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[IC] Ever Dream, The Worlds of Life (Closed)


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Jo'Karr spends some time upon the barren plain, far outside of the city of Malkavia. Eventually, he gathers himself and his few belongings and heads once again for the city. Soon after convincing the gate guard that, yes, in fact he IS the former Forge Lord, he makes his way through the city to the main citadel. At the top of the stairs that lead to the portals, he turns away and instead seeks Albedo. He finds his rival soon enough.

"Albedo, you and I need to talk. I have just learned some very disturbing news."

Elsewhere, Tensok the Hunter throws a bundle of broken weapon shards at U-Do's feet.

"The sword is no more. You want the shards? Here, take them, they're of no value to me."

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U-DO smiles at Tensok, "Did you say shards? Delightful, the sword filled up faster than I could have ever imagined. Now I have everything I need. Thank you good sir, for you assistance. It will be remembered." U-DO waves his hands over the bag and a bright light emerges out of it. Reaching into the bag, U-DO pulls out a sword. This one, however, looks nothing like the Sword of the Fiend. "The evolution is complete. Now all I need is a power source." U-DO noticed the perplexed look on Tensok's face. "You seem lost. Well, since you did give me what I needed without fuss, I'll return the favour by explaining what this sword actually is. While it was in the hands of the Fiend, this sword was used to create rips in space. But the way it did so was by stealing energy from the fabrics of the plane and destabilizing that space so that it merged with the other target plane. This energy was absorbed by the sword. When the sword filled up on energy gained from this method, it breaks apart so that it can be remolded as something better, something evolved. So far, this is the sixth evolution. I used light, fire, magic, excess power from the souls of the dead, and the energies from the portal spell to fill it up before. In order for it to fill up again, I have to use an even more potent source of energy. At this point, a star has enough raw power to fill the sword up once more. But I have an alternative that will suite this swords needs just as well. Then I will only have to deal with the eigth and final evolution of this great artifact. Unfortunatly, the only thing that will finish the final stage will be the sacrafice of a god, but I will deal with that bridge when I cross it."

Albedo stands and watches Jo'karr for a second, trying to detect any hints of deception. After satisfying himself that there is no such intentions in the fallen God, Albedo leads him to a secured house. Inside, an old woman tends to two baby girls. Albedo nods toward them, "My Grandchildren". Then he turns back to Jo'karr, "So what is the important news you have brought?"
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"There is a problem in the universe, one that I am unprepared to deal with alone. One that all the titans in existence may not be prepared to deal with, but none the less, you should know."

Jo'Karr relates the exact words of U-Do from their recent conversation. Lingering on U-Do's remarks about concern for mortal lives.

"He has something in the works, I'm sure of it, and if his recent actions are any standard by which we may judge his intentions, then I'm sure you'll agree it can't be allowed."

Jo'Karr notices one of the young praetorian guards in the room, and recognizes some of the young man's facial features.

"You wouldn't be related to Commander Grenn, would you young man?"


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A look of confusion goes over Albedo's face. He looks off into space for a minute, not moving, not saying anything. Then he faces Jo'karr. "You believe me to be a Warmonger. Your of the opinion that I live to bring destruction, death, and pain. And yet, you came to me. Why?"
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"Because you and I share the same conviction, that mortals cannot defend themselves from the gods, and that destructive influnces of theirs should be limited. Our difference, Albedo, is that I don't hold a God's given purpose against them. You held my job against me, and so we warred. I do not hold U-Do's job of bringing balance against him, but he has stepped over the line, and his actions cannot be tolerated. And so, I come to you."


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"Yet, the question comes up again. Why me? What do you think that I, or we, can do against U-DO? Do you have some sort of plan?"


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"A plan? No. But you are dilligent, perceptive, and positioned just over THE interplanar travel system. Then there are your... special talents, combined with what I believe is good intent, and you make the most logical person to tell about this. I intend to share what we have discussed with this... Kerion, is it? The being trained by Tocho? And Tensok when I can get ahold of him. I want all the major players on the mortal plane aware of the threat, because the first step in avoiding a trap, is knowing that it is there. In time, as soon as I know more, I'll contact you again, indeed, you'll be the first one I contact. The next step will become apparent when we know more."

With that, Jo'Karr departs for the portal realm, stopping to impart the conversation with U-Do to Kerion.


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Yuneki follows Jo'karr into the home of Albedo, invisible as normal. Of course, so too is Albedo invisible to her, but she can listen to his words, and that is as close to finally meeting him as any god can do. She is, however, able to see Albedos twin grand-daughters, who though lacking his gift of nondetection are still destined for great things.
Though she is still present on the material plane, that is only so she can fulfill her divine duty at spread luck and stoking the hearts of mortals, other than that the barrier still prevents her direct interference. But this still allows her greater power upon the material plane than most deities, and she uses that now.
Through a window left carelessly open come a swarm of fairies. Luck would have them passing by at that moment, and upon seeing the babes their hearts soar with curiousity and desire. They come barging in after Jo'karr departure, seeking to carry away the children. Albedo's quick actions and immunity to Yuneki's curses manage to drive away the fairies and save one of the girls, though they do manage to steal away with the other. Yuneki recovers quickly though from being thwarted, to a degree, and she laughs. The remaining babe has just demonstrated remarkably good luck to have thwarted Miss Fortune herself. So upon this babe she grants a kiss and her blessing, never shall this child know of bad luck. Success shall come easy to this child, but a lack of hardships can be a curse as well as a blessing.

Unto the other child, Yuneki would also show much interest. She was to be renamed Laasya and would be raised by the fairies and learn their ways and magics.
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Tocarus is a little taken aback by Traumes request for a binding contract, "Is the word of a god not good enough for you? I don't recall 'lying' being among my list of responsibilities." Quickly he realizes that on this point Traume will not bend and submits to the requirement. "But Katryra shall not be considered a part of your realm. I will however side with you in defence of the realm of the dead should need arise."
Once the binding has been made, Tocarus draws a forth a wicked obsidian knife and begins to carve open his own chest. Drawing forth his still beating heart, he plucks from it a tiny swirling mass before returning the precious organ.
"The abyss was MY plane. It might have originated by the magiks of demons, but it was nothing until I poured myself into it, made it a part of me, and myself a part of it. It might have been shreded into oblivion, but this small part beating within myself was saved from destruction. And from it we can garner all that was the abyss, including the sliver of your path I wove into it."
He then goes into a trance and begins speaking words of divine magic, and draws forth from the swirling bit of planar essence the essence of the extinct sliver. Slowly it grows back into it's rightful place, and even watching the process it seems as though it was never gone. Tocarus then pours the remaining excess of energy given to him by the torment of the dying from the last war into recreating the abyss, exactly how it was at the end, minus the sliver of course.
"I await the first souls to arrive. Demons too are an extinction that needs be reversed." He grins and leaves Traume upon Katryra.


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Tensok is taken aback. He always had shown upmost respect for the gods, if not always reverence, and trusted in them their judgement and goverenence of the universe. He'd never imagined the God of Balance capable of such a wicked act. How could such a powerful and unbalancing artifact further the cause of balance? making the mortals stronger through overcoming hardship and suffering? that was Tocho's domain, not U-Do's. Wait, gotta keep reminding himself, Tocho doesnt promote such anymore, but still he had not heard of U-Do taking up a mantle so conflicting with what he already rules over.
And he had played right into U-Do's plan, like a fool.
He falls upon his knees in shock untill U-Do passes, then roars out every curse he knows at the divine beast. His howls soon bring one of his brethren lycanthropes, to whom he relates his story before sending to Malkavia to warn Jo'karr of what they had done. He had caused so much pain and suffering and seemingly only to the end that U-Do could cause more pain and suffering in an attempt to create a god killing artifact. For 9 days and nights Tensok fasted within the woods, purging himself of his sins. He then traveled to Zhyreus seeking a meeting with Shara. "Lady of Light and Wisdom. I wish that I was here merely to ask forgiveness for my actions, for I have caused great havoc throughout the universe and killed many who would oppose me. But alas, my deeds are not to be forgiven, nor do they seem to be at an end. Instead I would ask your aid and your blessing to right one of my many misdeeds. I seek to retreive the sword so freely given unto U-Do."

Voidrunner's Codex

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