Tirion Cayde, Cleric Level 5 (Life)
Elredd/The Ghoul
Day 1/Night
Tirion watched as Kelvyn led his horse off the ship. It was a fine riding horse, which might bring them some trouble, he figured. The cleric listened to the Mad Elf’s advice. So it was the tavern, the brothel, or risk it outside the city walls at night. None of the prospects seemed great.
They headed for the Broken Rudder and were accosted by a fat half-orc sitting outside, offering to watch the horse. Tirion could hear and smell the tavern through the door. He wasn’t sure the half-orc could be trusted not to abscond with the animal. Tirion frowned as Levanna playfully flirted with the half-orc, and the half-orc’s insult.
Tirion bristled, stepping up to defend the lady’s honor, but the half-orc was suddenly agreeable. Tirion eyed the wizardess curiously as the half-orc agreed to watch the horse.
Tirion followed the others inside, looking around the low-ceilinged, smoky common room. About a score of people, mostly humans and half-orcs, and a few dwarves. Dwarves behind the bar. Tirion noted the exits, as well.
Tirion moved up beside Levanna and put a hand protectively on the lady’s back as he leaned down to tell her, “Be careful in here. And don’t go off anywhere alone,” he warned her with concern. This was no place for a lady.
“Find a table. I’ll get us a round,” Tirion told the others. “And I will ask about rooms for the evening.” As he moved through the crowd, Tirion cast a simple cantrip, just in case.
Going up to the bar, he waited until he had the attention of one of the dwarves before asking, “What do you gentlemen recommend?”
Casting Guidance (C) on myself
If it's okay with the DM, I'm generally going to run around with Guidance up if I don't have to concentrate on anything else. This is so I can use it on initiative. Thanks!
[sblock=Mini Stats]
Initiative: +0
Perception: +4 (Passive: 14)
Speed: 30
AC: 20 (plate and shield)
HP: 33/33 HD: 5/5d8
Main Hand: None
Off Hand: Shield
Prepared Spells:
Cantrips: Guidance, Thaumaturgy, Mending, Sacred Flame
1st: Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt, Command
2nd: Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon, Prayer of Healing, Hold Person, Blindness/Deafness
3rd: Beacon of Hope, Revivify, Spirit Guardians, Dispel Magic, Mass Healing Word
Spell Slots Remaining/Total
1st: 4/4
2nd: 3/3
3rd: 2/2
Conditions: Guidance (C)