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[IC] Ever Dream, The Worlds of Life (Closed)


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On the mortal plane, a great tear in the fabric of the universe appears near the mad Tocarus, out of it comes the two titans Jo'Karr and Tensok. Tensok is weilding the Sword of the Feind, and Jo'Karr's hands glow from his alchemy.

"TOCARUS!!! WE'RE HOOOOOOME!!!" Laughs Jo'Karr. The joke isn't immediately apparent, but soon Tocarus can sense what has been wrought. The Abyss is gone.

"Who'd have thought the sword of my foulest enemy could be combined with my alchemy to unravel the very fabric of an entire plane of existence in a marvelous explosion. You should have seen it! All your minions screaming and dying, it was beautiful. And guess what big man? It didn't even drain me! All I had to do was unravel one critical balance of the plane's fabric, and the whole thing came down like a house of cards!"

Jo'Karr laughs, and Tensok growls at Tocarus, clutching the demon sword in his hands, he eagerly craves to attack.

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During a great hunt through the woods, Rhaether's stag stumbles over some underbrush and the king falls from its back. The blow to the back of the head permanently blinds the king and he loses the use of both legs.

Meanwhile prince Albaedi runs smack into a quaint but fair maiden whilst turning a corner in the Malkavian court. They spend the rest of the night in chatter and fall deeply in love, eloping the following morn. The maiden turns out to be Queen Feryal of the newly found nation of Ilen, in Malkavia on a diplomatic mission. Albaedi soon becomes as fervent to the gods as his bride, and provides great strength to the Theocracy.

Also, a shoty beam within the palace of the Vampire Emperor of Anlan collapses during the lords slumbers, exposing him to sunlight (he had long given up the coffin for the silken bed). With his disintegration, the country is thrown into civil war, but it doesnt last long. A Lich by the name Gorlrin rises to power. His policies differ little from his predecessor, but he is far less complacent and far more ambitious.

Yuneki appears before Shara soon after Umbryn leaves. Do not trust him m'lady. I have seen his actions, and already foiled a plot to kill a mortal mage, giving him an imposter instead. His is the way of liers, thieves, and murderers.
Simultaneously appearing before Umbryn, and gleefully expresses (jumping up and down), Goody, no longer am I the youngest. And yet, I am. For you are about as old as my Father Othar. I like you though. You hide behind the scenes like me, and together I believe we can cause great mischief and fun.


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The birth of the Voidrunner and the dawn of Flying ships

The Anchea are not know, for they don't know themselves. You shall see, I shall have the mages deliver the two to you and perhaps you will sense the one that belongs to you.


Gelben the artificer recieved an odd vistor, a man made of shifting ice came to visit him, promising knowledge of how to create something previously unknown, a great magical engine capable of propelling something at incomprehensible speeds. His price was only to complete the project with others and gather three items for him...

Forquel was a good shipwright, until he recieved a visit from what he described as a voice with no form. In return for gathering three items, he would go down in history as the greatest shipwright who ever lived...

Gelben and Forquel worked liked men possessed, each piece falling into place, Forquel afterwards related it to music, like all the notes coming together without effort. A year and a day, Gelben, Forquel and a horde of workers labored, when they were done the Voidrunner was born.

She was sleek and as black as night, made partly of specially treated wood and something else. Her sails were the night sky. Gelben and Forquel made many copies, and taught their apprentices and they made ships of their own, but none ever matched the sheer majesty or power of "The Ship that Sails On the Night."

They completed their tasks, gathering the cloud in a glass sphere, collecting both the stone on the barren sixth world and burying it where Nos had instructed and the gem that circled the suns.

Gelben brought the Anchea to Endovior's plane, past the Immortal Horizon where Othar could reach them.


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Albedo: The Spellforge cannot leave the Plane of Magic. Such is quite frankly impossible, without ridiculous consequences. For one, the Forges are huge. Like, really massive. Think a giant mechanical mountain, and you have a vague glimpse. When active (which is all the time, at this point), they are so integrated with their home plane that moving the forge is a matter of moving the plane itself... removing one from it's plane is a matter of destroying that plane, leaving the bit around the Forge to move as you please... which I suppose you COULD drop into another plane... but then you're utterly destroying one plane and dooming another, as unto ripping Mars to bits and throwing a bit about the size of Texas at the Earth... Mars is, as previously states, in bits, and the Texas-sized bit of it headed for the Earth will break the crust like a hammer smashing an eggshell, and kill everyone there in short order. Not to mention that subsequent instability will likely destroy the second plane, as well. If you want to play around with a Forge, tinker with the Darkforge... played right, you can affect the nature of Evil in the universe... trifling to most, but Devils and Demons have fought over it for all eternity in most D&D worlds.

In any event, a serious attempt to move a Forge would take long enough to alert Xavax, who would channel dangerous amounts of force to stop the mover. As Regulator of the Cosmos, Xavax can at least hold off even a Greater Deity for a time, and if you continued long enough, he would alert everyone else as to your actions and their consequences, and then Endovior at least would be on you at once, Soulforge or no Soulforge, and there would probably be a few others, as well. Consider your action reacted to and countered. Of course, you could seize the Spellforge, to much the same effect, so far as you are concerned. All you are doing is redirecting the source of all Prime's magic to the Abyss... which too would draw a lot of scrutiny, and Endovior's wrath, and other assorted badness... but not Xavax's energy force (you aren't risking the fabric of existence, merely the outsome of a war). Let us assume that you have done so, and proceed from there.

Jochannan: An impenetrable defense is somewhat anticlimactic at this point... not to mention that hiding a Forge would be like hiding the Sun... it radiates and flows with the nature of the plane such that even if it was Sequestered, you could still find it blindfolded, and without magic, simply by approaching the heat. It's not really heat, of course, but the energy it puts out in the performance of it's duties makes it easy to track. That isn't to say that you can't fool a bunch of front-line grunts, of course, but Ahvisun is far too clever for that.

Wrahn: Endovior's Plane was destroyed. By Endovior himself. It is no more. Pick somewhere else.


Xavax silently stares at U-DO for a moment, his expressions changing, from shock, to horror, to loathing.

"You... you ARE truly a vile being. I know what it is you speak of. I could do it, too. I could have done it long before you even brought it up. But that 'Excess Energy' you speak of is NOT a waste. It is the very foundation of extraplanar life, the thing that keeps the other planes active... not to mention the force that keeps the dead conscious and sentient throughout their afterlife. Taking that is a sin worse then the wickedest Necromancer's vilest means of stealing souls... something I will never do. Not ever. Also, such would eventually cause the outer planes to dissolve into the Void... leaving that not only a crime beyond mortal imaginations, but a violation of my sacred trust... and for nothing more then petty worldly power. I already have all the worldly power I need. Although the powers of my office dwarf it, I remain the most knowledgeable Archmage in thousands of years... second, perhaps, only to Endovior, and that only because he snuck in a few eons of practice between universes. I refuse your despicable offer, and hold you in the greatest contempt for even suggesting it. That being said, I must demand that you relinquish your control of the Spellforge. You are clearly unworthy of such power. Fail to do so, and I must summon the other gods to dispatch you... as they surely will, knowing what evil you intend."


Endovior, has noticed the 'dissapearance' of the Soulforge... but being it's creator, he sees through the deception quickly. He knows that Ahvisun will realize such as well... but the act gives him time. He is about to continue his search when the flow of magic changes drastically. Muttering a curse, Endovior travels to the Plane of Magic, in preparation to seize back the Spellforge.


The Abyss is in chaos. The excess of magic is causing an abundance of destructive effects... the buildup of magic energy is far greater then can be used, and what little magical knowledge is had there sheds no light on it's containment. At present, every being present is affected as per a severe radiation exposure, colors are the reverse of normal, random magical effects (typically destructive) are going off in random places, and what is apparently a volcano of cheese has formed in the heart of the abyss, covering everything around in thick, gooey, molten cheese.


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OOC: Anticlimactic, maybe. But see what little it did? U-Do has already ripped through that by merely intending to protect it. At this point, there are so many villains and plots and apocalyptic threats to the universe itself that I've lost track, so I intend to solve a few, one at a time. Somehow I doubt I'll be able to solve any of them, because all of you are so skilled at pulling new ones out of your heads... which is why this game is so interesting of late...

Just so I can cut off any debate right now, the whole destroying a plane thing IS NOT some new power attributable to Jo'Karr, artifact or not. That was a one timer, factoring in the Entropy from the Nightwing, the ferocious energy being released by Tocarus' wolves and the Nightwing, the angry presence of Traume, and the Sword of the Feind being necessary to access the fabric of space/time in the plane. All of those conditions were already messing with the fabric of the plane, especially the entropy, so Jo'Karr just capitalized on the instability of the situation. As to the fallout from that... well, good luck calculating it...
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Korbin looks to the image of Tocarus that has been summoned and laughs in it's face. He then goes to stand with the Titans. He says, to Jo'Karr,
"I think this is the lesser of two evils, Tocarus being relegated to the status of a Titan while on the Prime and his realm destroyed, but he realizes that the Immortal Horizon only mitigates the power of gods not bans them from the prime."

Suicidal Llama

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The black star recently seen in the sky is suddenly hurled through a rip in the plane that just materialized. The rip then closes taking the star with it.

The star is not really a star; it is a piece of utter black material, and in its core is a small device required to repair the universe portal.

Umbryn with the last piece reassembles the universe portal and finally has the means to kill any mortal at all. Its next victim Korbin.

No matter where korbin is what he is doing or what is protecting him he cannot not be sucked in.

Korbin being sucked into the portal grabs onto Tocarus(as he didn't quite make it to Jo'Karr) to buy time.
Othar senses a rift in planar space. He bids Nos to wait for him and leaves what isn't through the rift itself. He sees Umbryn and recognizing him attempts to close the planar annomolly
OOC: opposed rolls I get +4 for portfolio and he gets +2 for realm Also the rest of you should realize it to and if any help that is a +2 per person(right?)
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Endovior said:

Wrahn: Endovior's Plane was destroyed. By Endovior himself. It is no more. Pick somewhere else.

OOC: Wasn't speaking of his former plane, but the one he is currently on. (I believe it is the plane of fire, but I was taking it from memory) He travelled there as to not garner suspicion as to his purpose.


Nos nods, They are inert at the moment, their presence here should cause no problem.

(Making the assumption that Othar will retrieve the objects from Gelben and bring them to the "Space between portals")

In the final confrontion between Valkrath and Volkath, energy was cast off from both of them. Some of it took life of it's own in the form of Shara, K'netan, Algennis, Torrana, Traume, and others whose presence has not made itself known.

Other energy Shara used to stoke her fires of creation, creating reality as you understand it around us. But not all energy, there were concentrated pieces that were not free for use by Shara, some like Moss and Tocho were awoken by the creation around them. But most are just self contained energy.

They are called the Anchea, what you hold in effect is a stillborn diety.

The gem is yours. In the distant future, Traume used its energy for your apotheosis. If you know the stone you will be able to see it's energies and how the same energies are contained within you. What you do with it is up to you, but be careful of Paradox.

Now, we need Shara's permission to tamper with her reality.

Voidrunner's Codex

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