Fury Ki Focus +6
Defensive Lotulis +6 x1
Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold (epic tier)
====== End ======

Still working out the details for the build(obviously, Lasting Frost is taken before 30th), but basically, Heroic tier is reasonably typical 'Dwarf' Ranger. There's some very nice synergy between Earthstrength Warden and Invigorating Stride for a Mul until Epic. Paragon tier, the build starts increasing damage and defenses and once it hits Epic, the build goes bonkers.

But here's what specifically this build gets at 24th+ when it spends a second wind as a free action, which it can do 3 times per encounter:
+2+Con defenses until EoNT(i.e. AC: 58 Fort: 55 Ref: 47 Will: 46)
+6 item defenses until SoNT(i.e. AC: 64 Fort: 61 Ref: 53 Will: 52)
+Con damage until EoNT
Free Action MBA
Not spend a surge and gain temp hit points = surge
Double rolls for all attacks, saves, and skill checks until EoNT
+5 to all saving throws until EoNT

Also, when the build spends an AP, the defenses kick up by +8 more(i.e. AC: 72 Fort: 71 Ref: 63 Will: 62)

At 24th+, the damage bonuses listed below should be reasonably close to what they're at 30th, just with -1s here and there. i.e. the following:
+6 Ki Focus
+5 Shard
+6 Bonus from Ki Focus(Cold)
+8 Bonus from Second Wind from Earthstrength
+5 Lasting Frost
+6 Iron Armbands
+8 Bonus from Paragon Path(Can be Cold)
+4 Icy Heart
+4 Gloves of Ice
+8 Str
+3 vs. Bloody

So a static modifier of +55, +60 with vulnerable cold, +63 against a bloodied vulnerable target for 6 rounds every combat while making double rolls. While typically having average defenses in the 50s, +5 to all saves, and double rolls for all saves, and getting to save at start of turn against daze/stun/dominate. And gaining 3 rounds every combat of +surge temp hit points.

Tricky parts:
Must be wielding a heavy blade. I'd like to not spend a feat on the Lotulis and better yet have a +3 weapon, but the off-hand makes it extremely difficult. Drow Long Blade with a good defensive property might show up here given Cold Fury Ki Focus, which I just found.
Firewind Blade. I'd like to use a Firewind Blade and I'd like to get Cold damage at the same time without needing item support. I'm not sure that's possible, so Firewind Blade might be out and therefore the Ki Focus is necessary.
Feats. Feats are ridiculously tight. I'd like to somehow stuff Heavy Blade Opportunity into the build as well - the build can do Iron Soul Monk on targets for some additional damage that then prevents shifting. Second Wind+Warden's Lure+Iron Soul Monk+an AP = a lot of opportunity attacks as monsters he's next to won't want to attack him with his low defense in the mid-50s. But provoking will usually mean taking 100+ damage.
Speaking of feats - some of the placement represents that Dwarven Weapon Training is more useful until 16th than the Lotulis.

Thoughts? Items I'm missing?

[sblock Level 1 Snapshot]
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Hyperpoxia, level 1
Mul, Ranger/Warden
Hybrid Ranger Option: Hybrid Ranger Reflex
Hybrid Warden Option: Hybrid Warden Will
Hybrid Talent Option: Warden's Armored Might
Guardian Might Option: Earthstrength
Born of Two Races Option: Dwarf
Akanûl (Akanûl Benefit)
Theme: Sohei

STR 18, CON 18, DEX 13, INT 8, WIS 11, CHA 10

STR 16, CON 16, DEX 13, INT 8, WIS 11, CHA 10

AC: 17 Fort: 14 Ref: 12 Will: 11
HP: 32 Surges: 12 Surge Value: 8

Acrobatics +5, Athletics +8, Endurance +10, Perception +5

Arcana –1, Bluff +0, Diplomacy +0, Dungeoneering +0, Heal +0, History –1, Insight +0, Intimidate +0, Nature +0, Religion –1, Stealth +0, Streetwise +2, Thievery +0

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Sohei Attack: Sohei Flurry
Mul Racial Power: Incredible Toughness
Hunter's Quarry Power: Hunter's Quarry
Warden Feature: Warden's Fury
Warden Feature: Warden's Grasp
Ranger Attack 1: Twin Strike
Warden Attack 1: Warden's Lunge
Ranger Attack 1: Off-Hand Strike
Ranger Attack 1: Jaws of the Wolf

Level 1: Hybrid Talent

Hide Armor x1
Adventurer's Kit
Longsword x2
Short sword x1
====== End ======[/sblock]
[sblock Level 6 Snapshot]

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Hyperpoxia, level 6
Mul, Ranger/Warden
Hybrid Ranger Option: Hybrid Ranger Reflex
Hybrid Warden Option: Hybrid Warden Will
Hybrid Talent Option: Warden's Armored Might
Guardian Might Option: Earthstrength
Born of Two Races Option: Dwarf
Akanûl (Akanûl Benefit)
Theme: Sohei

STR 19, CON 19, DEX 13, INT 8, WIS 11, CHA 10

STR 16, CON 16, DEX 13, INT 8, WIS 11, CHA 10

AC: 21 Fort: 18 Ref: 16 Will: 15
HP: 63 Surges: 12 Surge Value: 15

Acrobatics +8, Athletics +11, Endurance +13, Perception +10

Arcana +2, Bluff +3, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering +3, Heal +3, History +2, Insight +5, Intimidate +3, Nature +3, Religion +2, Stealth +3, Streetwise +5, Thievery +3

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Sohei Attack: Sohei Flurry
Mul Racial Power: Incredible Toughness
Hunter's Quarry Power: Hunter's Quarry
Warden Feature: Warden's Fury
Warden Feature: Warden's Grasp
Ranger Attack 1: Twin Strike
Warden Attack 1: Warden's Lunge
Warden Attack 1: Wildblood Frenzy
Warden Attack 1: Form of the Walking Conflagration
Ranger Utility 2: Invigorating Stride
Ranger Attack 3: Ruffling Sting
Ranger Attack 5: Frenzied Skirmish
Warden Utility 6: Treacherous Ice

Level 1: Hybrid Talent
Level 2: Dwarven Weapon Training
Level 4: Axe Expertise
Level 6: Cunning Stalker

Magic Double axe +2 x1
Predator's Hide Hide Armor +1 x1
Amulet of Protection +1 x1
Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier) x1
====== End ======[/sblock]

10th: Gain Monk Disciple feat, pick up Blazing Arc Ki Focus +2 and it is now okay to invest in fire options such as Shards. Do not pick up Firewind Blade until 16th when it is supported by paragon 16 feature.

[sblock paragon 11]
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Hyperpoxia, level 11
Mul, Ranger/Warden, Soaring Blade
Hybrid Ranger Option: Hybrid Ranger Reflex
Hybrid Warden Option: Hybrid Warden Will
Hybrid Talent Option: Warden's Armored Might
Guardian Might Option: Earthstrength
Born of Two Races Option: Dwarf
Akanûl (Akanûl Benefit)
Theme: Sohei

STR 21, CON 21, DEX 14, INT 9, WIS 12, CHA 11

STR 16, CON 16, DEX 13, INT 8, WIS 11, CHA 10

AC: 25 Fort: 22 Ref: 20 Will: 19
HP: 95 Surges: 13 Surge Value: 23

Acrobatics +14, Athletics +14, Endurance +16, Insight +13, Perception +13

Arcana +4, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Dungeoneering +6, Heal +6, History +4, Intimidate +5, Nature +6, Religion +4, Stealth +6, Streetwise +7, Thievery +6

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Sohei Attack: Sohei Flurry
Mul Racial Power: Incredible Toughness
Hunter's Quarry Power: Hunter's Quarry
Warden Feature: Warden's Fury
Warden Feature: Warden's Grasp
Monk Feature: Iron Soul Flurry of Blows
Ranger Attack 1: Twin Strike
Warden Attack 1: Warden's Lunge
Warden Attack 1: Form of the Walking Conflagration
Ranger Attack 1: Off-Hand Strike
Ranger Utility 2: Invigorating Stride
Ranger Attack 3: Ruffling Sting
Ranger Attack 5: Frenzied Skirmish
Warden Utility 6: Treacherous Ice
Warden Attack 7: Guardian's Pounce
Ranger Attack 9: Attacks on the Run
Warden Utility 10: Spiritual Rejuvenation
Soaring Blade Attack 11: Sword Fall Leap

Level 1: Hybrid Talent
Level 2: Dwarven Weapon Training
Level 4: Axe Expertise
Level 6: Cunning Stalker
Level 8: Crushing Earthstrength
Level 10: Monastic Disciple
Level 11: Earthstrength Defenses

Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier) x1
Amulet of Protection +2 x1
Predator's Hide Hide Armor +2 x1
Blazing Arc Ki Focus +2 x1
Khyber Shard of the Fiery Depth (heroic tier)
Defensive Double axe +1 x1
====== End ======[/sblock]
Level 15: Retrain Axe Expertise to Master at Arms
Level 16: Retrain Dwarven Weapon Training to Weapon Proficiency(Lotulis)

[sblock paragon 16]

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Doom, level 16
Mul, Ranger/Warden, Soaring Blade
Hybrid Talent Option: Warden's Armored Might
Hybrid Ranger Option: Hybrid Ranger Reflex
Hybrid Warden Option: Hybrid Warden Will
Guardian Might Option: Earthstrength
Born of Two Races Option: Dwarf
Akanûl (Akanûl Benefit)
Theme: Sohei

STR 22, CON 22, DEX 14, INT 9, WIS 12, CHA 11

STR 16, CON 16, DEX 13, INT 8, WIS 11, CHA 10

AC: 32 Fort: 29 Ref: 26 Will: 25
HP: 126 Surges: 14 Surge Value: 33

Acrobatics +17, Athletics +18, Endurance +20, Insight +16, Perception +16

Arcana +7, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +8, Dungeoneering +9, Heal +9, History +7, Intimidate +8, Nature +9, Religion +7, Stealth +9, Streetwise +10, Thievery +9

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Sohei Attack: Sohei Flurry
Hunter's Quarry Power: Hunter's Quarry
Warden Feature: Warden's Fury
Warden Feature: Warden's Grasp
Mul Racial Power: Incredible Toughness
Monk Feature: Iron Soul Flurry of Blows
Ranger Attack 1: Twin Strike
Warden Attack 1: Warden's Lunge
Warden Attack 1: Form of the Walking Conflagration
Ranger Utility 2: Invigorating Stride
Ranger Attack 3: Ruffling Sting
Ranger Attack 3: Disruptive Strike
Warden Utility 6: Treacherous Ice
Warden Attack 7: Guardian's Pounce
Ranger Attack 9: Attacks on the Run
Warden Utility 10: Spiritual Rejuvenation
Soaring Blade Attack 11: Sword Fall Leap
Soaring Blade Utility 12: Charge the Clouds
Ranger Attack 13: Off-Hand Diversion
Ranger Attack 15: Blade Cascade
Warden Utility 16: Cleansing Earth

Level 1: Hybrid Talent
Level 6: Cunning Stalker
Level 8: Crushing Earthstrength
Level 10: Monastic Disciple
Level 11: Earthstrength Defenses
Level 12: Fiery Blood
Level 14: Reserve Maneuver
Level 15: Heavy Blade Expertise
Level 16: Improved Defenses
Level 16: Weapon Proficiency (Lotulis)

Firewind Blade Lotulis +3 x1
Predator's Hide Hide Armor +3 x1
Amulet of Vigor +3 x1
Khyber Shard of the Fiery Depth (paragon tier)
Iron Armbands of Power (paragon tier) x1
Elven Chain Shirt (heroic tier)
Circlet of Arkhosia (paragon tier) x1
====== End ======[/sblock]
[sblock Level 16 Notes]
At this point, it has the following basic dpr bonus:
+3 Weapon
+3 Shard
+4 Bonus from Firewind Blade
+4 Iron Armbands
+6 Bonus from Paragon Path(Can be Cold, Fire, or Lightning)
+4 Fiery Blood
+6 Str

or +30 damage. It can also kick +6 extra damage into that via Second Wind until EoNT. So nova sequence might look like this:
(Interrupt): Guardian Pounce - assuming someone moves near another party member before he gets to go, he shifts speed, strikes and immobilizes.
Move: Invigorating Stride
Minor: Ruffling Sting
Twin Strike
No Action: Iron Soul
AP: Standard: Twin Strike
Free: Mark

Anyone next to him at this point can't shift and is dealing with a PC who has AC: 46 Fort: 43 Ref: 40 Will: 39 defenses.[/sblock]

Level 18: Resilience of Stone. Will be retrained into Stoneheart Warrior at 21st
Level 20: (insert feat you don't care about here - Bred for Battle? Lethal Hunter? Unstoppable Drive? Improved Initiative?) - will be retrained into Earthstrength Might at 22nd
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