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IC [Dungeon World] The Seven Reaches


Half-Jack & Rat

Half-Jack stood between the imps and Sworntree. As they moved, Jack moved, aided by Rat, so that he blocked their teeth and claws from every angle. He paid the price for it, though, in bites and burns and deep scratches. But Rolff and a number of halflings came and stood alongside of him, and Sworntree bolstered him with his magics. Now if the imps should rally and move for the halfling cleric again Jack and Rat and Rolff and a host of halflings would be there to defend.

[sblock=OOC]Half-Jack's Statistics

Rolff (2 skill); Halflings (3 skill); +1 Ongoing (Sworntree's Blessing); 9/21 hp remaining
Defend +2: 2D6+3 = [3, 5]+3 = 11 Defend w/ 1 skill point for +1 and Sworntree's +1 ongoing. If the attack comes, then I'll use all 3 hold to: redirect the attack to Jack, halve the damage, and deal damage (equal to level) to the attacker. If it is possible to burn 1 skill from the Halflings to add 1d4+1 at the same time I've used skill from Rolff, I'll do so. Otherwise, it's 3 damage when they attack.


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Day 6, Early Evening, Halfpoint Hall

Warris and Snort assault the demon. They lay into it, but not without taking hits in return. [1]

The demon stabs at the prone Filip with its claws. The halfling scrambles to his feet inside the reach of the monster. But not fast enough to entirely avoid the claws.

Filip throws himself at the demon. His sword flashes. The two of them trade blows. Blood and black gore spatter the floors. Filip carves through flesh and boney spikes. The demon lashes the halfling, shredding the last of his armour and tearing at flesh. The Shield of the Crone still stands, but only just.

With a couple of mighty bounds Throk safely closes the Imp and wrenches his sword back from the creature. In frustration, the Imp throws fire at you [2]

Arafel regathers her thoughts and composure. From the entrance to the hall, borne on the oily darkness that oozes from the interior, the sounds of battle and mayhem. From another direction the sound of a single bell rung three times in quick succession. Then a pause. Then again three times. The halflings in the square turn to look east towards the oncoming darkness of night.

Half-Jack, surrounded by his fellow halfings and with Rolff at his side, successfully protects the wounded Sworntree. The Imps attack furiously, enraged by being denied their prey. Rolff stabs and thrusts, opening gaps for Half-Jack and halfings to exploit. Together you manage to cut down one of the monsters. Its not with cost, but you keep the light alive for moment. [3]

Ilrec dodges while he pulls another bowstring from his supplies and restrings his bow. [3]

"Burn the Shield!" roars the demon, and with single intent, every one of the remaining Imps swings their attention to the battle between the Shield of the Crone, Warris and Snort and their infernal master preparing to engulf them all in raging hell fire.

What do you do?

[1] I scratched the Defend move as its either Defend OR Hack'n'Slash. You lose the XP, but I am pretty sure that you would not have liked the choices I was going to offer you :)

[2] Before anything else: DD Roll+DEX. Damage 1d6 (ignores armour).

[3] - Halfling attack Damage 5. 1 Imp killed. 4 Imps remaining. Imp attack Damage 10/2=5, Jack Wounds 4. Sorry, I should have specified. You may spend skill points as you wish. I have added the halfling attack damage. Now Halfling 2/3 Skill. Rolff 2/3 skill. If you chose to spend 2 more - halfling damage 5, Rolff damage 3. Kills a second Imp.

[4] Mark 1 AdvGear.

Status Summary
Arafel: Mark XP 1. Debility on STR.
Half-Jack: Wounds 8.
Ilrec: Mark Ammo 2, Wounds 3, Mark XP 1. Mark 1 AdvGear.
Throk: Wounds 4. Mark XP 2. Debility on INT.
Warris: Mark XP 1. Wounds 5.

Filip: Wounds 19. Armour 0.
Demon Wounds 12.

5(6) Imps killed. 7(6) Surviving: 4(3) Imps engaged with Sworntree/Half-Jack etc. 1 Imp engaged with Throk. 2 wounded).

Imp: Horde, Planar, Intelligent, Organized
Flame gout (d6 damage, ignores armour) 7 HP, 1 Armour
Close, Near, Far.

Demon of Many Barbed Spikes
Solitary, Large, Planar, Terrifying
Spines (d10+3 damage, 3 piercing) 16 HP 3 Armour
Close, Reach, Messy[/sblock]



Seven Reaches/Western Valley/Halfpoint
Day 6/Late Afternoon

Warris moved into the melee, reaching out and slapping his hand onto Filip as he prayed to the Forge-Father, feeling the power of his god flow through him to heal the halfling.

Cast Cure Wounds: 2D6+1 = [4, 2]+1 = 7
Guess I will draw the unwanted attention.
Cure Wounds: 1D8 = [8] = 8

-1 spellcasting (maintaining Magic Weapon)
-1 spellcasting (distance)

[sblock=Warris Stats]
Warris Ironfoot

ARMOUR 3 (Chainmail 1, Shield 1, Boar 1)
XP earned (bad rolls): 1



First Post
Throk rushes to defend Filip once more, guarding the Halfling and managing to strike the foul creature once.

OOC: Defended for 3 hold and I'm cutting damage to Filip by half and dealing 3 damage to the Demon. Do I keep my one hold?

Sent from my HUAWEI Y536A1 using Tapatalk


Half-Jack & Rat

Half-Jack and Rat leap forward as the imps turn. "Now! Take 'em down, brothers!" The needle-sharp sword flicks out piercing imp-flesh and Rolff and the halfling lay to with their weapons. Demon-flesh proved unnaturally resistant to their weapons, however.

[sblock=OOC]Half-Jack's Statistics

Rolff (1 skill); Halflings (1 skill); +1 Ongoing (Sworntree's Blessing); 5/21 hp remaining
HackNSlash: 2D6+3 = [2, 5]+3 = 10 [11, w/+1 ongoing]
dmg: 1D8+2D4+3 = [2]+[1, 1]+3 = 7 Expend 1 skill from both Rolff & halflings to deal +1d4+1 dmg each; +1 from Rat; Total: 7 dmg

Also note, I think you've missed some of the damage Jack has taken. My count has him at 5 hp.



First Post
Arafel hesitates a moment, looking out over the town towards the bell. Of course. Of COURSE. What better time to attack than when the most powerful defenders were busy in a battle for their lives?!

She bursts back into the building and shouts, "They're attacking the town! We have to hurry this up!"

To emphasize her words, the elf unleashed another blast of magic at the demon...but seeing it again shook her to the core. That unnatural fear was gone, but it was still too easy to remember...it made it hard to focus. She slipped a little in her concentration, and the energy of the spell flashed in her mind!

Fortunately, she had planned for this possibility, but it was unnerving to think that if it happened again she would be all but disarmed!

Magic Missile at the DEAMON: 2D6+3 = [2, 4]+3 = 9
2D4 = [1, 2] = 3

(Choosing to lose the spell prep! However, Arafel prepared Magic Missile twice!)


Day 6, Early Evening, Halfpoint Hall

Throk leaps across the room in defence of Filip, but not before the Imp who stole his sword delivers a parting gift.[1]

The Imps simultaneously hurl fire at their demon master and those assailing him. But Throk stands between them, batting away a couple of the gouts of flame with his blade, blocking the rest with his body and taking the damage. [6]

The demon snarls in frustration.

Warris step up to Filip, closing up the worst of the Shield's wounds [2]

Half-Jack and his companions counter-attack the Imps, slaying one. It disappears in a puff of sulphurous smoke. [3]

Ilrec skewers another Imp. A trumpet note sounds and the Imp is gone. [4]

Arafel dashes back in side, shouting her warning. Her bolt of magic sparks and flashes off the demon's spiney hide. [5]

Filip throws himself at the demon, his sword flashing with a light of its own. The demon implodes. A howling souls of the dead wind roars through the hall. The remaining Imps wink out of existence filling the hall with showers of blood, small fish, ash and the smell of rot. [7]

The unnatural darkness slinks away to be replaced by the lighter gloom of twilight. For a moment the hall is silent except for soft slapping noise of fish flopping about, and the ragged breathing of those who survived. Which appears to be everyone, human, dwarf, half-elf and halfling alike.

Filip sinks to his knees with something like a sigh, something like a sob.

A bell, faintly, rings three times in quick succession.


[1] Throk - 4 damage (ignores armour) = 4 wounds.
[2] Warris restores 8 hp to Filip.
[3] Half-Jack and companions kill one Imp.
[4] Ilrec kills one Imp.
[5] Damage 3-3 armour.
[6] Directs damage to himsef. Halves damage. Damage 10/2 (ignore armour) 5 wounds to Throk.
[7] Damage 7-3 armour = 4 wounds to the demon.

Status Summary
Arafel: Mark XP 1. Debility on STR.
Half-Jack: Wounds 4+4+8=16 (you were right, I missed the Imp damage from the OOC thread)
Ilrec: Mark Ammo 2, Wounds 3, Mark XP 1. Mark 1 AdvGear.
Throk: Wounds 13. Mark XP 2. Debility on INT.
Warris: Mark XP 1. Wounds 9.

* Please review these details to see if they are correct. *

Filip: Wounds 16. Armour 0.
Demon: Wounds 16 (killed)
8 Imps killed. 4 Disappear.

Imp: Horde, Planar, Intelligent, Organized
Flame gout (d6 damage, ignores armour) 7 HP, 1 Armour
Close, Near, Far.

Demon of Many Barbed Spikes
Solitary, Large, Planar, Terrifying
Spines (d10+3 damage, 3 piercing) 16 HP 3 Armour
Close, Reach, Messy[/sblock]



Seven Reaches/Western Valley/Halfpoint
Day 6/Evening

Warris sighed as the demon dissipated and the imps disappeared. “‘ow did they get in ‘ere?” he wondered, letting the magic on his warhammer fade. He looked at his companions. “Is everyone alright? Do we need ‘ealing?”

The dwarf was looking pretty beat up himself. He scratched Snort’s snout as the boar nuzzled into him.


-1 spellcasting (distance)

[sblock=Warris Stats]
Warris Ironfoot

ARMOUR 3 (Chainmail 1, Shield 1, Boar 1)
XP earned (bad rolls): 1


Voidrunner's Codex

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