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I can't help but wonder--how many AD&D 1e players ARE there out there?


tx7321 said:
... TLG is going to release a version 2 of C&C. The question is, with OSRIC having little or no difficulty in its legal stance (and it stays that way), will C&C switch?

Sorry, but this makes absolutely no sense.

How do you know that TLG is going to release 'version 2 of C&C'? Do you work for TLG? The Trolls have repeatedly insisted that they have no intention of doing this, so you'll have to forgive me if I take their word over yours. Moreover, I don't understand what OSRIC has to do with a possible 'version 2 of C&C'. OSRIC is essentially AD&D, and C&C is already close enough to AD&D to allow for easy use of material for either game with the other (i.e. OSRIC/AD&D material can be used with C&C, and vice versa, with practically no 'conversion work').

In short, your claims here are bogus.

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tx7321 said:
TLG is going to release a version 2 of C&C.

Actually, the fact that the Trolls always made very clear that they would never do a revision has been a small factor against C&C for me. I don't think C&C had anywhere near enough development time & playtesting for a game you never intend to revise. But that's just me.

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
I play 1st edition once a year at most. I no longer have the books, but the guy I game with (who also happens to be the person responsible for making me aware of DnD) has them. We always have a blast.


I got dice older than you.
I know about 20 people who currently play 1e AD&D. And by know, I mean, have sat at a table and gamed with them, not some poster on a message board.

About 15 of them only play AD&D 1e and have no desire or intention to ever even bother with 3e. AD&D is working fine for them, they are having a blast, so to them, it's a "isn't broke, don't fix it" sort of thing.

Silver Moon

Lanefan said:
That said, the 1e we play has had 25 years worth of modifications done to it...but it's still vaguely recognizable as 1e, I think.
That would be a good description of my weekly gaming group as well. When 2E came up most of my players didn't have the $ for new books so we stuck with 1E, with myself and my wife incorporating in 2E material from things we picked up at gaming cons. The same thing happened when 3E came out, the other players had no desire to buy new material or convert characters over, so we stuck with our modified-1E rules athough I've muddied it up some with various things picked up from here and elsewhere. I have the 3E books and have played it outside of the weekly game, plus I'll take good ideas from any source. I've also run a few 3E module from Dungeon Magazine with the group with very minor tweeks and they've all enjoyed them.

So in answer to the original question, I'd say my group consists of 1E players but as far as I am concerned whether its OAD&D, 1E, 2E, 3E, 3.5E, 4E, or some other variation it's all D&D to me.
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First Post
Akrasia -In short, your claims here are bogus.-

You can never find a mod when you need one. :]

I thought my comments about a future C&C2 were obviously a prediction not some sort of "insider information" (other companies have come out with later revised rules, not for any other reason but to stay profitable, TSR and WOTC being the most obvious, its just a logical assumption). Anyhow, sorry if you got the wrong impression. I'll take your word for it that TLG reps have stated no future versions of the core rules will be released. I'm also disappointed by that news. :\

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