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[IC] Ever Dream, The Worlds of Life (Closed)

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A suffusion of yellow
Traume stepped back from the destruction of thre Abyss and stands in the sterile remants of Katryra now devoid of any motion, energy or being except for that of the Lord of the Glistening Path and his Watchers. The Nightwing is conspicuous by its abscence - its being consumed in the destruction of the Abyss - but in Traumes hand is the Jewel of Algenis which along with the latent energy gathered in the unmaking of the demons Traume is using to seal any external entry to the Realm of the Dead other than via the Glistening Path.

Satisfied Traume looks to where Tocarus stands and the remaining energies gathered in Traumes hand are directed at the former mad god. Traumes own hand reaches forward causing the sky to dim and the ground to become brittle and whither, the hand of Death reaches into the eyes of Tocarus and down deep inside the mad gods being

"I should destroy you Tocarus for what you have done is the most terrible of deeds. Then I thought that I would bind you and cast you into oblivion never to escape or perhaps tie you at my gate to serve as my watchdog

But I will not do these things Tocho, no instead Tocho I give you a gift
" Traume whispers the words of a billion aeons "I bring you healing

the remaining words are not heard they are felt by Tocarus as Traume and the Jewel of Algenis do their work
[sblock]I do not know what your saw when you touched the What Isn't Tocho but I will help you to overcome. You are being transformed, let the madness be closed off, let yourself forget the What Isn't, that you may be made new, let all that has been be gone, let it fade and diassapear, let your self be transformed and renewed.

Let sanity return and with it the clarity of your sin. Tocho I call you forth to cast Tocarus down - let it be done

Let it be done

(ooc thats right the Realm of Traume is now fortified so that nothing can get in by any means other than the Glistening Path, tears in reality will seal instantly and direct teleportation is impossible - its front door entry only

Tocho is being healed of the insanity - but will remember in vivd clarity what he did as Tocarus - its Perriculums choice what happens next though

oh and Katryra has been added to my realm:D
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First Post
OOC: You know, I really wish I could have gotten here faster. Now its a little late to defend my actions, since everyone already walked over them. But, even if my actions were nullified or changed by inaccurasies in the story line, I'm still going to point out how I did them. Step One, U-DO's prescence in the Abyss. First of all, U-DO went inactive in the sotry line for quite some time. There is no saying where he was. Besides, as one that is empowered by the universe, its safe to assume even if you did close the abyss, he could still get in. Step Two, the Spellforge. Moving the Spellforge was not as difficult a task as every assumed it to be. First of all, to gain the energy neseccary to do this feat, U-DO drained it from the sliver. As for the sliver being carefully integrated into the plane, that doesn't really matter. Removing it wouldn't take any time at all if U-DO didn't care what adverse effects it would bring from the plane. Its like ripping a cord out of the wall. Not that hard to do. Now you might have closed your plane, but there is a probelm with that. Since your plane is still draining souls, it still directly connected to the plane of death, which is still connected to the rest of the universe. Its a door, and since U-DO got the sliver, he has the right to open it. Now for the spellforge. The soze of mountains the spellforge may be, but mountains are still extremely small compared to a plane or a planet. It really wouldn't make that much of a difference. I know it is also integrated into the plane, but thats simple too. If U-DO manipulates the active energies given out by the Spellforge, he can simply ship them back out the entrance made by the sliver, and send them back to repair the plane. After he gives the sliver to Xavax, he can simply do that too. As for the imminant destruction of the Abyss, thats kind of the point. Finally, on the point of stealing energy from dead souls, it doesn't really effect them in the afterlife, but if Xavax is the kind of person who doesn't like grave robbing then so be it. Personal choice. Now I know that none of this really matters since most of this kinda stuff I have been working on lately has kind of been stepped over, but I'll just go back to focusing on mortals and waiting for another good moment to smite someone.


First Post
In the first continant of the Aelvan planet, Albedo comes, bringing with him settlers and men who pick an uninhabited place and begin a new city, Malkavor. This city is destined to become the trading capital between the Aelves and all other beings, and Albedo makes sure that it is defended heavily, keeping a close eye out for radicals who would destroy it. Sending more supplies to aid the Aelves who have begun fighting amongst themselves, Albedo waits in his new City State for things to calm down a little.


First Post
With the destruction of Tocarus's realm of the abyss, his minions as well as traume's die a horrible, excruciating death. All of this suffering and misery blasts through the rift created by Jo'karr and enfuses Tocarus with it's strength, more than rejuvenating the god. Unfortunately, the destruction of the abyss also destroys the sliver of the glittering path built into it, these leaves a hole in the glittering path causing many souls leak through the crack and miss their ride to Traumes realm, become ghosts and wandering spirits.
Tocarus reigns back in his renewed glory, at almost full strength on the mortal plane, due to his link out of the plane being severed by that universes collapse. He then looks down at the tiny Jo'karr by his feet, grins and reaches forward, before going catatonic as Traume enters his head. Traume soon realizes that he himself can barely hear his words in all the confusion, and witnesses that Tocho no longer exists. The consciousness that was once Tocho has been completely shredded by the what isnt, and two dozen seperate beings now inhabit the head of the god, most are not happy or pleasant.
As Traume attempts to repair the chaos and insanity, even though bringing Tocho back is impossible, The god Tocarus is draged onto Katryra.


First Post
"Well, so much for Tocarus. Thank you my friend. I will leave the sword in your hands Tensok, and I'm going to go now, I think I've caused enough chaos for now..."

Jo'Karr sets out for Malkavia, to the portal plane, to make his way back to Zhyreus.


First Post
ooc: it would still take enough time so as to be countered... but in any event, if you don't want to continue on this line, I'll assume that Endovior seized it back, and things are back to quasi-normal... though I'd be interested in U-DO's response to Xavax.


First Post
U-DO laughs at Xavax's remarks. "I should have known that you would have no concept of death and the afterlife. Your knowledge of it is simplistic and incomplete. The energies of the dead are not whole, you fool. They are divided into many different types, which are not all used by the spirits afterwards. Things like the residue of pain and memories of the past drain out of souls overtime and are merely useless baggage in the afterlife, whereas left over energies like heat and magic stored in the origional body and are taken with the soul dissapate almost immediatly. Taking these forces, which will merely extinguish themselves anyways, is not in any way a horrible act, nor does it go against nature or effect the balance. AS for my worthiness of controlling the Spellforge..." U-DO's eyes narrow and he gives Xavax a menacing look, "...That is not for you, or any of the Gods, to decide. My actions are my own, and they are all towards accomplishing my goal. Think of what would have happened if I hadn't used its energies? This plane would be destroyed. By sending it to the Abyss and having Endovior call it back, I destabalized the plane enough so that it could be destroyed. All while sparing this place. Do not attempt to judge me ignorant one. You may take my advice, or leave it, it matters not to me."


First Post
After U-DO respond to Xavax, he leaves and travels to the plains outside of the Malkavian Storm where he intercepts Jo'karr before he gets to Malkavia. "Long time no see. You know, something seems different about you. Did you cut your hair?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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